Tomorrow one of my uni classes is going to be showing us the movie "I'm Not A Racist...Am I?" then we are going to have a "discussion led by trained facilitators"
This is clearly a brainwashing attempt to blame whitey, I need to ensure that I do not fall for any of the subliminal messages that may fly over my head. How do I prepare myself?
As soon as the movie ends stand up and exclaim, "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" then walk out
Christian Adams
If they bring up slavery, bring up irish slavery. If they bring up civil rights, bring up MLK Jr. If they bring up BLM, bring up the fact that some cops are black. If they bring up illegals, bring up the fact that they're ILLEGALS as in criminals
Isaiah Walker
Spin in circles shouting, "GAS THE KIKES, RACE WAR NOW!"
Alexander Long
Boy I sure am tired of all these racists.
I'm going to take a nice long nap!
Angel Sanders
How does MLK harm their argument?
Dominic Parker
Nice proxy, eurofag
Ethan Long
wear tin-foil-lined maga hat to protect your brain
Ryder Cook
Justin King
Will do I miss the days in which we just lynched them when they pulled this bullshit I think I'm gonna try to shift the conversation to "money is a bigger privilege than race" then when they agree with me, immediately flip the tables and talk about how they cannot complain because they are all very rich (it's a private college, I have a good scholarship) and I've been homeless at several points in my life (therefore they have more privilege than I, and they look like hypocrites) I feel such incredible rage at the fact they are showing us this film. Never made me agree with nazis more If they dim the lights, it may be naptime for me I believe MLK jr. became a scumbag criminal or something
Robert Rivera
Just fucking not show up to class that day
Tyler Moore
Its "gas the bikes...."
Nathan Roberts
I'd rather know what I'm up against rather than be fighting blind later on
Oliver Gutierrez
good bye user, I doubt you will ever log in here again.
godspeed you racist fuck
Angel Allen
go to the toilet and pull the fire alarm
by the time you get back to class they will be out of time
Sebastian Taylor
you cannot become truly redpilled in a day. if you need advice now its because you failed to prepare. lurk moar.
Lincoln Robinson
If I learn to love jews, niggers, and spics, put a bullet in me really strong idea
Nathan Reed
Not asking to be redpilled. Just want to know if you have any tips to protect against Jewish guilt propaganda. I know most of the tricks already, but it's the ones that sneak by you that I'm concerned about
Colton Bailey
I'm a senior at a PA university.
CJ major.
4/5 of my current courses are SJW race/gender related. I must lie paper after paper in order to get an A.
It prepares you for the day that comes where you must fight, user.
Ian Butler
isn't like they are going to do you the ludovico's, it only works with shabos goy.
Owen Stewart
Participate as little as possible, and offer vague devil's advocate arguments if forced to speak. Throw out a bone for the dogs to chew on and they'll ignore you...if you have an opportunity to bait a liberal into saying something that pisses off the rest, do it, and let them tear one another to pieces.
Ayden Hall
>I think I'm gonna try to shift the conversation to "money is a bigger privilege than race" then when they agree with me, immediately flip the tables and talk about how they cannot complain because they are all very rich That's the thing. They don't think money is a bigger privilege than race. They think a white mentally homeless man has more privilege than a wealthy black man. Just watch this and you'll see what you'll have to deal with.
Every paper I write makes me lose a little more dignity. I wish I didn't need these fucking credits.
What school do you go to? In PA also
Nicholas Martinez
"Racism" is a term coined in the 1930's by Trotsky in order to help spread Marxism/communism. The entire concept of "racism" did not exist before this era. The word "anti-white" has been in use for longer than the word "racist".
Jonathan Hughes
There are a few sane ones among the pack, and if I get them to say that racism is more important than money, I can goad them into saying something so dumb that the rest of the group will gang up on them, forcing them into silence
That is if the jew they have "facilitating the argument" doesn't get wise to my tricks and weigh the scales against me
Mason Perez
MLK was a literal communist and plagerized most of his "work". His legal name isn't even MLK for christs' sake.
You're in PA? I'm hoping to transfer to Pitt soon. What school do you go to?
Jacob Adams
judging from the title, im guessing this documentary has something to do with "implicit bias". if so you should raise the question of whether there is any bias against white people and whether that has been studied. the answers being yes and no.
Elijah Kelly
CalU of Penn. It's about an hour out from Pittsburgh. Nice place. You?
Anthony Gutierrez
If I do that I risk exposing power levels. I will have only a certain number of moves before I will get lynched for resisting, and I need to make sure that they are strong enough to turn the tides. I don't think that would do it, because they can use mental gymnastics to avoid whatever they like
Asher Campbell
I, too, am a PA fag. I went to Temple University. Back then I was a douchey liberal sandal-wearing hippy, so I made out ok.
I was a cowboy-hat wearing gun shooting flannel wearing inexplicably redneck-y motherfucker by the time I left.
Nothing will drive you away from liberalism quite like talking to liberals.
Isaiah White
Went to a nice private school back in New York when I was a kid (again, scholarship). Was a liberal for a while, then had to deal with the libbies in my classes getting more radical.
I went from liberal to NatSoc in a year. They're fucking nutcases
Dylan Diaz
West Chester U in two feminism class...
Carson Hill
It's fucking hell. I knew college was gonna be filled with jew propaganda, just didn't know it was going to be this bad
William Johnson
Be like a lurker. Don't say anything and just watch and listen to the conversation.
