Hey pol i am a iranian muslim born and raised in canada. anything pol wants to know?

hey pol i am a iranian muslim born and raised in canada. anything pol wants to know?

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God we always have these threads it feels like.

Fuck off, no one cares.

t. Iranian

how can you be Iranian if you were born in canada?



I wish all non whites would go back to their ethnic countries.

what do you think of africans?

this is my country

Are you... White?

i am not dark as most middle easterns

how is one "born muslim"?

He's born in Canada, a better question would be... what do his parents, and native Iranian people think of Africans.

i dont realy think much about them why ask

born into a muslim family

Go back please take your family with you.

I don't know, the other guy asked. Although i wouldn't expect you to have an opinion anyways, as there aren't many in Canada, and not as many gangs and shitty neighborhoods as in the US.

how big is ur dick

Are you Iranian first, or Canadian first?

Hi kirkoochooloo.

I'm also an Iranian living in Canada. Redpilled too. Feels good to have experienced both sides of the spectrum desu.


Do you have a sister?

I have respect for Iranians, as most seem to be based desu. Shitty govt, but based people.



yeah why?

Lol no one cares

You need to go back
Canada is Anglo/French. You are not Canadian you are foreign dispora

If your so redpilled you will see you have to return to Iran then make it great

was Xerxes actually a sex tourist?

go back to stormfront bud

I wish all whites would go back to europe

A Somalian in Germany is still a Somalian. Just because he got s scrap of paper saying he's German doesn't make him one.

Much like you, a Foreign diaspora and a cancer on the West. Go back and make Iran good. Instead of leeching off the achievements of Whites and the country they built.

Fuck off to the Deserts from where you came.

Why don't you bring back the Qajar Dynasty back?

born here bud

Is her Name Azar? I am friends with her. I remember her brother was a faggot so I'm assuming that it is you.

"> Mexicans go back to spain"
"> Wall no longer needed"
"> mfw"

You can't call yourself muslim if you are (((shia)))
what city do you live in?

I don't mind if there is a small minority in the country, as long as it doesn't exceed a certain %, then it starts to create problems. However, saying you have to go back is annoying, as it provides no actual argument and is just general bs and a dickish move.

>"I was born in a garage I'm a car"
A Somalian born in Germany is still a Somalian. You are still a cancer on Canada and need to go back.
>"Im redpilled" but I'm living in Canada and refusing to go back because my previous country is a shit hole and i refuse to help it.

no he is probably not the only iranian in canada

why don't you be a man and go back to your own country along with the rest of your kin and better your own nation instead of living like parasites off the system in the west that your people claim to hate? Are you that much of a weak fuck?

>back to spain

Mexicans are only 50% spanish. So no, they already are in their country.

bro, you didn't build shit either... don't morally grandstand and act like a dick

A Minority will vote for minority interests and cause social chaos. Canada is being flooded by non whites they all must go back for the sake of the country. Civic nationalism does not work. Surely you would see this your white children are a minority and Trump cannot fix that. The US has been handed a death sentence.

Now lie in your bed

I said a small %, not 15% or something insane. Focus on sending back the problem makers and criminals first, you'll notice the numbers go down substantially.

Eliminate welfare and most will go back anyways, as they can't support themselves by competing in the free market. They will go back, as they will freeze to death in Canada.

thanks for the blackpill senpai

Fuck you.

But you can't act like a retard and go full 1488 because that shit is stupid. And not palatable to most people anyways. The solution to the prob in the US/Canada is simpler and less violent than the bs you espouse.

Are you near Toronto

They still vote for minority interests and cause social chaos. Civic nationalism and multiculturalism does not work. That 15% will breed back up and then be able to swing elections with a constantly left voting state.

God Americans drank so much multiculturalism coolaid.

Exactly deportations you dumbfuck. No violence needed. Muticlutism does not work, or are you going to prove me and 99% of Sup Forums wrong

Persians would be more acceptable if they recognized Ahura Mazda as the true deity

what comes first for you,
religion or country?

Culture has more of an impact than ethnicity. You're a shitskin leaf, no more no less.

