>google blocking part of sky map >looks like something is behind it >user sources that part of the sky from another map >sees something very strange >that part of map is now blocked everywhere
digits confirm >pepe is an acronym for point is emerging probability entering >pepe is the band that made meme magic >right now a point has emerged in the sky >pepe is now entering probability
digits confirm /pie/ in the sky >tfw we fucking memed a sky god >tfw they try to hide it >tfw brock has heart attack over it >tfw sky pepe is coming
The object has its own sine wave, that already makes it more interesting than every other face in the sky.
Bentley Lewis
I need an adult
Brayden Gonzalez
Easton Garcia
Coordinates on J2000 Equatorial coordinate:
13h48m01.20000s, -08d59m26.0000s
Jack Harris
>1And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed in the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. >2She was pregnant and crying out in the pain and agony of giving birth. >3Then another sign appeared in heaven: a huge red dragon with seven heads, ten horns, and seven royal crowns on his heads. >4His tail swept a third of the stars from the sky, tossing them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman as she was about to give birth, ready to devour her child as soon as He was born On September 23 this year, there wil be a constillation where jupiter (zeus, which is associated with jesus as jesus for example is a mockname meaning "hail zeus") will stay in virgos (virgin mary) belly for 42 weeks (pregnency) and leaving the constillation (birth) while the constillation of lion, usually consisting of 9 stars now will have 12 "stars" as mecurcy mars and venus will align with it, with the moon the the feet of virgo and the sun next to her head. This depicts the birth of jesus by virgin mary among the stars and the last time this happened supposedly was around 4000 years ago
now check in which constillation the anomalie is
Grayson Morris
Why no more oroville happening? Ice is melting.
Liam Rogers
Fuck off
Kevin Baker
This is literally nothing. there's the exact same face uncensored in other parts of the sky
Joshua Nelson
Can someone explain why (((google))) would try to censor this out? also is it censored on other sky viewing sites?
Joshua Miller
UM GUYS.....
Christian Hill
Space plane with duel rockets maybe?
Benjamin Sanders
Theres also some other objects on the wave
Logan Ross
Zachary Diaz
Anyone have a link?
Wyatt Peterson
old thread
Michael Fisher
It's a cloaked starship battle group coming to earth to fuck us up for shooting down the dark knight satellite.
Anthony Gonzalez
ok, here is a thought just now. the antichrist is supposed to come first, and make us think he is the messiah. now we have that thing coming and people think its pepe. however the bible tells about the dragon coming after the woman gave birth. so is that the antichrist trying to disguise himself as pepe/christ?
Ryan Watson
this is literally . just go there for your faggy rp.
Anyone know what the two black slashes are on that map? Area we can't see?
Xavier Wood
well im not very religious but if you think about it since most of these elites engage in some form of occultism IF the bible cosmological creation story is correct knowing them they would probably try to help the anntichrist disguise themselves as the christ for there own selfish purposes but being agnostic a dont claim to be any sort of expert theologian
James Smith
its eLELnin
Lincoln Cox
Fucking idiots. That is clearly the Cookie Monster.
Christopher Scott
Cosmic absolute, regular reality Breath of a concept, syntony of civilizations Confused descendants of rebel cells I fly towards the universe, I'll pass through it If you are a star, show yourself, I will stop. Shadilay, shadilay.
James Edwards
Nathaniel Howard
> (OP) >It's Orkz, Gork and Mork are coming for ya's "God Emperor"
They will never defeat the power of Chaos, Kek is the greatest god to have ever been Memed into existence.
Leo Rogers
>doomsday comet
Fuck I forgot all about that thing. It's been years
Brayden Allen
If I understand correctly, their view of the sky is a composite image and the black gashes are points where it didn't fit perfectly. Of course, it could also just be censoring, maybe we can find out using our own telescopes.
Michael Hill
The bible verse explaining what people think this is can be found in the picture posted by →
The thing being hidden by Google (the supposed dragon from that verse) can be explained with the picture here →
The dragon seems to be on the path to "devour" Jupiter the supposed son from the Revelation verse.
I can confirm it is there as you can mess with the coordinates to see it and move them as well as play with colours (see pic).
The scariest part about is is not just that it all lines up with the bible, but that we know about the jewish plot most of anybody. A group of jews plotting against the world with incredibly odd motives that don't seem to work or make sense. Rumors that Hillary is the high priest of moloch, bizarre rituals, pizzagate (child sex/sacrifice/cannibalism). Add it all together, google blocked it on purpose. (((Google)))
The prophecy of pol, fake or not had a verse that always struck me: "They are trying to force God's hand..."
Benjamin Gonzalez
Ryan Collins
this is what "its nothing man" shills can never explain if its absolutely nothing just a constellation why try to hide it
Zachary Sullivan
I plugged OP pic in Deep Dream
Jose Morales
the object has a hexagon shape
Julian Long
abar ba-'esh
Ayden Adams
The dead ones are coming, make peace with your gods for there will be nothing left.
Gavin Davis
if you use the historical map on google sky there is a sign there
Austin Rogers
Carson Lee
Christian Wood
Landon Gutierrez
If you want to talk to a Moloch worshipper this is your guy. He has been shilling for Moloch all night. That is one deluded faggot.
