STUDY: More than half of young women joggers get harassed

>STUDY: More than half of young women joggers get harassed

>More than half of female joggers under 30 have been harassed, often sexually, according to a Runner’s World report shared exclusively with the Daily News.

>The report found 43% of all women have endured harassment while running, but the number of incidents jumps the younger the runners get. About 58% of those under 30, and half of those 30 to 35, suffered abuse.

>New Yorker Jae Cameron, 30, told Runner’s World that the whistles and stares make her so uncomfortable, she pauses before every run to ask, “Do I really want to go out there? Do I really want to go deal with this?”

>One in three women runners reported being followed by a person in a vehicle, on a bike or on foot.

>Jennifer Herr, 36, from Brooklyn, told the magazine, “A police car rolled up behind me and blared on the megaphone, ‘Stop running!’ When I turned around, I discovered that they were calling to a man that had been chasing me.”


Have men gone too far this time?

What do you think about this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Are women unaware that they dress like sluts?


I picked up a girl by cat-calling her while she was jogging in New Orleans, and she blew me in her car.

That is like the one cool sex story I have in my life.

women joggers wear supppppppppppppper revealing shit.

too good 4 creeps


Must be nice to have time to jog.


>Are women unaware that they dress like sluts?

Nice victim-blaming.

I didn't know we were living in a country where women couldn't dress how they wanted.

I didn't know the terrorists won and implemented Sharia law.

Is catcalling harassment? Are we seriously now in a society where women are traumatized by catcalling?


Yes, men SHOULD stop cat calling. It's annoying and it only boosts their ego anyway.

How about you just don't wear joggers?

Just so you know, jogging with your car is known as driving.

Sadly yes. Women literally can't even when approached by the opposite sex on the street.

How does the study define harassment? I bet it would consider "you look nice" harassment. Also, you don't have right to not have things said to you. You're not a victim of words out in public.

My, what a useless study.

What did kek mean by this? Have men gone too far?

Will making unwanted eye contact be considered harassment in the future?

Should I just gouge my eyes out to avoid jail time?

You have no business commenting on a woman's body when you don't know her.


Survey Question
>While jogging, have you ever experienced incidents of harassment or harassment-like behavior (ex. a stranger speaking to you unsolicited or you noticed someone in a car staring at you)?

Check Box
>Not Sure

>Yes: 15%
>No: 48%
>Maybe 37%


>"...shocking new study where only 48% of women answered NO when asked if they had experienced incidents of harassment while jogging."

>tfw out jogging and no one ever catcalls me

Why do I even get up in the morning. I should let myself get obese and live off wellfare.

> victim-blaming

You have to go back.

Elaborate lol

"Victim blaming"

Victims are often at fault. If you leave valuables out in your car in a neighborhood infested with crackheads you are putting yourself in a situation where you can get victimized.

Many times men who get mugged are drunk or lost or both, making themselves a target.

Many murder victims are involved in drugs or gangs exposing them to other criminals.

Many victims of assault verbally insulted the assailant before becoming a victim.

Victims are often partially responsible by either putting themselves in a dangerous situation or basically asking for something to happen to them by being involved in drugs/crime or behaving like a fucking idiot.

If you're an attractive young girl wearing skimpy clothes and running around alone at night I'd say you're asking to get harassed and even raped. The same thing would happen if I went jogging around a gay neighborhood in a thing or something.

How did she not see him? She even looks straight down.

I wonder how it must feel to have people show interest in your existence every time you leave the house.
I wonder how it feels to have people constantly reaffirm your sense of worth.
I wonder what it's like to know with absolute certainty that you are attractive to the opposite sex and to have your body complimented daily.

It sure must suck. Poor women.

Go for stable relationships with good women you know instead of trying to talk to underdressed sluts you find on the street.

I went to college in New Orleans and was hanging out in Audobon Park after I played some football with a few friends, and this girl was jogging around, I cat called her and called her gorgeous I think, I'm not too sure.

She then laughed and came over and started talking to me, and told me she drove to the park and asked me if I could walk her to her car, which I did. She then just grabbed me and started making out with me, and then I got in the car and she blew me.

She powered through it though, I had swamp ass and she still did it. She wouldn't give me her number and I never saw her again. Only time anything cool like that ever happened to me

I've gotten catcalled as a man.