Blake Campbell
I don't support this stance. If I refuse to stand up, they will get to spew whatever they like and the ideas and hate fester. I should at the very least play devil's advocate in the hopes it gets curbed a little bit
Brandon Williams
If you visit Sup Forums regularly, you're already inoculated against most of that bullshit. Fun fact about persuasion, there's no mystery or voodoo magic behind it. People cannot clandestinely plant fully-formed thoughts and beliefs into your head in the span of one lecture. That would take years of indoctrination to accomplish and it would require the subject to be cut off from most (if not all) other competing ideas.
What's really happening here is that this movie and subsequent "discussion" is just another drop in the bucket of your peers' already conditioned minds. This is merely an exercise in reinforcement as I assume most of your peers already agree with this shit.
If you want to save your peers from this (or at least put a dent in the conditioning), then I suggest challenging the movie's message. By remaining silent, your peers may assume that you agree with the message. This would only affirm those in agreement with the movie and dishearten those few who may have reservations about the movie.
Camden Bell
It will only work on you if you are an easily indoctrinated sheep. If you are truly aware of the hidden message, no amount of brainwashing will work. Might as well pay attention though.
Angel Williams
Honestly, people need to stand up to this shit.
Noah Watson
Remind them that it was the leadership of white-christian men who ended slavery around the world.
Blake Gutierrez
Make a quiet joke with someone about the recent attack.
Maybe say something like "I'm sure they teach these kinds of lessons in Saudi Arabia."
Maybe it will work, maybe not.
Daniel Phillips
I mean, I understand why you don't want to be a martyr, but we can't just keep letting this stuff happen. People are actually getting indoctrinated by this stuff.
At the VERY LEAST you should talk to your friends beforehand to inoculate them to the brainwashing, and try to redpill them as to the stupidity of the whole thing. Undermine their authority.
But really you should tell the person who is teaching it that they're a fraud and they should fuck off. But that would expose your power level.
Luis Jenkins
>If you want to save your peers from this (or at least put a dent in the conditioning), then I suggest challenging the movie's message. By remaining silent, your peers may assume that you agree with the message. This would only affirm those in agreement with the movie and dishearten those few who may have reservations about the movie.
Do not commit social suicide. Not in Uni. We need you to be in position when the strong moves come, like voting for Trump or truly influencing somebody. You're in their territory. Lurk, and act where you can. They don't deserve you sacrificing yourself right now. You are at a critical point where you're positioning yourself for the game.
Jack Bennett
You are under the impression that it is not already too late.
These are university students. They grew up in a world filled with propaganda driving them towards this outcome. Railing against a narrative that has been beaten into someone since they were 5 is never going to work unless you can establish authority. Given the OP I think it is safe to say that is not the case.
Also don't hate on the teacher. They are likely victims of the indoctrination themselves.
Juan Smith
Close friends of mine who are in the class are pretty redpilled already and I'm not worried that they will be convinced. I'm worried that the SJW niggers and nigger allies will attempt to sway the normies and be successful. I will not be as abrasive as exposing my power level (because then I can be written off as a nazi lunatic) but I have to be making enough "helpful suggestions" that people begin to question the narrative
Josiah Richardson
You bring redpills to the discussion
Nathaniel Cruz
This is what I'm thinking. No one listen to a madman, so I need to do what I can to push them so they think it was their own idea in the end. That's a defeatist attitude. We've got to try
Sebastian Phillips
Justin Perez
Don't forget about the Barbary coast slavers who rounded up europeans to take to the middle east. There are parts of spain along the coast that are still underpopulated due to their efforts.
Don't forget that most slaves from Africa were taken to the middle east. Except they were castrated so they didn't leave behind their genes.
Don't forget that it was African slaves who rounded up African people to sell them for profit.
Also, let's not forget that Natives in North America took slaves.
Let's not forget that Europeans were the first group of people who decided that maybe slavery was a bad idea and abolished it. Yes, there were other cultures who tried abandoning slavery, but it never seemed to stick and they'd be back at it in a few decades.
This all happened a while back. If you want to talk about the 20th and 21st centuries, we can talk about crime rates based on race, and what happens when whitey gets booted out of successful places like Rhodesia.
Ian Watson
Subversive revolution, spin the argument to a silimar but reversed situation. Use real world examples if possible, bring facts and sources. Dispite popular belief, your opinion can't be wrong if verifiable with sources and hard facts, as close to gut wrenching as you can without disgusting the "opponent".
Isaac Bennett
I thought General Richard Pratt was the first person to be cited as using that word.
Brayden Nguyen
Don't forget you still can buy eunuchs on Craigslist Middle East, those are the slaves you leave with the harem.
Eli Cooper
This was his endgame
Nathaniel White
Not a criminal. MLK was a Marxist.
Xavier Davis
don't feel bad about being "racist". Almost everyone is. Whites try not to be racist because they want to be civil. As in most things where you are polite, you still have the usual feelings and that's the norm so no reason to feel bad.
Evan Robinson
just let them know you treat everyone you met with the same level of respect as they treat you ,and, that you don't give a shit about who did what in the past , the level of respect taken in will be giving back and if that makes you a racist so be it
Owen Thompson
"I'm not racist. I'm culturalist. And with attitudes towards women, children, rape, blame, and choice all integral parts of a culture, some are considerably worse than others, such as Arabic and African cultures."
Then turn 360 degrees and walk away.
David Rodriguez
if classism comes up make sure they realize that the richest (((whites))) in the world are mostly jewish
Juan Gray
If they're using guilt-tripping, blaming whites for everything, or any other nasty tactics that "anti-racists" normally use, ask why they're using the same tactics that abusers, kidnappers, cult-leaders and dictators use to weaken and control their victims.