James Morgan
Jesus h Christ
Isaac Adams
Here is similar phenomenon from Orion.
Adrian Evans
can you guys really not see moonman? his head, his sunglasses, his mouth.
Dylan Young
Anthony Collins
Plugged it in again
Connor Bennett
Gavin Evans
I've seen that face before...
John Lopez
Probably the same guy from the first 4 threads the past couple days. Serious dedication. To be clear though this thing has been known about since around 2014 at very least.
Jack Jones
im no expert either, didnt read the bible, only parts of it. recently started to read the revelation. but it seems to be happening like it was fortold. made a few days ago a thread about the signs. this video shows what the trumpets during the apocalypse could be youtube.com/watch?v=dN2c_uHJROQ
about the trumpets there is also that we now suddenly have instead of trumpets, we have trump pence. and there is this weird shit hearable occasionally from time to time youtube.com/watch?v=ox5saU4Xnmc
William Walker
Oh fuck CERN is bringing back the Satan machine from Saturn.
Bentley Barnes
the most bizzare feeling you get from looking at is it just looks to perfect to be coincidental that PERFECT looking toothy grin it seems flash and the stars above it shining brighter forming a perfect pair of eyes its just strange to look at
Carter Perez
So I put both the map on both historical and infrared and it got me to this. Now i know the historical writing is in backwards. However "Pepe" matches up with this constellation called SRR.
Sebastian Cooper
Jace Jenkins
Samuel Morgan
You will not stop him.
KEK cannot stop him.
You have demanded CHAOS.
Anthony Clark
you're right
it is one smug looking constellation
this is definitely Sup Forums's zodiac
Wyatt Cooper
John Cruz
Outside the ordered universe, that amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity—the boundless daemon sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time and space amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin monotonous whine of accursed flutes.
Alexander Hall
On a serious note from the fun posts, it's odd that these threads started popping up the day after I started watching some David Icke videos on youtube. What the fuck guys?
Asher Sanchez
It is. I have talked to that guy several times. He has showed up in Praise Kek threads for months...way too much time on his hands.
Henry Wilson
Nathan Morales
just look at that smug fucker
Kevin Baker
One Government One Universe One People One World One God
Justin Nguyen
Blake Powell
Some user mentioned that its the scorpio zodiac sign. Seems somewhat likely, but its backwards. Its a historic map so its probably correct, but I don't know if we should go down the path of astrology.
Hunter Ramirez
Is /sci/ and /x/ involved?
They should be this is a fucking convergence
Charles Harris
Non infrared
Jordan Carter
the star of david originally stands for the unification of male and female. only later was used to symbolize saturn/judaism. they do this with many stuff. they infiltrate some organisation or symbology and later act like it was their from the beginning. the do this to 1. make people who find out about this think that their god, moloch/satan is the real one since the symbology says so b) make people who find out about this turn away from the originally good thing as they now think its worshipping satan III: rechannel the energy of prayers and thoughs to their god.
one believe is that the point where polar opposites meet is where magic happens. the star of david/seal of solomon for example is assoiciated with saturn, however another meaning, which i believe is the original one, is the unification of male and female, and by extent of all polar opposites which is believed to be the point where magic happens. when male and female for example come together the first step to the magic of life happens, which is the reason that this is so important and holy in most religions and cultures. ying and yang symbolizes the same. i believe the spirals you see often in japanese culture (naruto has a lot of spirals in it, uzumaki even means spira, ranma 1/2 has a technique based on a spiral, tengen toppa gurren lagann is all about spiral energy) symbolize this process as well, as when you mix stuff they usually form a vortex and thus it also symbolizes the energy, and probably the energy of life which could be the reason the pedos use a spiral as well, because what better symbol for life is there than a kid?
Going back to gurren lagann: it is all about the antispirals keeping the spiral beings in the dark, beneath the ground away from heaven because they fear they would destroy the universe with the spiral energy. is this why the elite takes us our spirituality? keeps us in the dark? because they fear us destroying everything? or just fear we use it against them?
Dylan Cox
Easton Moore
Josiah Sanchez
Robert Adams
Hunter Carter
Caltech is masking the region around it
Grayson Young
Okay now how about overlaying the infrared image on it with a transparency
Mason Bailey
Ryan Williams
Also, the image was observed in 2010, so it's only 7 years old.
Tyler Lee
reminder: this slide shit is brought to you by the same /x/ larpers who spammed the alien selfie threads.
Nicholas Walker
It looks like a Sha.
Isaac Gutierrez
Alexander Allen
anyone figure out about this "srr" cause I know it's backwards.
Isaac Moore
It's the jews, trying to hide it.
Dominic Cox
Luke Young
>some user posts some image like "hey this looks weird dosent it guys" >immediate blackout of the area by major organizations like nasa and universities really makes you think
Leo Butler
Ethan Stewart
it all plays out exactly like the bible told thousand years ago, and yet they believe they have a chance at winning. they dont even realize how badly they fucked up. or probably just begin to realize since we started to counter the shit.
Dominic Hernandez
>my birthday was when trump was elected >sisters birthday is the next day that everyone is saying is going to be WWIII or armageddon. There have been too many signs, I believe, he comes.