You know the routine at this point. sad cartoons,British flag FB overlays,"our thoughts and prayers crap" Light up big Ben-monuments ect. Candle light vigils,cue the SJW's not all muslims horseshit. Keep bringing more sand niggers in and letting the ones already there stay. Rinse repeat. I don't even care anymore. this is so damn stupid. There has never been a more clear and open threat to civilization so easily identifiable yet we remain shackled by insane leftists and their love for their pet muslims and niggers.
Here we go again
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Let them suffer. They deserve this pain and the ones that are coming to finally get red pilled, it's sad but truth, Europe must suffer and bleed to understand
Why not accept it though? It's still as rare to die in a terrorist attack as it is to perish in a plane crash. Nobody's reacting hysterically to the fact that planes crash. Seemingly, nobody should be reacting hysterically to a more than accepted practice (terrorism) that a wide spectre of causes has made not only possible but inevitable.
Exactly. I'm tired of feeling bad for them,they did this shit to themselves,they even elected one as their God damn mayor. France might pull its head out of its ass soon but Britain is a lost cause short of a massive civil war.
is there any donation funds like gofundme setup?
The only reason people are triggered about this is because they think dying at the hands of "enemies" is more undignified than dying in an accident. But dignity has nothing to do with it. It's only bad luck. Same as dying while getting mugged.
Whenever I complained about Obama back around 2010 or so, someone told me, "you need to suffer through a carter before you're rewarded with a Reagan."
Think about this quote, but with Hitler coming back.
"wide spectrum"
it's fucking islam
there is no fucking spectrum you dolt
What the fuck are you even talking about...
Britcucks the most patethic race in existence.
At leat here we are killing each other for real cartel moneys and survival, Bretons are just being anally devastated FOR FREE
That is the most stupid analogy i have ever heard. Plane crashes are accidents this shit is deliberate and done willfully by a race of people warped by centuries of inbreeding and following a fat illiterate pedophile prophet from the 1st century. this shit isn't even comparable. Your argument is just basically learn to live with it and submit. Fuck off haji.
What am i thinking you guys are so bluepilled and cowardly now. Your basically Sweden at this point. To think you once controlled and empire that covered the globe. You used to own these sand niggers.
>empire covered the globe
They're suffering the same shit as Germany. Unfounded guilt.
there is a spectrum.
Islam has always killed but it hasn't always killed in the same way, for the same reasons or by using the same means/strategies. there is a context for this. if your argument is that "it's always been like this", then it's not even worth debating you. go ahead, believe in your eternal struggle between good and evil and sleep well in the comfort of your own beliefs.
Where to even begin.
Mr. 60% thinks were worse off than France, the country that had hundreds killed last year and is already nearly 10% Muslim.
> 'They' voted for...
Whoa whoa whoa... who the fuck's 'they'?
Have you seen the demographics of London? The outer estates are majority migrants. We didn't vote for him at all, the invaders did that.
> France might pull it's head out of it's arse soon.
Come back when they elect Le Pen, our PM is already trying to stem the flow, we're leaving the EU... we've not even on the same level as continental Europe.
>There has never been a more clear and open threat to civilization so easily identifiable yet we remain shackled by insane leftists and their love for their pet muslims and niggers.
pic related you retard
Anonymous (ID: 5DW8FliF) 03/22/17(Wed)19:48:02 No.117875195▶ (OP)
Let them suffer. They deserve this pain and the ones that are coming to finally get red pilled, it's sad but truth, Europe must suffer and bleed to understand
don't bother, they are blue-pilled by jews and the manufactured war on terrorism. these are the types of goys who would gladly die in the sands of iraq for a shekel or two.
So, hypothetically, you'd rather your child die being run over by a reckless driver than by being blown to pieces by ISIS. You're actually capable of rating the amount of hatred each one of these tragedies deserves. What is our interest in stopping jihadism? I've actually not heard a good reason for this yet. Is it because you fear living under sharia law? It probably won't happen in your lifetime. Is it because you fear for your children? Who knows if it will affect them, and even if it does, what tells you they won't accept it once it becomes an accepted and increasingly consensual practice? Help me understand.
It's never going to end, is it? This tiresome cycle
Not in our lifetimes at least
So you're saying that he didn't stab several people, or that refugees don't rape people across europe almost daily?
There is an enemy, and it's islam. Domestic crime and terror attacks will decrease as soon as people start to fight back.
