Orthodoxy, Protestantism or Catholicism, which one should you follow?
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Catholics split from the church in the 1000's. Protestants broke off from the catholics in the 1500's. Orthodoxy is directly descended from the original church of biblical times.
Orthodox Marxism
Protestantism or Orthodoxy, Catholic church is beyond cucked at this point.
Protestantism has like 10 different branches now though so you'd have to be more specific
well, im Orthodox. want to help Russia in any way i fucking can. sick of degenerate western society and nigs
I am very interested in the Orthodox Church but the only ones in my area have services in Russian and in Romanian. Thats really disappointing.
I might just give the Jehovahs Witnesses a chance simply because they have been quite nice to me. i might just do it then bolt the minute they say something culty. But i would much rather go to an Orthodox church. the english one is more than 50 miles away!
mine is Greek but they do most of the service in english. very comfy desu. just learn Russian. beautiful language.
JWs are only nice to you because they want you in their weird cult. I have a friend that's a JW and it's terrible for him. Please just either go to the russian service ones or go to a catholic church, it's the next best thing.
Atheism, the only logical choice.
Romanian actually might be easier to understand. Be watchful of gypsies however. they can strip an armoured car for scrap metal in under five minutes
Tell me what a service is like. How do my wife and have to dress? We are extremely poor. I dont even own a suit and she doesnt own a dress. Thats one reason we dont pop in to the Jw meetings, (and because they are apparently acult), they are dressed super sharp. I was baptized in a Pentecostal church but I know the orthodox is the one thats the true historical church. Im really very intersted I just dont want to be an idiot if we show up improperly. what can we expect at the russian services?
Haha...my car is 30 years old. i doubt they would want much from it.
He is right. I also have a friend who is jw and he hates it a lot, many aren't happy there and if you try to leave they start treating you like shit and pressure you. They don't even have strong theology, they tend to change doctrine every 10 years or so, it's an oppressing cult that encourages it's members to be KGB agents to one another.
Chapter 13. The funeral pile is erected
This, then, was carried into effect with greater speed than it was spoken, the multitudes immediately gathering together wood and fagots out of the shops and baths; the Jews especially, according to custom, eagerly assisting them in it. And when the funeral pile was ready, Polycarp, laying aside all his garments, and loosing his girdle, sought also to take off his sandals,— a thing he was not accustomed to do, inasmuch as every one of the faithful was always eager who should first touch his skin. For, on account of his holy life, he was, even before his martyrdom, adorned with every kind of good. Immediately then they surrounded him with those substances which had been prepared for the funeral pile. But when they were about also to fix him with nails, he said, Leave me as I am; for He that gives me strength to endure the fire, will also enable me, without your securing me by nails, to remain without moving in the pile.
Protestants explain
Catholics are the most red pilled. Hitler was a Catholic.
Yeah...I kinda get the sense it wouldnt be the place for us but they are really nice. In comparison we gat outright harrassed by a baptist preacher every couple of weeks. I have really long hair and a long beard. he tells me wife im going to hell. w/e. The only thing worse than not conforming is being poor and the only thing worse than being poor is being homeless. im at 2 out of 3 so haha.
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand what is real. Common symptoms include false beliefs, unclear or confused thinking, hearing voices that others do not hear, reduced social engagement and emotional expression, and a lack of motivation.
Become Catholic or Orthodox, although Catholic clergy has became pretty cucked these days, it's not that bad. Protestantism has been corrupted and it's now a bunch of intolerant fanatics or hippie ultra cucks, Orthodoxy may be the best option, but enjoy trying to find one of their churches in this continent
You should be okay as long as you don't wear anything overtly informal(open toed shoes, shirts with words on them, athletic shorts). They'll especially understand if you are poor. In my experience orthodox christians are very kind and understanding.
Also, you'll have to get baptized again because they don't see other churches baptisms as real.
Well since the orthodoxy are totally wrong about the Holy Spirit only proceeding from the Father, and Protestants all go insane from not having anyone to confess their sins to if they can't afford a therapist, Catholic is the only choice remaining, just need to get rid of this heretic Pope.
i usually dress formal, but few others do (bear in mind the Greeks are notoriously lax, they dont even veil their women ffs). the service is neat, but LONG. expect 4 hours-ish, but you can arrive late without any issue unlike catholicism. there is nots to see, smell, and hear. it is a stimulating affair.
Cool. Will look into it. thanks.
I mean the Logos is the Son, and was with God in the origin, and all things were made through the Logos, so how could the Holy Spirit not flow from both the Father and the Song (the Logos)?
