So this is what's going to happen:

There will be a trade-off. A 1-for-1. The Democrats, Comey, and everyone else know for a fact that Obama spied on Trump. The way they are trying to compensate for this is by blowing up the Russia story as much as they possibly can so that the general public is deceived into believing the spying was justified.

Overall, not even Comey wants to imprison a former President, it will completely destroy the Saint Obama narrative the news has been trying to run lately, and I'm sure he's been convinced that it will overall look bad for the country and destroy the Democratic party as it will take a lot of people down around Obama as well. The Russia narrative was used as a bargaining chip.

So what will happen is that they will keep blowing up the Russia ties narrative to the point where it will look as if the spying was justified, even though every single thing the Dems and their propaganda arms have released has been debunked and had holes blown into by real investigative journalists, both BernieBro anti-corruption ones and Breitbart ones.

It will then come out that there was nothing found whatsoever to tie Trump to Russia and there's nothing to say that Russia actually meddled in the election, but because of all the "smoke" they've been trying to show, it was A-OK that the Obama admin tapped Trump.

The Russia narrative is because the Democrat-controlled deep state wanted to go to war with Russia for a long time due to friction in Syria, the fact that Assad is still above dirt and breathing and Obama's JV team ISIS recently admitted defeat, and the fact that Iran is the next target on the list, a Russian ally. They wanted to prep the American people and indoctrinate them against Russia in case Russia does not stand for Iran being toppled and sends troops there to defend the country.

The deep state, for the next 4 years, will continue to attempt to paint Russia with a bad brush (cont'd)

Other urls found in this thread:


hoping that they can discredit the entire Republican party and news organizations by pushing a narrative that they're "working for Putin." They'll come out with "op-eds" explaining why Russia is oh-so-bad periodically for the next 4 years. This is all in hopes that they win back the Presidency in 2020 and then they will go to war in Iran and possibly against Russia.

The entire ruse we've been seeing the past few weeks / months is for 2 reasons -- Russia is extremely convenient as a scapegoat due to our geopolitical opposition to them, they're big enough to make ignorant Americans scared so the fear mongering works perfectly.

Trump and team know this, and are trying to figure out a way to work with Russia but since this narrative is being pushed, it'll make anything Trump does look as though he's working for Putin. It puts him in a very tough spot. If Americans could only wake up, study the actual issue, study Russia, learn their history about Crimea, the ruse would not work at all, but we all know Americans won't be doing this.

Trump will not be impeached and no one under the Obama administration will get prosecuted. It will be a 1-for-1 trade, but the Dems still have the advantage after this. If the Democrats win in 2020 or possibly even 2024, prepare yourselves America, you're going to war. If other countries join in the fray, like China for example, and side with Russia, the draft will likely be reinstated, and every single one of these liberal snowflakes will be regretting their every word and decision that they made over the past 8 years when they get that letter / e-mail telling them their camp date.

Plausible, but I'm not sure these people are smart enough to think of this plan. The Podesta emails make it clear they are fucking retards. Have a bump.

Are you an insider of some sort?

Just speculating. Here are a few tidbits as well,

This leaked e-mail from Hillary's State Department breaks down our real motives in the Middle East quite well:


Former US General / NATO Commander states this plan has been in place since 2001:


^---- this one I wouldn't take so seriously except for how closely it's played out just like he said it would, disregarding the amount of time they had expected to do it in.

Breitbart journalist blowing holes into the Russia narrative:


I have come to a similar conclusion, OP. However you must also add that the Neocons, not just the Dems, have been pushing for this iraq-libya-syria-somalia-sudan-yemen-iran plan for decades. This also explains why many Neocons are fighting Trump.

The war with Iran and Russia is not the end but the means to an end: a de-facto one world government run by secret, unelected councils. The beginning of this war will be used as an excuse to expand the police state, make the constitution irrelevant through obscure laws that are many hundreds of pages long, and round up political dissidents. A similar thing will happen throughout NATO, probably before the US, like beta testing. I suspect this war will be more of a coordinated depopulation program than an actual honest war.

thanks user, stuff like this is why i Sup Forums

They are only smart when it comes to jewing and being evil cunts. They are fucking savants when it comes to being evil.

Overall, the best way to deal with them is to always call their bluff. Every time. Always oppose them, and they'll fold.

That's the only way. They are only capable of casting gigantic, scary shadows and striking while you are distracted.

This. These people are complete retards pretending to be competent leaders.

So where do you see the spying stuff leading?


That is a good point the Neocons are equally as bad, if not worse, because it totally screws the Republicans' number advantage in the Senate right now

I would never believe Maxine Waters and Adam Schiff are sitting in a room somewhere planning this all out, but I do suspect they're talking head stooges for some other group or entity coordinating this, whoever influenced Obama to continue everything Bush was doing and whoever came up with this plan to topple 7 countries back in 2001. Without getting too far into conspiracy theory I have to think it's very likely there is some other forces at play here

>Trump's people talking to people under surveillance
>are recorded incidentally because of this
>"omg obummer personally inserted a bug up Trump's anus!"