Of course not. If we really wanted to stop this, we would have to go 70 years back and stop all the series of events that culminated in this. Most conflicts are inevitable.
Boy, did they!
I love british people. I really do. Its unbearably sad to see this shit happen.
Its clear as day, to me that Islamic extremists are in for a long term war against the west. We licked out and got Trump. But who knows how long until we get cucked over here.
Typical idealism. So we fight to stop them, that's our civilisational struggle, right? And after they're defeated we will have peace. Like after WW1. No wait, after WW2. No, wait, every fucking time there's a conflict anywhere. I love when people imagine a permanent state of peace is actually attainable. We just go from conflict to conflict. Again, why should we hate jihadists more than the pilot who crashed the plane with our entire family in it? At least they have an ethos.
Nice, OP. We really just need to sprout some balls and start speaking our minds openly tho. Normal people, en masse, not being silent anymore. That's how revolutions start.
I agree 100% brother. Its the same shit.
Politicians=we are shocked and appalled this could happen
SJW= Its the wests fault bc they hate islam. Islam is peaceful.
Cucks= white apologists
>Let stand in solidarity! One world, open borders!
Isis= stupid westerners. We will own them in 100 years
t. Alberto Barbossa
My dude, next time state 'false equivalence logical fallacy' and move on. You put too much effort in to your reply, imo.
Tell that to the deads families.
Families of plane crash victims and families of victims of terrorism react in the exact same way. Sorry to tell you. They're not angrier if it's a muslim. Grief is the great equaliser.
Were the nazis present in world war 1? No. They were a different group based on the same principals of nationalism as the prussian fags who antagonized all of europe and got shit on for it.
The difference here is that the islam is a huge monolithic target that plagues the whole world, not some loose set of ideas and economic depression that motivated germany to rise again.
I never claimed the world would be at peace. It would most definitely still be a far cry from that. I just believe that the most imminent threat is staring us in the face while it fucks our wives and daughters and we're sitting there letting it happen like stupid fucking cucks.
Ayo asshole, where's my fucking (you)?
There is no future worth living for, for either North America or Europe. The only 2 choices are an Islamic caliphate or a totalitarian police state. Either way, the elites win.
It would only be a false equivalence if I had said Islamic terrorists and fatal accidents are the same thing. They're clearly not the same thing. It's the effects that are the same.
Shut up, leaf
i she flipping the bird to non muzzies?
Planes are useful when they're not causin deaths and the deaths they cause are accidental.
Unless, ya know, they're bein flown by the same people we're uh, complainin about here. I'm uh, startin to see a pattern here
look who was lurking pol earlier
>casual stroll by
>dat middle finger
what a cunt
The tree branches are the pubic hairs. kek
Bullshit, being killed by a psychopath who acts alone is a bad luck you can't do anything about; being killed by a psychopath who belongs to a group of similar thinking errr people is definitely something you can do something... and not seeing this point is disturbing...
Photoshopped, you tard.
In the original she had all her fingers raised.
They're not fucking your wife and daughters. You just want to be triggered by them. It's soothing to believe the solution is simple and the enemy is monolithic. How do you plan to fight the whole of Islam? And would you ever expect to be alive and see the day when the world got "rid of Islam"? Is that the dream you're living for? I'd rather live every day not worrying whether or not I'll die in a terrorist attack (the same way I don't worry whether I'll get hit by a meteorite) than move a finger to fight Islamic terrorism in the name of an extremely vague (and increasingly divided) notion of what Western values and Western civilisation is.
>our PM is already trying to stem the flow
Kill yourself you bluepilled fuck.
Sharia May is smugly watching record numbers of immigrants flood the country. Did you not hear her speech about the new (((Global))) Britain?
STFU Steve1989 with your putting food on the try and saying nice.
>Mexibros hitting levels of Intellectualism never before thought possible.
He lurks /pol all the time. We memed him into national socialism.
no number is high enough for liberals
it was just 5, it was just 50, it was just 200 in paris, etc
but the moderates have begun to shift to the right
Are you saying you can do something about Islamic terrorism? You'd have to trust a lot of people you don't like to achieve it. Remember nazism? It had to be defeated through an alliance between the Allies and the Soviet Union. Is the enemy such an existential threat that we accept to trade one danger for the other, one stupid conflict for another? Look what happened when George W. Bush tried to export democracy. You're gullible if you think global conflict is any less inevitable or uncontrollable tan mental disease.
