What goes on in this state? How did they become the butt of so many memes and jokes?
Why wouldn't you just leave if you were here?
What goes on in this state? How did they become the butt of so many memes and jokes?
Why wouldn't you just leave if you were here?
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I think an abnormally high number of serial killers have come from there.
Cedar Point
swing state
also an abnormally high amount of astronauts and presidents
Isn't really a state, doesn't really exist, Jews just put it on maps as a practical joke to see who is gullible enough to believe it.
Can confirm.
Live in ohio
we exist solely to swing elections for some reason and for roller coasters
Just a relatively boring place. Nothing but hills, farms, lakes, and a few grimy cities. Extremely American place--that is to say--small town americana and industrial cities. The issue with Ohio is that it is so average. There is literally nothing noteworthy about it. Only point of interest to me is Sandusky, home of Cedar Point, a fantastic amusement park.
Power brokers of the Republic.
-High number of Presidents come from Ohio (five of whom were officers during the Civil War)
-High number of inventors and patents
-Inordinate number of people in the aeronautics field (both space and aviation in general)
-Largest per capita percentage of soldiers to serve in the Civil War. Notorious for fielding some of the best sharpshooters.
-Inordinate number of financial powerhouse families have origins in Ohio (perhaps the most infamous being the Rockefeller family)
-Politically split almost evenly between Democrat and Republican voters but with a large enough number of independents to sway it to either side, giving it great national political power in deciding elections and drawing in a lot of financial support from both national parties
Ohio is basically the Almighty Janitor of the US.
Whatever you do, just stay the fuck away from Cleveland. 20x worse than Cincinnati or Columbus. It's basically an annexation of Detroit.
I'm trying, but this place is a God damnd black hole. Even LeBron couldn't get out.
It's like the Event Horizon "You can't leave she won't let you".
Especially Cedar Point, which features 16 unique thrilling roller coasters, such as the 120 mph Top Thrill Dragster or Milennium Force, which has received 10 Golden Ticket Awards as the #1 steel coaster. If you're feeling hot, Soak a city provides a wide range of water attractions to help cool that sweat. If it's just too much for one day, well you're in luck, as Cedar Point has two hotels right on the park.
Hey, I know, we should have a Sup Forums meet up at Cedar Point. It'll be fun guys, book your rooms now!
>birthplace of aviation
>number one producer of presidents
>number one producer of astronauts
>Lebron James
>Cedar Point
>2nd largest indoor waterpark in the world
>Lebron James
>Japanese name
Yes, Cedar Point, much better than Disney World.
I loved living in Ohio during my childhood, but I wonder if I'd be dead end hick trash if I stayed there like the resr of my friends. Then again I was the only one who enjoyed learning .. it's a nice state, comfy in places. Avoid the flat depressing north, the comfy south is top tier.
You're still dead end trash.
Hey now, that's no way to treat your riding partner at the 2017 Cedar Point 4 Chan Meetup.
What's the climate of the South? Is it comfy? Could you go innawoods?
It is a baseline for states. The C average state. Cedar Point is nice, like others have said. It has, or used to at least, a great arcade. And Boneville is the scariest thing I have ever seen. But lately what goes on here is opioid abuse.
I live in Ohio, and I love it here. Its the jack-of-all-trades state. Its got a little bit of everything, but not enough to make it go to hell.
Except cleveland, obviously. Even the most beautiful women have an asshole.
Cedar Point features an amazing arcade with a vast spacious layout of games for all ages to enjoy. In fact, first 10 people to sign up for the 2017 Cedar Point Sup Forums Meetup will receive $20 worth or free tokens.
Columbus and Cincinnati are worse than Cleveland
Mild winters with several inches of snow total that only last from late
November to early March, summers can be warm with temps occasionally reaching over 100 degrees fahrenheit. Severe storms and tornados are not uncommon during hot summer days but are very predictable. Hilly terrain with dense woodlands and the occasional wetlands or ponds and lakes. Many places however have miles of rolling hills which during the summer months are green with cornstalks or soybeans and at night light up with fireflies. Absolutely comfy
Amish People. They at least make good real cheese.
>Cedar Point is nice
You fucking out-of-state cunt, you know fuck-all about it. Sandusky is trash. Cedar Point dorms niggers from Cleveland and Detroit while they work the season. They go into town and nig shit up while chasing the trash-tier white womens, and fight amongst themselves to the point LEO resources are consumed to the point of being problematic.
At Cedar Point likes to take all complaints in person. Come enjoy a helicopter ride over the deepest parts of Lake Erie while voicing your concerns about the park.
