is anime degenerate, Sup Forums?
Is anime degenerate, Sup Forums?
It's for children. Not for men
Yes. I watch it anyway.
kys faggot
everything is degenerate if you overdo it you spineless cucks
Enjoy your cartoons faggot. It's comical thinking about a grown ass man watching ops pic related
ARIA is the most bluepilled anime.
This burger got it.
>everything is degenerate if you overdo it
I realized this eons ago. That's why I stopped watching a billion shows a season a long time ago. Now I'm just some dirty normie. I can't keep up like those weeaboo faggots like I once could. I'm growing old.
No as long as you don't let it consume your life.
shit like DBZ is fine, just don't reach towards niche genres
I like actual shows, not creppy pedo shit and tentacle porn.
It's definitely better than what jewish Hollywood puts out.
Just don't be an embarrassing shut in with posters and have it rule your life.
Only that weird moe shit. Some anime can be serious and have deep meaning. Older action animes are good too.
This is a Christian board
Lewd pics are not allowed
>not creppy pedo shit and tentacle porn.
Yes. Using Sup Forums is degenerate as well, so please leave.
she's got a cross around her neck, so she must be christian
Top taste, s2 when
ITT: genetic dead ends
>is anime degenerate
it's just a drawing
Anime is an amazing east Aryan invention of course it's not degenerate user
the irony is hilarious
I watch maybe 2 or 3 after a season finishes, but most of what comes out doesn't interest me anymore
Probably because of how cliched all the moeshit has become and how muh grimdark cyber everything else has become.
unshaved pussy > shaved pussy
>starting a thread with NSFW image
enjoy your ban bruce
Generally not
My favorites include:
>Cowboy Bebop
>Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
>Dragon Ball Z
>Gurren Lagann
>Saber Marionette J
>Miyazaki films
>Black Lagoon
>Dragon Ball Super (it's ok)
>Rurouni Kenshin
>Kimagure Orange Road