Just because their methods for killing and specific attack reasonings have differed is no reason to disregard the root cause. There are many ways to get cancer but that doesn't mean we disregard cancer.
It's gotten to be enough, when Islam is the only thing really linking these brutal atrocities, to form a pattern. They're the only religion in the modern age that still fucking beheads people, daily.
We base the conversation on virtue and it becomes unfuckingwinnable. Anything less than accepting this situation is considered intolerant. I'm not even condemning all muslims. I'm sure there are some in that crowd who don't like what's happening, but that religion dictates that none of them can back off either, because speaking out against this shit means getting killed for heresy. At this point an external force needs to intervene and to deconstruct their religion by some means or another. Doesn't matter why Islam is the way it is now or how it got there, what matters is that we fucking handle this shit.
It's already too late for Canada, Europe, and the middle east. At this rate only only the burgers, chinks, and nips come out of this alright. And only if their (thankfully) xenophobic asses move quickly.
I patiently await liberation, America. Please hurry
>muslim girl gives camera the bird
>trump ban would stop this from happening
>people dont like trump ban
>accepted practice (terrorism)
Not fucking our wives and daughters?
> I'd rather live every day not worrying whether or not I'll die in a terrorist attack (the same way I don't worry whether I'll get hit by a meteorite)
Then why are you defending these retards? Your very way of life is exponentially more at risk because of muslims.
You forgot about people singing Imagine by John Lennon on a night vigil.
>Help me understand.
you're a dumb nigger if you can't understand
i mean its obvious this woman is concerned about what is going on and is texting her family or something, but god DAMN if this isnt just the worst possible photo you could have taken o this situation
The shilling is so strong here.
I have a son and him being killed by accidental negligence or isis would cause me the same grief.
The thing is the driver goes to prison and isn't aiming for his whole life to be running over children. He may return to society even without being a zealot.
Isis is always focused on killing everyone. That radical isn't looking to just off my family he wants yours and the neighbors too.
Lastly your argument of you'll get used to it is so clouded in illogical thought I won't go further.
Yeah, Ronald "Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants" Reagan.
Trickle down will happen one of these days.
islam = cancer
>So, hypothetically, you'd rather your child die being run over by a reckless driver than by being blown to pieces by ISIS.
Yes. What kind of stupid fucking question is that? Obviously I don't want my son to die at all but if he was killed by a reckless driver I wouldn't have nearly as much bloodlust as if ISIS had killed him. If ISIS killed my son I'd be walking over to the nearest mosque with a vest full of c4 on.
>It probably won't happen in your lifetime.
Lets bump that down to 0%
>Is it because you fear for your children? Who knows if it will affect them, and even if it does, what tells you they won't accept it once it becomes an accepted and increasingly consensual practice?
I don't WANT that future for my children. Would you want to have your kids or gandkids grow up in fucking iraq?
Kill yourself, you pathetic cuckhold.
Of course it's accepted. I'm not saying it's legally accepted. But it's accepted in modern warfare: every hegemonic power has backed terrorism in some shape or form at some point in time when it has suited their interests. And a French politician (don't remember who exactly) has famously stated that large Western cities had to learn to live with terrorism, as it was an inevitable problem that wouldn't disappear in the foreseeable future. If that's not acceptance, I don't know what is.
I'd rather preserve my way of life and my faith from being overrun and forbidden from existence by a bunch of zealots who own no rights for this land.
You should understand as well as me, Portugal was dominated by Islamists for 700 years until they fought them off, my ancestors participated on this as well as yours.
This fight is old, ancestral and inevitable. And I'd rather fight to keep my children safe from Islam than to let the west fall into their hands.
What you want for your kids and what will happen to your kids are two different things. It wouldn't be the first time a child's future didn't match what his mummy or daddy imagined in their dreams.
Do you have any concept of proportionality or what the fuck per capita is?
Is that hijab giving the middle finger?
And I wont accept terrorism. If I was in europe I wouldn't rest until all these criminals were deported or dead.
lol she's walking by like its no big deal to see people dying in the street
So by your logic we should do nothing and wait to be dominated?
I'll repeat
Kill yourself, you cuckold piece of human garbage. You are the cancer that kills western civilization. While our society tries pushing forward all you do is tell them to stop. Kill yourself before you infect other people with your pathetic defeatist attitude.
