Jared Taylor would be cooling if he stopped blaming mestizo crimes on the spanish man
He thinks hispanic is a race and that's really dumb but he's right about everything else
Jared Taylor would be cooling if he stopped blaming mestizo crimes on the spanish man
He thinks hispanic is a race and that's really dumb but he's right about everything else
Other urls found in this thread:
>Per-capita participation
She tried to fuck him on this. However, he unleashed hell.
>Ugh..ugh...let's move on
Fuck off Pablo
He keeps it together well. She gets heated sometimes with leftist bullshit and he keeps a cool head
>"We built a wonderful country that your ancestors could not have"
I thought she was going to start blowing her rape whistle.
It was visible that Jared was aggravated by the end of the interview, he lost a little bit of his normally cool as ice posture, and it's no wonder, the condescending voice of that bitch, trying to pin down the intelectual giant that he is with unsubstantiated progressive garbage that one would expect from a dufus college student.
I really admire this man. His willingness to sacrifice his own confort in name of a higher purpose, his articulated speech, his keen intellect, his integrity and his good nature and character. He is the grandfahter i never had, he is, in many ways, an inspiration.
If there has ever been one /our guy/, it is Jared Taylor.
>Oh, damn. He's making really good arguments.
>Time to change the subject.
>Get rekt again.
We sure she isn't sephradic?
{ *
The nose knows
From what I gathered from the interview, she's a paki mudslime.
that muslim cunt is eternally BTFO'd
I find this man very subversive
Dat nose though
that chick was way to emotionally invested and thought she would just steam roll him with moral superiority
i did find his backstory interesting. when he said he was vagabonding
just chilling - traveling and learning languages. sounds awesome. i always tried to find some safe structure like school or work , he just went out
i dont think she understood per capita.
this is her youtube.com
He's actually alienating a large number of Europeans who move to South America who are labeled hispanic. He needs to be more specific about the fucking brown people.
Fucking awesome.
Fuck south americans.
They are nothing like us.
I love Jared Taylor and I love Don Black!
Here's another good interview with Jared
holy shit stop posting the same thread you fucking shill
Just finished. Lol he did wreck this bitches shit.
>57 minute bideo with no transcripts
yeup it's nothing i'm so sleepy you made a thread for this. i'm heading off to bed tired right now. To be honest, it made me really sleepy. Like really really sleepy. I'm going to go crawl in my warm, soft, and cozy bed and stretch out and get comfy and go to bed. . . I'm so sleepy. Good night.
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WE WUZ BUILDERS N SHIT
just as basd as a typical nigger.
Jared Taylor is always strangely disappointing, I always think he'll argue better than he does.
Ann Coulter would've dominated this hoe with much more vigor and stinging eloquence.
t. spic
>cuck who can only find something to be pridful in his race