>Omg I've been harassed, I'm such a victim now.

>Casual "good morning"

>shes ugly

Like pottery, the niggers can have her

whisstling is one thing but.... we are not allowed to look?

First Post Shitlord Post.

Fucking runner's world said I should say hi to everyone I pass while jogging even though I don't want to. But if I make eye contact and say hi to a woman who considers herself attractive it's harassment. I'm just going back to ignoring everyone

Nah, that can't be it.

The fucking feminazis should go gas some men then.


making eye contact and saying hello probably accounts for most of it.

You should still do it. Most women don't care or either hardly think about shit like this.

smoking AND throwing butts on the ground.

real winner.

I've been cat called by women 3 or 4 times, and I'm realistically only a 6/10.

> whistling
> what are you up to tonight
>why don't you bring that dick over here gorgeous.

Women can be just as vulgar, it's just not rapper when they do it.

I don't cat call, it's degenerate.
We're men, not niggers.

Staring is harassment now?

>I'm just going back to ignoring everyone

That is how I am while walking my doggo. I consider the world around me to be dead.

>tfw alone in my 30's

Fuck it.


>over half
thats just fucking wrong

I've had women tell me to smile while out walking. Based on what women complain about these days I guess that means I was sexually harassed all those times.

Dad always told me
>If she smokes, shes down to poke

people typically drive to a park or a trail before they start their jog. we cant all live on a continent that is 99% wasteland.


Just wear shorts that go to the knee you fuckin retards.


>“A police car rolled up behind me and blared on the megaphone, ‘Stop running!’ When I turned around, I discovered that they were calling to a man that had been chasing me.”

Excellent addition to the Encyclopedia of THINGS THAT HAVE NEVER HAPPENED.

Why not just throw in this:
>"So that is when I stopped all of them and said, 'I don't need male police to fight my battles. And you, pervert? My body is MY OWN!' At that time, several bystanders began applauding, and several people began saying things like 'You go girl" and "Wow, she's my hero."


It's always niggers. I used to get the same when I ran in Jew York. Including people running along side me

Reminder that 99% of the time in postmodern feminist world, "Harassed" just means "Approached by a beta male".

When a man finds a woman unattractive, it's his fault for being shallow.
When a woman finds a man unattractive, it's his fault for being "creepy".

Zero sympathy for these dishonest cunts.

when they classify a man saying they look pretty as harassment its kind of hard to take their figures seriously

I remember when I was 13 walking around with girls who were 13 and they would get cat called by older perverts. Dick heads will be dick heads for the rest of time.

This is like the baristas that wear low cut shirts and see through yoga pants calling the guys who get coffee creepers.

I've lived on nyc my whole life and have never seen anyone do this to female joggers. Hell, I was walking downtown at a construction site and these three construction workers were sitting eating lunch and this attractive woman walks by and not one peep or gesture from the construction workers.

Fuck these cucks.


Probably something along the lines of a briefcase with a camera.

Dumb question but what does that mean?

I WANNA HEAR THAT BOOTY CLAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>one study says something
>that means it's 100%, un-debatable truth
When you have just one study that has a small sample size you can't just say it's the gospel truth. When you have a wide variety of studies coming to the same conclusion using the same parameters, then you can start saying something is likely to be true.

Define 'harassment' please
Women are so rape brainwashed, some of them think you waving at them or saying 'looking good, push through (I might say that to a guy too)' is harassment.
There is no way 50% are being followed in a car

If she smokes, shes a slut, Therefor more likely to fuck you.

oh it's you again, according to my folder the last time i saw one of your threads was november 29
could you just link to whatever forum you get these from

This is true. The same "creepy" behavior done by an attractive man would be welcomed.

What's really going on is women have been spoiled by technology, especially the smartphone. They have been above to filter their interactions online to keep from having to meet less attractive men. So when a lower status man approaches her in public, she feels harassed because she has no easy way of blocking him, or keeping him from talking to her like she does online.

I think in the future they will create an app called something like "creep alert." Every smartphone will have it, and as a guy gets within 100 yards of a woman, her app will notify her and show a profile picture of the man, if she swipes right, then the man has permission to approach her in person, if she swipes left the man is denied, and if he persists in talking to her in person she can call the cops and have him arrested for harassment. That way they will never have to interact with a "creep" in person ever again.

yes, its just easier to blame men and be "free" to do what "they" want

I see the Thot Patrol is working as intended. Very promising to see.

