We are war whether we like it not now, aren't We?
We are war whether we like it not now, aren't We?
Get a gym membership, Take MMA classes, buy and carry the following items
>Pepper spray
>Knife with quick open technology
If you can't get a switch blade, buy a knife with a tension bar
>always wear cargo pants
Buy from milspec companies, but don't sperg and get camo, get khaki/black/navy blue and OD Green
>milspec boots
>milspec shirts
There is a reason the military require certain specifications, with how active you are going to be, it will be better to skip the bullshit and get the clothing that matches your needs
When are they going to clean these dead infidels off the street?
I can see all of Europe looking like Yugoslavia in the 90's. Sucks because the US will probably get tons more Muslims because of it.
>not suggesting a gun
You must be 18 years old to post on this site.
>carry the following items
Brits are not allowed to possess any of those items, user.
Can brits own those?
I have a gun at my grandfathers i obviously can't walk around with it and it had to be locked away but yeah its easier than you think to get one
>tfw blocked by the Hackney MPS on Twitter for bullying them
I hope spencer gets hit by fucking car.
I can't either, but I do anyway
Penalties include a fine of up to $1,000, up to six months in jail, or both. (Cal. Penal Code ยง 25400(c)(7).) > Death
I'm talking about a rifle my man its not like i can carry it in my jeans
Oh lol, get a handgun mang
Doesn't matter. The Second Amendment isn't about being allowed to hold a physical gun, it's the crystallization of the concept of negative rights, which Brits have totally lost. Brits live under a comfortable, lazy, slow-moving totalitarianism, and point to standard of living and not having gotten in trouble yet.
nigger detected
Nice photoshopped anti-islamic propaganda
She's calling public assistance asking why her gibs were late this month.
>TFW you will never be part of the largest cavalry charge in history, shouting a battlecry with 19000 others as you charge down a mountainslope at high speeds with your lance prepped to shish some kebab
>Take MMA classes, buy and carry the following items
>>Pepper spray
>>Knife with quick open technology
Just buy a gun, you faggot. Stay fit, but don't think you're going to rely on taking on an attacker one-on-one with your mixed martial arts training. Niggers fight dirty and you WILL lose. Muslims fight dirty too. Your pepper spray won't do shit when Ahmed runs you over with his truck.
>>always wear cargo pants
>Buy from milspec companies, but don't sperg and get camo, get khaki/black/navy blue and OD Green
>>milspec boots
>>milspec shirts
This is just retarded.
Tbh carrying a gun is same as carrying a mass assault automatic pepper spray of doom in britbong land.
I'm required to wear a suit to work - and I imagine others have similar dress codes - so I don't think this is practical advice
If the Bataclan didn't change anything, why would this? It'll take something beyond 9/11 now, terrorisms become too normalised
Don't think you can get them in the uk anymore, i cant say I've ever seen a policeman with one either they always carrying some type of smg or auto
>TFW you will never be part of the largest cavalry charge in history, shouting a battlecry with 19000 others as you charge down a mountainslope at high speeds with your lance prepped to shish some kebab
Yes, but even if they couldn't, it's not a bad suggestion they procure one some non-law abiding way or another.
(((Gun laws)))
i read somewhere that she helped afterwards..
Cruella Shabazz
Sup Forums is essentially Likud Party propaganda at this point.
Muslim isn't a race... You can be white and Muslim too. All you need to do is say a few words, all else being the same.
Anyone got the template?
Unfortunately, I think you're right. I thought that the attack in Orlando on the gay night club would change things, given that the victims were an "oppressed class," but apparently muslims rank above homosexuals on the Hierarchy of Oppression.
Does it even matter anymore ? If you follow Islam you are an enemy of the people
>the only one calling an ambulance
Where do all these larping feitishists come from
Yes. You know what you must do.
Here's a (((you)))
>buy a gun
>in Britain
Yeah, that single shot hunting rifle that has to be kept locked up at home all the time will really do him a lot of good during an attack.
> US flag
> everything but a gun.
Sig P320 folks.
If you live in a commie area, whatever is legal.
yes but not because of that picture. I wouldve done the same if there was already a group of people attending to that person
Fuck Muslims.
Fuck Islam.
They deserve everything that happens to them.
They should be fucking rounded up like cattle and dropped into the god damn ocean.
>the only one talking to another Muslim in some shitskin language praising the terrorist and saying she wished more Britain were dead
hes right but also at the same time a massive faggot who needs to stop attention whoring
>say a few words to be a muslim
Christianity= narrow is the path that leads to heaven, and few their are that find it.
Well in her defence why should she give a fuck? The west has made it clear it doesn't and now terrorist attacks are as insignificant as car crashes.
If there is ever another one where 100 or more people die it will be quite profound to see the exact same apathetic reaction.
