Are millenials the most rude, virgin , socially retarded, lazy, depressed generation ? In history

Are millenials the most rude, virgin , socially retarded, lazy, depressed generation ? In history

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Why? Quick rundown

Vaccines, fluoride, chemtrails, fake news, jewish entretainment, estrogen in milk, and the herbal jew

Yes. I'm so glad I am not a millennial
Fuck millennials.
Born in 1990 here. Yeah!!

Yes, don't worry though, Gen X is extremely based and will save this country

Millennial here.

If you were born after 89 just end yourself as you are mostly useless

Sorry bud, you're basically the definition of a millennial.

1982-1998 are millennials.

Anyone born between 1980-2004 is a millennial.

2004-2017 are genz

And you're here, so you're a millennial.

Actually, the blame is on the money jews. They fucked our economy.

Sorry, meant Generation Z

remember all the disney movies telling us we're special and can do anything those movies so many times

>rude, virgin , socially retarded, lazy, depressed generation
>mfw i'm all of that

That's peak millennial

im guessing it was probably the vaccines how can this much autism exist in millenials

Isn't gen z majority minority? B-b-based right guys??

Its sometimes hard to tell if someone is millenial or gen z because millenials bore the full brunt of estrogen chemicals growing up and look so young and feminine well into their 20s gen z should look alot better as their parents are aware of estrogen causing chemicals

learn to spell

This offends me as a vegan transgender hipster Native-American-Indo-Chinese hybrid alien agnostic-atheist German engineer who vapes fairtrade organic decaffeinated compressed and hydrated extra-protein soy breast milk on the regular and does Hindi Kama Sutra naked crossfit yoga 5 times per week. I'm also a nonbinary trigender genderqueer male feminist and identify myself as a pastafarian pansexual genderfluid Apache helicopter dog of mega multi alpha beta gamma delta omega combo god of hyper death who's in a polygamous polyamorous relationship to the chihuahua which helped me cross the border of Mexico because it hates Donald Trump. My dog also walks me to the park and doggy styles me, if you find that weird you're an ignorant arrogant homophobic gender-assuming globaphobic bloodthirsty gun-loving cisgender pansexual bestial sexist racist incestuous white-previlege misogynistic biased objectified raped privileged Nazi slave owner terrorist lesbian.

Mo fuck you

Gen Z is currently the sjw crybaby population in the college campuses.
They are like ultra millennialso 2.0

Lol no. Millennials are people who came to young adulthood around year 2000

>rude, virgin , socially retarded, lazy, depressed
>mfw Im 3-4 of these

I guess I'm a millennial and I've fucked probably around 22 different people over my lifetime so far.

This is saving the white race

You probably have strong parents and didnt sit in front of a tv or computer 24/7

Assuming that guys is white.
And not lying on the internet.

I don't wanna be a millennial... =[

I don't know what to do.

I think the flower power generation was DESU. But virgins they were not. Let's see they spit on returning soldiers calling them baby killers, thought communes and prodigious amounts of acid were the way to go, contributed nothing to society, and finally sold out to be our asshole bosses at work.

Millenials pretty much just have perpetual ADHD. But they're about as stupid as any other generation at their age.

What a coincidence, me too!

Add single mothers to that list.

This the final joke the elites have for millenials fuck them over in every single way then at the end when they have created a barely functioning member of society .. blame them for it

I think that is a load of shit, too many millenial young men are fundamentally fucked even the chad millenials ive met have a multitude of mental illnesses and drink to cover it

Eastern-bloc, '87 millenial here.

We had a 10-year lag here...

Fuck off I refuse to be a millennial.

You're a part of the same giant globalist social experiment as the rest of us.

that makes you a millennial

only rural and suburban retards aren't millennials


Fuck off you stupid sack of shit