Race is the seed culture is the flower

this is a good one

Canadian youth is pretty much just Canadian, most of the parents are FOBs but the younger generation is largely westernized. At least where I live, Guelph-KW area.

Nigga culture is culture. If your parents was wallabies and you were born in burgerland and spent your entire life there, suckled from its cholesterol spewing tits. Could you really call yourself and aussie?

What part of Canada?

If your black in the Philippians you will develop your own Black Philippines culture therefore dividing the nation. given a small community of Blacks. Assuming you have no black communities which I'm pretty sure actually exist somewhere like most places.

Also Whites are very close to eachother

Why do you think minority groups can "breed" so much in the first place. There's a little thing called welfare, that redistributes the actions of responsible people to those individuals in a society that are irresponsible. Without this, this "breeding" problem isn't actually a problem. If you can't afford 5 kids, then you aren't going to have 5 kids. And if you do and can't afford to do so, then the shit is on you because no one is paying.

All the Iranians in the states I've met blame Khomeni on British Intelligence. What is the exact reasoning for this?

We have black people in the Philippines. We keep the negritos in the mountains and concentration camps while making good proper use of their "ancestral lands".


That's because none of them are Iranian, it's just infiltration to slide something else.

t. actual iranian

If their so called "responsible" ones like your saying then they will be able to afford at least three children. Not to mention 15% of the population is easily enough to turn states Blue

Not to mention in these "ethnic" areas in your country are no longer comprised of your countrymen have lost their right to exist as a people and a culture in their own country and land. Multiculturalism still ends with less White Canadians in Canada.

They all need to go back

I said 15% was too much in the 1st place, for any country. If it was like a couple % points i wouldn't mind. People self segregate for the most part anyways. Without incentives, without welfare and without propaganda, demographics barely move. They're fine if that's all settled.

If ISIS fought white Canadians who would you help?

The moose people.

How can I call out Muslims who use Taqiya?

Yep civic cuck. Minorities are just like you and me and they only behave bad due to economic reasons. Classic American.

Multiculturalism = less white people in a white country Therefore bad. Why are they even there in the first, do you have to have these percent of people who are anti your nation. Why not just have a ethically pure nation and still allow tourism. You are willing to let a x percentage of people not even be your people and vote for laws against your interest. No Wonder your 60% White with talk like that

You seriously want a genetic purity test as a requirement for membership of countries? Because i don't. Preserving the group, and keeping it that group is understandable, but being so extreme and trying to narrow things down that hard are impractical.

what part about the 14 words don't you understand, its ether us or them

Intelligence test are more important. Why let chimping brainlet sand monkeys in your country?

As an example. There are 100,000 europeans and 25 non-europeans in a country. You're telling me you aren't satisfied with this, even though the numbers wont change much aside from that in 100 yrs time?

Because that's just impractical.

And why have them in your country anyway. Is there some job you can't do with your own people. Did Britain have no plumbers before Poles came along?

Do you have to have Brown people in your country?

You don't have to, but if there are a minuscule number, you don't notice and no one cares. To enforce homogeneity beyond a certain point is tedious and has diminishing returns.

>you don't notice
that's always how it starts
give them an inch they take a mile

there hasn't been a large 100.000% racially homogeneous group since like fucking 1000 b.c. It's literally not possible. Fucking Hitler couldn't even find all the jews. What nonsense are you smoking.

>A muslim

KYS faggot, why don't you go back to Iran? Is it because it's a shithole? Well guess what turned it into a shithole.... Islam. So If you want to be a muslim, go be a muslim in Iran.

yeah why do you keep making these shit threads? fuck off muslim piece of shit

No further questions sleeper cell 2264

Then don't call yourself Iranian, stupid.

My family has German heritage, but I don't call myself German because I'm not a fucking German.


So just don't even try then? Show me something that says you should not just deport and ban all non whites if your a White country. How do those 25 people?

Bro... racial purity tests are a dystopian nightmare, don't become what you once feared. I can't even fucking begin to explain the bullshit you're starting.

Someone comes into your country make them do a dna test, fail they leave, pass it come in.

Whats the problem?

iranians are white