Checkmate orthodoxy
Catholicis love the BBF
Islam is the real path brother
They are nice because they want to give a good impression, and convince you to convert, then they will start the hardcore treatment. Joint to something you feel comfortable and accepted as how you are. Catholics don't mind long hair and Orthodox love bears, and they don't police others or go bothering at noon.
the logos didn't make the father, so it's reasonable to assume it didn't make the holy spirit either.
Heh, Lutheran, faggots!
Chapter 13. The funeral pile is erected
This, then, was carried into effect with greater speed than it was spoken, the multitudes immediately gathering together wood and fagots out of the shops and baths; the Jews especially, according to custom, eagerly assisting them in it. And when the funeral pile was ready, Polycarp, laying aside all his garments, and loosing his girdle, sought also to take off his sandals,— a thing he was not accustomed to do, inasmuch as every one of the faithful was always eager who should first touch his skin. For, on account of his holy life, he was, even before his martyrdom, adorned with every kind of good. Immediately then they surrounded him with those substances which had been prepared for the funeral pile. But when they were about also to fix him with nails, he said, Leave me as I am; for He that gives me strength to endure the fire, will also enable me, without your securing me by nails, to remain without moving in the pile.
> Orthodoxy, Protestantism or Catholics
> Lutheran
> Explain
wut? No, you first.
explain why exactly orthodoxy is wrong? I am a tad confused haha
Explain why the early chrisians contradict you proddie
I want to become a Catholic, protestantism seems like it breeds mental illness
Catholicism has a disagreement with Orthodoxy about the trinity. Orthodox christians say that the only aspect of god that can send the holy spirit is the father, whereas Catholics say that jesus also can do this. Orthodox christians say this distinction needlessly separates the trinity further and is unbiblical, whereas Catholics think we are denying Christ's divinity by doing this.
Hmm I am going to have to read up on this, however from what I see it makes sense that God is the only one who can send the holy spirit is the father however I thought the father the son and the holy spirit was taught generally to be all one, like they are all god but they are not all the same or something, i dunno I will have to read into it more.
Do Orthodox believe that Christ is the physical manifestation of God?
Catholicism has a pope that says communism is good and we should break down our borders.
Orthodoxy is the best way--no leftist corruption here.
the Russian church is controlled by the goverment so theres that.
Yes, christ is part of the trinity and was wholly divine and wholly human.
I don't think the Church should be partisan either way. A lot of what Francis has said has been taken out of context, and obviously he's not going to be for killing niggers and 1488
Not really- the church is the one gaining power over the government. The patriarch is totally separated from Russia(although you could make a case that the Byzantines had some power over the church in the distant past).
Well of course not, and the orthodox church isn't for that either. The Church does a good job of being mostly non-partisan and focused on interpreting the word of god rather than spreading partisan politics like the pope has.
Catholic as it's the True Church, Orthodoxy as a second as it has some argument atleast. Prots = satanic
Language isn't that important. Traditional Catholics prefer it in latin and this is a good quote
>For years in my studies I was satisfied with being 'above all traditions' but somehow faithful to them.... When I visited an Orthodox church, it was only in order to view another 'tradition.' However, when I entered an Orthodox church for the first time (a Russian church in San Francisco) something happened to me that I had not experienced in any Buddhist or other Eastern temple; something in my heart said that this was 'home,' that all my search was over. I didn't really know what this meant, because the service was quite strange to me, and in a foreign language. I began to attend Orthodox services more frequently, gradually learning its language and customs.... With my exposure to Orthodoxy and to Orthodox people, a new idea began to enter my awareness: that Truth was not just an abstract idea, sought and known by the mind, but was something personal--even a Person--sought and loved by the heart. And that is how I met Christ.
They will be understanding wear the best that you have. Mine had people in pretty casual stuff.
Hitler was a nihilist and worked only for satan
If Catholic is cuck'd you should join to try and fix it. The clergy doesn't determine which Church is the Truth.
The trinity is the hardest concept to understand in theology and we'll probably never fully comprehend it here on earth.
I'd rather choose Orthodoxy cuz they hold more of the original christianity than catholics and protestants plus they originated in byzantine empire
>i disagree with the infallable pope, God's representative on earth, so i gonna leave catholicism
???? What do you mean do this?
Catholicism is the one true faith
Created by St. Peter in Rome
Based scientific research, philosophy, theology, etc. based miracles of the catholic saints
Also based crusades
Half the shit the Catholic church has spewed out since it's creation was for their own benefit
Catholics are cucked by the Pope
Protestants are cucked by Israel
Orthodoxy is cucked by Russia
Pick your poison
Just read the Bible and watch Jordan Peterson videos
Can anyone really cuck the church without God allowing it?
Imho its all part of His plan.
Catholics aren't obligated to act according to the pope's personal opinions.
