Are you happy to born in your country?

94% of Japanese answered Yes.

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because they dont know whats outside of their weeb shithole

Sweden you may want to look in a mirror.
Japans a great place

because its difficult to be unhappy when their arent Muslims and blacks around trying to kill you because of the color of your skin

yeah, just think of all the rape they are missing out on

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Most people would vote yes even if they're sand nigger shit skins in the middle of Saudi Arabia
Everyone always thinks their country is the best

I wish I was born in Switzerland sometimes

yeah if ur an autist

i'd rather be a cuck than a fucking weeb
and you must be 18+ to post on this website u underage kids

I'm happy for you, nip.
I hope you're telling the rest of your country about what's happening in the west, lest the same happen to yours.

Yeah, I'm happy about it, but I think I'm mostly happy to be living in a small town in the midwest.

Come clean about Fukushima.

Yes, I want to be born in Japan again.

Keep Japan great!


>94% of Japanese answered Yes.
Also only 7 percent of adults in Japan think that the country has a "bright future", but okay. Stop making these Japan threads. You're not even Japanese.

No, it's divided to shit and everyone feels like they're being victimized or discriminated against which makes them hateful and aggressive. Things are only going to get worse too, financial meltdown incoming, race war imminent. pls gib citizenship, I'll Ellis island my last name and do anything... ANYTHING.

Yes and no
Mexico is a tropical and cultural paradise, but the people and the goverment are fucking retarded sometimes.

Guanojuato is pretty nice, Toluca seems livable, Guadlajara isn't a total shithole, and I can get down with Villahermosa. The rest of Mexico is an unlivable shithole though.

>Lying to yourself and thinking that the world itself has a bright future.

Looks like the Japs aren't interested in lying to themselves.

Not Japanese
Not Japanese

At least weebs have enough dignity to not let their imaginary wives cheat on them


Whoa no, Guadalajara won't do

Hezu righto. No japaneasy accento.


>japanese meme sushi man
>makes 400 dollars an hour
>works 12 hours a day
>multi millionaire
>to autistic to actually do anything with the money
>will die working
If you admire this, you are a cuck or majorly autistic. He didn't even raise his own kids because he was too busy making sushi for celebrities and other rich cunts.

yeah, they would be far happier in cuckistan countries in Europe so they can be enriched

>i'd rather be a cuck than a fucking weeb

No, I want to kill myself.


>i'd rather be a cuck than a fucking weeb

No. Last 40 years has been a shit time to be born in America. Just endless wars for Israel at the expense of the middle class. Immigration at the expense of the middle class. Trade Agreements at the expense of the middle class. Everything at the expense of the middle class. But new suckers are born every minute and nothing will improve. I think we might be too dumb for democracy to work anymore

I honestly don't know anymore.

my wee brothers best pal is a mudslime. no im fucking not.