The "Russia did it" thing? I think it's a foundation created to leave a long lasting bad taste in Americans' mouths that they will be building on for the next 4 years

Keep dreaming Trump dosent do 1 for 1, he goes full retard and will eat them all up. When this shit ends it will be the most spectacular incident on recorded history

I'm wondering where the "Obama spied on me" stuff will lead. Trump can't just drop it tit for tat conditional on them letting up on the Russia stuff. He needs to radically reform the IC and if he drops this he can't do it. Unless the premise is that he doesn't intend to follow through on that.

I'd really fucking hope so. I'm wishful for it but we'll see I guess

I'm suspecting they'll have Comey/others come out and say it was fully justified because muh nat'l security and leave Trump without any leverage against it

Do you think the Brock heart attack had to do with Trump guys running the CIA now? I wonder if Trump is finally in control of the government and if it's all going to turn around now.

>tfw trump came to my school long before he ran for president and his advice was to 1. always get a prenup and 2. always get even

What do you guys think is the deal with this Dennis Montgomery? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_L._Montgomery

If he actually was a CIA asset this could be part of his cover. Hard to separate fact from fiction. Really weird. Larry Klayman actually represented Montgomery in a 2015 defamation suit.

Hard to think that Klayman would have represented him in the whistleblower suit for the last two years and written to Nunes if he hadn't been able to validate Montgomery's info as true.

There's a good chance that Comey and McCabe could go down too. You have people like George Webb who claims intimate familiarity with McCabe since at least 2010, and he claims that McCabe has been illegally surveilling people for decades. If you want evidence of that check out Sibel Edmonds--an FBI whistleblower who alerted people about Dennis Hastert back in 2005. Vanity Fair even wrote about it. Of course people just ignored it until he got indicted over a decade later. vanityfair.com/news/2005/09/edmonds200509

If the allegations are true, the excuse will be 'incidental collection' and nothing of substance will be done about it. The cover of mass spying will work because apparently Americans will just roll over when it comes to having everything about everyone logged in government databases regardless of probable cause. Or as OP said, the Russia narrative will be reinforced so people can say there was a legitimate reason for the spying.

This doesn't make any sense. Where is the 1 for 1?
>Obama gets away with everything
>and will continue to do it
>Trump slandered every hour by lying press
>with the result that they lose all credibility
>but yet they keep doing it
>1 for 1
What is being traded off? Rich people identified and murdered by lynch mobs because our institutions do not function at all?

You all need to listen to this interview with Sibel Edmonds on the Corbett Report. Blows any "incidental collection" excuse out of the water. youtube.com/watch?v=Pc3esnkqM7E


Also, pure guessing but, Trump blew that Obama "wiretap" story up right as they were trying to heat up the Russia narrative. It might have been a genius move that put him right on a level playing field against them and made it go from a 0 - 1 (Trump has nothing, Dems have Russia-did-it) to a 1 - 1 balance (Trump has Obama story, Dems have Russia story) with scandal narratives between Trump / the Dems. Instead of him having to just play defense, he gave himself a offense and called out their bluff on him

Another thing Trump has going for him is if he can establish that the computer communication story was a setup. See


This gal puts the facts together in a way that makes sense. She's good.


Instead of having to deal with Russian allegations while having nothing to work with himself, he gets to force their hand and show that they did put him under surveillance, found no evidence of anything, and then they have to shut up about the Russia-Trump thing. They'll still bash Russia and try to formulate non-Trump/Russia stories (like this new one about Twitter bots) to keep Russia as a villain in the public's eyes

Bump, anyone with half a functional brain knows that the Russian angle is total bullshit.
There's a reason that it's being force fed to everyone.

Loves me some Corbett Report. Been thinking a lot about Gladio operations with all this Russia/Turkey news


The lengths they're going to in order to provoke a war are astounding and scary.

Recently they just randomly blamed the Montenegro coup attempt on Russia without a shred of evidence, exactly the same way our IC did it with the election, just had the Attorney General from Montenegro come out and say "Pretty sure Russia"

Russia was pissed, said this hurts relations, and demanded that evidence be shown.


Then you see John McCain, a few days later, trying hard to push Montenegro into NATO and claiming they're "under assault from the Russians" just randomly going with the story despite the lack of evidence for it.

Then Rand Paul's not buying the bullshit and McCain disingenuously accuses him of "working with Putin"


They want war with Russia so badly it's scary

Just jail the nigger

O'reilly's getting all pissed off tonight claiming if Obama knew about this he's going to jail. Lol I sure hope so

What exactly is stopping us from purifying Langley?

>7 country plan

for anyone curious

I hope Trump gets impeached. then the real war against the deep state can start.

Sins of the father.


>h-how do you know so much
are you a nigger? he knows nothing, he's just a cuck, look at this delusional cuckery "if dems win we're going to war" implying (((rex))) isn't doing his damnedest to start a war against asia within the next 2 years?

cucks are in denial because paul manafort was banking millions yearly from his russian interests (how nice of him to work for trump for free though!) and now he's in a FBI penthouse possibly at this very moment singing like a canary, providing that "more than circumstantial" evidence schiff has been squawking about.

everyone on that campaign staff knows it and are deep in desperate damage control, hoping with the help of right-wing MSM they can make a couple white house telephone recordings look like an all-out 24/7 stakeout

>$0.50 has been deposited in your account.

and that's the end of the thread, time to let this one slide eh shills?

ok back to racebait and stale pasta then


You're projecting