Any 937 Sup Forumsocks?
>Lake Erie
>deep parts
Only niggers would actually believe that statement.
440 representin
We need to get more rakes in the lighthouses when the day of the rake comes.
I'm from Ohio but I go to school out of state because I couldn't take living in Ohio any longer
t. Columbus fag
Ohio, the state makes people want to leave earth to get away from it.
Stay mad non ohio fags
Avg height in Ohio is 6'2
Stay mad manlets
Yea no... Cinci is the best because muh hills
columbus is shit tho
SW Ohio is good because of Kentucky
Left when I was 18.
Go back once or twice a year for the last 20 years.
Hate it every time.
Fuck Ohio
I don't know. I feel like they're kind of just East Indiana. I mean, I guess people probably hate Indiana, too, though.
>The state's name sounds like a Canadian greeting someone
Centerville here my nigguh, fuck Beavercreek
Anything north of Dayton is pure shit
Where my toledo niggaz at? Stand the fuck up
Muh 740
Ohio is the sexiest state.
ohio is a cute state and im going to go there and spread communism when CA falls apart and i have to move :^)
Isn't that the perfect state to get date raped in?
What's the economy like on Ohio? I am an accountant considering moving there for a grill. Are there many (or any) publicly traded companies headquartered there? Or large private companies? I don't necessarily care about the boredom factor I would like to live in a sort of rural area and spend my time hiking and making babies.
What's the real redpill on Ohio?
>Bragging about a nigger
Seems pretty cucked to me.
It is just generic America. It is not a bad place to live at all, it's just not very exciting
440 also. The lake is my backyard. It's breddy nice
The economy is good in the greater Columbus area, but as far as I'm aware, it's not too great elsewhere in the state. I know Bob Evans and Wendy's are headquartered here in Ohio, but again, I'm not sure about what else is headquartered here. You'd need to do your own research on that. If you do move to Ohio, you'll want to live in one of the smaller cities or towns that surround Columbus, just stay out of Franklin County.
The real redpill on Ohio? There really isn't much to say. It's just like any other state. You steer clear of the larger cities, and you'll have a comfy life. It's the perfect blend of urban and rural, industrial and agricultural. For this, I think it's why we're always been a swing state for over a hundred years now. The two groups balance each other out. Although, we seem to be moving farther to the right since the Republicans in the state government did a good job at pulling us out of the recession much quicker than the rest of the country. Most importantly though, there's a saying that says "as goes Ohio, so goes the nation," and I think it couldn't be more true. We're a good representation of how the entire nation feels.
I'll add this last bit: one big benefit to living in Ohio is that we're big enough population wise to matter and reap the benefits of being a bigger state, but we're not that well known to the outside that we have to deal with all the bad shit that happens everywhere else.
We also don't have tourists to deal with (besides Cedar Point.)
Ohio sucks. Finally left that hell hole.
Ohio is the coal burning capital of the US. I have traveled all over the US, and even shit holes like San Fransisco had less miscegenation then Ohio.
When ever I visit Ohio now, I play a game when I go into public with my friends. We get points for being the first notice a white woman that is NOT with a black man.
Last time I visited Ohio for 6 days, in the entire fucking time there, not ONCE did a see a white woman that was not with some disgusting nigger.
Bretty significant state I thyink, winning elections without Ohi-On is unlikely.
That must be a city thing. We don't have many blacks where I live, and the very few times I check kikebook, I don't see the girls who I graduated with dating niggers. In fact, a lot of them married just a few years after leaving high school and already have kids, white kids.
You are a fucking retard.
All you know is Bob Evans and Wendy's? How about Les Wexner, one of the richest men in the US, who owns fucking VICTORIA'S secret?
What about companies like Anomatic that produce literally 85% of the worlds anodized aluminum?
What about Kroger who head quartered in Cincinnati which is THE LARGEST supermarket retailer in the entire US?
You FAIL as an Ohioan. I don't even live there anymore and I hate the state and I know this shit.
You are a fucking retard.
All you know is Bob Evans and Wendy's? How about Les Wexner, one of the richest men in the US, who owns fucking VICTORIA'S secret?
What about companies like Anomatic that produce literally 85% of the worlds anodized aluminum?
What about Kroger who head quartered in Cincinnati which is THE LARGEST supermarket retailer in the entire US?
You FAIL as an Ohioan. I don't even live there anymore and I hate the state and I know this shit.
There's a lot of normal people doing normal people things here. Nothing really stands out aside from a heroin epidemic in the larger cities and Cleveland shooting niggers breaking the law and then paying millions of dollars to their families so they shut the fuck up.