I will treasure that response thanks for opening my eyes to the true religion of peace
i wonder what the faggot who write those looks like
Worked for Derrick bird didn't it ?
And you you all still go into overdrive trying to score political points from events like this.
You're not converting anyone. You're just engaged in a giant circle-jerk of confirmation bias.
What is gun gonna do when achmed runs over you with a truck ?
Indeed. Spoken like a true Jew.
I am literally an online media relations technician for Likud.
>but yeah its easier than you think to get one
That's great, but can you use it for self-defense and defend that decision in a court of law?
>always wear cargo pants
no thanks I like getting laid
>>Knife with quick open technology
mfw I live with a state that bans owning those
Why do you suddenly care so much about random leftist getting killed? You're a phony.
>Well in her defence why should she give a fuck?
The point being that she'd have no tribal connections to the victims.
>different race
>different religion
That's why she's not stopping. She doesn't care.
And this is what happens when you lack homogeneity
>Help police please help this man he's had an accident and these white people are too busy asking him if he's ok and taking selfies to post on Facebook
No problem rebeccastein
As far as i know only for trespassing, and I'm not 100% sure if you can use actual ammo you have to use the sandbags either way one of them to chest will stop you in your tracks
What do you do?
>guy who decided to go on a shooting spree
The victims had enough people there helping.
>tfw no p320
>tfw no ar15
People are tribal, user
A white leftist is still a part of the white tribe
That's what the MMA training is for, dumbass.
You're saying it like a rifle isn't effective
And she's showing zero care at all and just walking on by
She doesn't give a fuck
Just as a white person walking past a terrorist incident in a foreign country
Spam Trump memes.
not yet.
but this shit will continue.
and there will be a tipping point.
and as soon as the normies reach it, it will be over.
and they will.
dont worry.
I'm saying that it doesn't do you any good in the UK because you can't keep it on your person, nor can you have a more practical handgun. Won't help you defend against an attack that you don't know is coming. Of course it will help you if you're a nutbag who decides to take it out and go for the high score one day.
>muh white skin
So I guess you support Hillary Clinton because she is white? White leftist are not your tribe and they've explicitly said so for the last 50 years.
The tipping point is in your own small head. Nobody comes here to read your shitty memes except yourselves.
I'd offer help but I wouldn't give much of a fuck either. Import muzzies, get muzzied. It's a joke.
Yes, proportional response laws.
If someone is on your property you're fine to call the police and tell them theres an intruder, if they break into your house you can threaten them with the gun in your hands, if they come at you or have a knife in their hands you can shoot them so long as you fear for your life.
Laws were relaxed recently by david cameron to protect the homeowner more than the criminal. So you can probably get away with a bit more than that now.
First thing that I saw when I woke up was this shit. It's beyond amusing how, at the same thime when the leftcucks are repeating their delusional mantra of #NotAllMudslime, the mudslime is actually celebrating the attack all over the interwebs / unwilling to show any compassion towards those who just got attacked. All this while they are the ones complaining about the westerns being racists, bigots, islamophobes, untolerant pieces of shit etc.
Can't fucking stand this shit!!!
I didn't say that's how I think.
It's just how lots do.
I'm sure there's plenty here that would support Hillary over a Muslim of a different Race
It's not skin color and looks, though that does give you a quick ID. It's culture.
If you've moved past culture, then don't be surprised when another comes along and changes yours.
Post the original then
The problem is that the tipping point will be the dunecoons finally figure out how to nigger-rig a nuke. Three countries run by fundamentalist nutters already have the capability to build nuclear weapons (Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia), more on the way soon probably.
Show me where they are celebrating.
I'm not even a Muslim and I take satisfaction in seeing degenerates neutralized.
what kind of faggot do you have to be to go around editing cocks into pictures?
I hope you and your wifes son get fucking ass raped by a mudslime you worthless piece of trash.
I don't even have a gun and it is illegal to carry one around in here. However, the "reacent" events have insured me that I need a gun, at least in the near future.
Is it in any way better in here?
By celebrating I referred to the positive statements that are popping up in all over the interwebs. Just open twatter (or any social media outlet) and see it your self.
Have you seen Hot Fuzz? They'er loaded with gats! They're really hard over there.
>We are war whether we like it not now, aren't We?
You limey fucks started this war hundreds of years ago.
Why do her tits get smaller? Busty women can't be smart? Isn't that body shaming?
leftist logic
You are talking to this guy personally? How old does he need to be personally blamed for colonialism?
Also, victims of colonialism:
Reg: All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh-water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?
PFJ Member: Brought peace?
Reg: Oh, peace? SHUT UP!
No, you have been at war for 1400 years, you only woke up to it now.
fuck off shitskin
>reddit spacing
>thinks race is "skin deep"
>muh culture
You're a fucking retard