>patriarch in Rome has delusions of grandeur 1000 years ago
>Now i'm supposed to follow his successor's every word because he's somehow constantly influenced by providence
Evangelicals cucked by nobody
Everyone look closely at the soldiers name tag. Stop arguing for one fucking second. His name says Homo while his gun is being blessed. Pretty fun
A good resource for debates and a thought out Protestant perspective.
>which one should you follow?
Read the Book of Judith. God doesn't want you to just sit around and let your enemies defile what is sacred.
Traditional Catholicism!
I mean in russian that's "nomo" phonetically, but still pretty funny.
It's OMOH.
Delusions of gradeur is heresy. The pope has an important role and God knows it. Its not up to us to deviate from God's annointed representative just cause i dont like God's new direction for humanity.
Saying that a religion is no good because of it's leader is like saying a country is shit because of it's president.
It's not like the faith decided as a whole to elect Pope Francis, it's obviously part of God's plan.
The Pope is temporary. Don't let the actions of one man blind you of the Church's legacy of faith and glory and thousand's of years of achievements and leading Europe as well as the rest of the world.
>God's new direction for humanity
>Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever.
>Hebrews 13:8
thanks, I barely know any Russian.
I mean yeah but the whole child molestation thing is kinda part of its legacy also.
Eastern Orthodoxy.
His words are the same, but our understanding of The Word improves. Father Francis is God's representative, he provides guidance for the billions of catholics in the world. Don't quote scripture out of context like that again, just pray sincerely if u have doubts.
Protestant is shit too. Its like sissified Christianity.
Finally a sensible Brit.
Orthodoxy all the way.
Btw do you know that Constatine gift shit was fake and Pope and Vatican are built on fake shit?
Go for a Calvinist church, like Presbiterian for example. Calvinism is the best doctrine.
How about a non-Jewish belief system?
Yoga is the only one suitable for an Aryan man. Jewish religions are for low IQ sandniggers and fuck-ups who need promises of eternal happiness in Jerusalem from a dead jew to keep themselves from masturbating.
I'm Protestant.
Well you are open to have your own believes as much as they are, but using Yoga as an example is kinda faggy.
At least we don't have to listen to Pope Francis, who has basically cucked Christianity.
The Orthodox view of the Trinity is actually the more theologically correct viewpoint. Not that is matters because Christianity is gay and Jewish religion for subhumans anyway.
>Orthodoxy is the best way--no leftist corruption here.
Orthococks Church coined the term "racism" and they marched with communists Martin Luther Coon for integration of the niggers. They are left as fuck.
Protestant. We will not be cucked by Vatican 2.0 and an apostate pope. Fuck that, Jesus fought the church, he didn't support it.
The guy who wrote that was a literal homosexual by the way. He was mentally ill and also most likely a Jew.
I went to my local Russian Orthodox Church under the delusion that it might be legit, but the priest was a Bernie bro, no joke.
Christianity is a dumb religion for drug addicts and prostitutes. Basically for people with no self control who need a father figure (rabbi Jesus) to bribe them into not being subhuman. As a social policy it has served this purpose more or less in the past, but it no longer does so it is wholly worthless.
>doesn't understand magisterium
Don't worry kiddo, most christcucks don't know their own religion, so you're in good company.
>The Pope is temporary
Lumen gentium isn't. Dignitatis humanae isn't. The church is cucked, permanently. Face the facts you coward.
Yoga is the most Aryan doctrine in existence.
The orthodoxy is closest to original church so they're good. Catholics are cucks who favor changing with the times instead of following the good book. Protestant is good too but they need to get over thinking that their fellow Christians of the old churches are worshipping the devil
Neither, just read the bible and follow God.
No Trinity
No Pagan celebrations
No infant baptism
I'm an atheist but you are clearly trying to derail this thread, leaf.
>keep going
So by this even orthodox doesn't look good haha damn memes.
Orthodox christianity is the best for maintaining our culture, though it'd only really work if moral laws dont end up becoming a thing, as it'd just create a massive competition between the church and state. All government progressively grows in size - if moral authoritarians took over, then it really wouldn't be any different than the SJW's these days, as instead of being a bunch of little retards trying to virtue signal, it would just be a bunch of retards going on power trips trying to appeal to authority with the claim that everything is morally objectionable, and that you need to be hung/burnt at the cross/slain immediately for not inserting the cross dildo at the immediate moment of the bell's third toll this day.
You don't need to have moral laws to get rid of shitty behavior; all it takes is shaming - it worked ALL throughout history until the kikes made culture something to be made a profit from, as such resulting in increasing vices.
>Orthodox christianity is the best for maintaining our culture
The Orthodox church excommunicates people for having political beliefs that were common 50 years ago. So much for culture and tradition.
Too bad Aryanism is completely gay
Orthodoxy. We got mad ass kulich and our incense is stronk