It's no more a threat than a freak accident. The influence of terrorism in my life is comparable to an eagle dropping a set of keys on my head and killing me. I don't see it as something to fight against. And if they win the war of ideas, all power to them. It means their worldview had more success in the marketplace of ideas. A very Western concept.
you sound like a 14 yr old, if you can't understand the counter to every point you've made you're a worthless fuckin nigger who deserves to die
>go suck a muslims cock, faggot
Yup, saying exactly that; in the end, like it or not, it'll be just old plain we vs them, them being islam in this case... will take some more time to build up and will be fast and nasty when it comes...
So we shouldnt fight back then? Let them roll over us and accept that they could strike at any time?
I won't let it you fucking cuckold.
and just to clarify, it won't matter what islamic sect you feel you belong to at that time...
>what is our interest in stopping jihadism
Preventing people from dying unecessarily?
You can't get rid of reckless drivers. You CAN get rid of kebabs.
We've seen human beings getting used to things that only in hindsight were considered unspeakable. Time and time again. Every time a culture or a civilisation becomes hegemonic, it's through force and the destruction of resistance. The period that comes after that is what we call "peace", and where the people born into this new system develop their ideas about how magnificent and superior it is to other systems. And then this civilisation grows old, becomes undone at the seams, and dissidence emerges as a critique of the hegemony's barbaric practices that were once considered the beacon of civilisation. I have no difficulty imagining a hypothetical caliphate where (potentially) people who descend from my bloodline will think very different things and see the world in a very different way compared to me. I have no right of ownership over my descendants. This mindset is the only way to avoid the unpleasant surprises people have when they discover they're great-grandsons of slave owners.
is that muzzie bitch actually flipping everyone off?
Im pretty sure only her middle finger is up.
I just don't care. It's not a high risk event. That's like as many murders as the US gets in an hour.
>Yes. What kind of stupid fucking question is that? Obviously I don't want my son to die at all but if he was killed by a reckless driver I wouldn't have nearly as much bloodlust as if ISIS had killed him. If ISIS killed my son I'd be walking over to the nearest mosque with a vest full of c4 on.
Sure, except we've yet to see a single example of that. The fact is you have no idea how you'd react and the most likely reaction will be unbearable grief followed by unbearable and paralysing grief.
For someone that had his country fight against the caliphate for centuries, you seem pretty apathetic.
Your ancestors would be ashamed of you for doing nothing.
Do a British flag FB overlay with pic related overlaying that
I have no connection whatsoever with what people were doing 700 years ago. The same thing that allows me to reject patriotism/nationalism safeguards me against accusations of colonialism. It's very simple, really.
I have no interest in comparing ethnicities in mass shootings. Statistically, it's still very unlikely to affect me, whether they're white, brown or blue.
You are the heir of their decisions and struggles, you are what they had in mind when they fought for a future of their own, and you are throwing it away in favour of doing nothing and letting our historical enemy roll over us.
Yes, you have a connection with what they were and what they did, there's nothing to be ashamed over that.
You're free to do as you please.
is it weird that i'm from the midlands but basically anything that happens in london feels like it's happening in another country? i remember last time i went to london is was like a whole different world. i mean i saw a dude walking in a suit with a fucking bowler hat. never seen that anywhere else in the uk.
it just feels so disconnected from the rest of the country that i don't really care about what happens there. don't even care much about the people who live there.
Apparently you can't. What exactly is stopping these guys?
>Nobody's reacting hysterically to the fact that planes crash
What the fuck kind of world are you living in you sub-Spanish trash? Yes we do act very strongly when a plane crashes. Do you have amnesia, you piece of shit? Or are you living in a cave?
Why would I care about my ancestors? What if my ancestors were slave owners, would I have to idolise them for that? Ancestry is not virtue.
>Why would I care about my ancestors?
I'm so sorry, user
Because they're the reason you have everything you have.
They were certainly not perfect, but they gave their blood, sweat and tears to give comfort to their descendants. You're just spitting on it, on you heritage.
when you have autism
That's a simplistic way of seeing things. I'm pretty sure the 13th century kings had no intention of fighting for someone like me to exist and prosper. They couldn't even possibly imagine the Renaissance man, how could they possibly conceive of me?
>let's get this muzzie bitch onto a tray
I'm not ashamed. We're just worlds apart. More things connect me to a Swedish man 100 years ago than to a Portuguese man 500 years ago.
They were fighting for a better future free of islamic oppression. This gave the chance to Portugal to become one of the biggest colonial empires in History and give serious advances over many things.
They couldn't conceive of you personally, but of the portuguese nation and it's descendants (me) as a whole.