Ty user

is that jean claude van damm or fuckin paulie walnuts I can't tell

Damn I oughtta begin cat calling

Any chance I could get a racial breakdown of the offenders?

Paulie Walnuts

where do you live user?
I want to get catcalled by women

New Zealand is so beautiful you can run anywhere :)

I live in an urban residential area, and work downtown. I see these little cardio bunnies running around in their skin tight outfits and other than guys staring and/or jerking their heads around to check a jogger out, I've heard and seen nothing that constitutes harassment

maybe guys mutter shit under their breathe as the girls run by, but as far as I can recall, I've never heard cat calling or witnessed stalking of women exercising in public.

>people who are physically fit get propositioned for sex
Wow I wouldn't have called that
It's almost as if fit people like to fuck fit people
It's not like Olympic athletes have fuckfests in their hote-- OH WAIT THEY DO BECAUSE FIT PEOPLE LIKE TO FUCK

There was a group of women at my work who were joggers and would complain about this constantly. Turns out all of them were lying as a way to brag about the attention they were getting and to try and one up eachother.

thats terrifying

Thots know exactly what they're doing.

>Wear revealing clothing with the intention of getting attention
>Gets attention from someone she doesn't find physically attractive

Bet you 100 bucks this is normally the case.


>Dress like a slut

I bet she complains on facebook about all the guys she dates being assholes.

just post all the webms and be done with it

>More than half of young women joggers get ((harassed))

This is true and it's a real problem. Some of you overly anti-feminist fags on /pol are so fucking retarded and unaware.

Where I'm from, I used to see black and mexican dudes harass college and high school age white chicks who were jogging all the time.

>and stares make her so uncomfortable,
Okay, so just LOOKING at a person constitutes as harassment nowadays

>One in three women runners reported being followed by a person in a vehicle, on a bike or on foot.
If you're running through a busy street or park in New York City, chances are someone else is headed in the same direction you're going. This doesn't mean they are following you.

reminder that if you are even remotely attractive and i see you anywhere in any situation i'll be taking a mental snapshot of what it'd be like to strip you down and watch you piss all over yourself with fear and fuck you in the mouth while you cry and there's L I T E R A L L Y nothing you can do about it

>Car shit the bed, walking home from work whistling "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" because life's still alright
>morbidly obese woman whose fat is spilling out of her brightly colored nylon jog-wear across the street stops her huffing and puffing while walking but moving her arms up and down and her head turns backwards like an owl to stare directly at me
>her eyes turn bloodshot red as her jaw unhinges, and she lets out an unholy screech, while she rolls across four lanes of traffic to my location causing two collisions as drivers swerve to avoid her massive girth
>she huffles and puffles right on up to me, and sticks a finger right between my eyes, while hissing "D- *huff* D- *puff* DID Y- *huff* DID YOU JUST C- *puff* DID YOU JUST CATCALL ME!?!?!?!?"
>sensing a misunderstanding, I reply "No ma'am, I was just whis-"
>Her eyes go wide like two golf balls
>"YOU ADMIT IT!" she screeches
>Arrested, thrown in prison with no trial
>Almost raped by a black man with AIDS, join the Aryan Brotherhood for protection
>Swiftly climb the ranks, become the most feared enforcer in the prison system
>Get pretty good at art, too, doing detailed, highly metaphorical tattoo work for my Aryan brothers
>They don't get the more obscure references, so I start labeling them
>Serve my minimum sentence of fifteen years for rape accusation
>I arrive on the outside, blinking into the bright daylight a free man, known as Ben "The One Man Holocaust" Garrison
>With a pen in my left hand, and a homemade knife in my right, I whistle "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" as I walk down the street, knowing what I must do

Wear pants, slut.

I'm going to guess 90% of this harassment is "hey girl how you doing"


>online survey
>no information about what populations were sampled or how the survey was carried out
>nothing about the sampled age ranges for either sex other than 'under 30'
>vague questions
>no p values
>no discussion of internal or external validity
it's a non-scientific survey by some magazine

tl;dr it's fucking nothing

If you walk into the gorilla exhibit with bananas it's safe to assume you're there to feed the gorillas.