I grew up in ultra-rural south-east Ohio.
Despite there being something like less then 1% niggers, a good portion of the girls I went to highschool with ended up with niggers.
pic related is someone I went to school with who ended up finding the 1 nigger in 100 miles and made lots of niglets. The nig went nuts and ended up leaving, never to be seen or heard from again, withen a week she found a beta to take care of her and the niglets.
sorry, double posted.
indianafag here
Couldn't wait to get out. Moved to Chicago, couldn't wait to get back. I love Ohio.
Air force museum is the shit too.
Your autism is showing. I have more important things to do than memorize some useless facts about companies that mean nothing to me. I've heard of Anomatic though, they've got a factory or whatever just a few streets down from where I live. I didn't know they were that big though.
the southeast quarter of our state is basically woodlands and Appalachian mountain woodlands.
southeast Ohio basically is nothing but innawoods and small towns.
How expensive is land? Could you just buy a fuckton of estate and comfily live?
I don't know.
Do you really want to be surrounded by trailer trash? Because that's what you're going to get if you move to SE Ohio.
Can confirm, live in Dayton.
Because it's the frigid armpit of america
Dayton guy here, heroin overdose has been really bad, even in some of the good areas. Friend at work in vandalia got smashed into at a red light from the rear of a guy who passed out at the wheel od'ing.
Friends I used to know who never seemed like they would do drugs have died to the shit, its pretty rampant here.
Vandalia here
Kings island is pretty dope too and never gets nearly as busy as cedar point.
Cedar point s roller coaster are awesome. Much better theme park than universal studio or disney
Fuck you pussy. You were too weak for Ohio. Ohio ate you up and spit you out like the bitch you are. You weren't worthy of Ohio, pussy. Enjoy your soft life surrounded by soft people, precious snowflake.
Yeah that's not too great. Are trailer trash really that bad? They're not comfy American average joes?
Ohio is a native american name...
It depends on how many drugs you throw in the mix. I've met plenty of good people that live in trailers But a lot of them are shit people looking for a cheap place to live so they can buy more meth and heroin.
>Why wouldn't you just leave if you were here?
>Leaving Ohio
Pick one
>t. Faggot who lives in the ghetto and lies to himself to keep from committing suicide
Krogers, proctor and gamble, chiquita banannas use to be here too. You'll be able to find plenty of jobs in the cities.
You'll find a mix of rural areas that are all white thare only 30 minutes or so from the main city.
The reason no one leaves is because there's not really any reason to leave if you are an adult.
> Decent jobs
> Very little natural disaster chances
> Good housing in certain areas
> Great schools in certain areas
The only type people move out its to be a fucking hippy in colerado or something.
Nah, Ohioans go to Florida and vice versa.
I live in Sandusky Ohio where cedar point is.
Pls don't come here.
Florida and ohio are very similar politically so i can see that.
I couldn't live in florida, its so fucking humid and its so fucking crowded everywhere in the city.
Also if you are to live by an ocean the pacific is 100x prettier and its more fun to surf and shit in the water.
Xenia here, well formerly.
I drove through there once in the winter (Chillicothe). It was incredibly cold and everyone had snot rags and consumption. I imagine it was like bastogne in ww2.
The population went to a giant indoor heated supercenter called "Rink's" that had everything from tractors to a movie house inside. I Caught a crazy cold that caused me to bleed uncontrollably so I had hold up in a motel 6 and vomit blood until a kindly doctor gave me pepperment syrup. It got so cold the swimming pool cracked. Never again, Ohio
Yeh It can get really fuck hot here and really fucking cold.
I actually really enjoy this state. I'm in Toledo, about 45 minutes away from Detroit so around 26% of the city is niggers though. I like being able to go from country midwest areas straight into industrial cities. Is Ohio the most American state?
Better than cleveland. I left to avoid the nogs.
Were you a summer cedar point worker or did you join the Navy or something?
am Ohian
Ohio is the most based state.
>Columbus dank economy
>Continuously produces exemplary Americans
>all 4 seasons are extreme in their own right
This is America. Ohio is the Most American piece of America. I may be persuaded to put it in 2nd behind Texas. Its a wonderful place to live. Opportunity isn't really at a lack here.
I think Ohio is a better representative of America than Texas. Texas is kind of it's own thing. Each day we cycle through all 4 seasons here.
When I was 11 (heard it on the radio) I thought Ohio was some magical land of floating lights and white streets. But whenever it's in the movies it looks miserable.
There's one guy which has a fetish for the state of Ohio
Someone post it