So, you guys had a good run.
Bye Bye Blumpfies.
So, you guys had a good run
Other urls found in this thread:
>may have
>we are looking into it
>be afraid
>more at 11 stay tuned
really wish cuck news network cant go bankrupt already. also kys shill.
Can't wait til the orange cheeto gets tossed in the clink. BYE BYE TRUMP
Since when is "coordination" with foreign nations or leaders while campaigning a crime?
LOL, you drumpfcucks are even more retarded than I thought.
Drumpf is done.
8 years faggot
Someone make a bot that retweets articles and says how many times occur in the article. Call it the fake news score or something. Might redpill people
what a joke you people are.
Lol your comment is a sign of your cuckery you red washed fucking faggot. MSM is whipping /pol 's ass in the game of fact and corroboration, and you aren't smart enough to keep up, so you come to /pol to find something that you can stand behind. Playing the game on arcade mode, think for yourself pleb.
For the past couple centuries at least...
says the user that can't vote in the U.S...
Look at this tasty looking pleb!
>may have
meanwhile they havent even gone near the trump was wiretapped press release today.
>July 27, 2016: Trump publically asked Russia to hack and release Clinton's emails.
FALSE: Trump publicly suggested that Clinton's long since deleted emails had already been hacked and asked whoever had them to release them. How is he going to ask the Russians to hack Hillary's emails in 2016 when the email servers had already been shut down and confiscated by the FBI in 2015?
>two Trump campaign advisors were forced out after their deep ties to Russia were revealed
FALSE: The question was whether they were IN CONTACT (present tense) with Russia, not whether they'd had any contacts with Russia before they started working for the campaign. Manafort had contact with Russian businessmen from 2005-2009, and with Ukrainian groups until 2014. Ukrainians aren't Russians and Trump wasn't running in 2005-2009. These advisors left because of perception not reality: see also Sessions recusing himself from the investigation. This is called ethical behavior, so as to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. It is not an admission of guilt.
>Flynn left after lying about his contact with the Russians
FALSE: The 17 agencies reported prior to Trump's victory, at which point Flynn did NOT have contact with the Russians, it was only after the victory, in the course of his normal duties that he came in contact with the Russian Ambassador.
>Sessions lied under oath about meeting with the Russians
FALSE: The question Sessions was asked under oath was whether he met with any Russians as a surrogate for the Trump Campaign, not in his official capacity as a sitting US Senator. Since he did not meet them as a surrogate for the campaign, he was telling the truth.
>Kushner also met with Russians
FALSE: Kushner met with Russians AFTER the Trump victory, not during the Campaign.
>But this is all just a big misunderstanding, right?
FALSE: this is a deliberate campaign of disinformation pushed by the DNC and the Media to undermine the sitting President of the United States.
>Trump associates
>may have
They have nothing
more like Comfys because I'm comfortable as shit right now snuggling up with my blanket in my gamer chair watching this absolute class act right here.
Comedy gold tbqhwyfamalamadingdong
Well, they have, everyone has. It's not news, the chairmans statement was extremely odd and irresponsible. He needs to decide if he's the chairman of a non-partisan investigative cmte for the people, or another fucking pharmacist slanging red-pills for Trump, the almost president.
So, are they just going to be repeating this bullshit for another 4 years without ever providing any proof?
Seriously, if there was anything behind this at all, wouldn't they have been able to prove it by now?
I'm tired of reading the same fucking headline every day for 6 months.
But they've been saying this same fucking thing for months now.
>"The intelligence community has evidence that Trump and Russians blablabla"
And they never show any evidence.
It's literally the exact same shit verbatim every single day. If (((they))) had anything legit, it would have been released ages ago.
Basically OP is a faggot as usual fucking SAGE
You don't know what you're talking about and I suggest you understand how these things work before just making up working theories. You have some stuff correct, but you pull it way out of context with assuming details, like Flynn. Let me help you with that at least: Flynn did in fact state that he had no contact w Russian officials AS A MEMBER OF THE TRANSITION TEAM. He did, and its a very big deal. Totally 100% in violation the Logan act. He could be tried for treason. You did not realize this before. You ppl try to dissect down to the smallest denominator to obscure fact and illegitimize it, making room for theories lacking research, connection, corroborated facts, and stubborn red-pill cuckery that you display here. /pol used to be legit, but it's full of plebs stuck in a closed-circuit-right-wing-media-universe and they're too washed to stand up and think for themselves. GTFO and STFU
Here buddy. Its called a link chart, and is one of the most important factors when pushing for an investigation. BTW, the fact that there is an investigation in the first place is telling. This isn't some sorry ass DA perusing a political agenda (like most you lambs would immediately just assume), this is the house intelligence cmte. If you understood that implication you would have already shutted thee fuck up.
suggests ?
i suggest aliens are real.
>leaf flag
>MSM is whipping /pol 's ass in the game of fact and corroboration
Don't you guys get sick of always getting your hopes up only to be disappointed again? It would be so much easier to just accept the next 8 years of Trump and move on with your life.
this is a distraction from Nunes' revelation which you know
Nother fucking poser here
Collapsing News Network
And I bet you didn't even bother to follow up on this to clarify what her statement was (she was resentful that trump wanted to use the song.) good try though, here's an emerald. You can earn more emeralds by trying harder.
keep lurking bub
Hey retard, you're not convincing anyone with your banal shit posting.
Lol Nunes was the distraction. Name another time in history a cmte chairman calls a press conference re an ongoing investigation, gives the press the usual beat around nothing, accidentally (I'm assuming) revealing classified information, and then running to the guy under investigation and telling him what he knows before even confirming with your own fucking cmte. When was the last time? The answer is never, ever, ever.
Guys no I'm super ceral!!!
He's correct tho .
We are about to witness the biggest political scandal in American history . Can't wait to see Drumpfy and the alt gay movement go down in flames
Return when you have some actual evidence shill
ya kid if I were trying to convince anyone here I'd be wasting my time, not sure what lvl your /pol is, but that ain't how it works. I'm just bullying all the /pol tards that can't defend themselves.
>We are about to witness the biggest political scandal in American history . Can't wait to see Drumpfy and the alt gay movement go down in flames
Is this finally the end of Donald Trumps campaign?
Is this the final straw for the x'teenth time?
how did that trial go anyway?
Sup Forums NEETs vote against their own economic interests
Cool arrows bro.
WEW LADS we're finally here. Trump is going to get impeached. Don't take my word for it though! Below are many links starting with Trumps own words.
>Trump: A president under investigation can’t “govern or lead”
>Sean Hannity: A president under FBI investigation would present "a major Constitutional crisis"
>“More than circumstantial evidence” of collusion in Trump/Russia investigation
>Lindsey Graham threatens Trump with impeachment at Gorsuch hearing
>Adam Schiff Says There’s ‘More Than Circumstantial Evidence’ Of Trump Ties To Russia
>Watch: Sean Spicer literally can’t say no foreign agents are working in White House
>Wash. Post's Robert Costa: Trump Is "Digesting All Of This Information" From Right-Wing Media "Rather Than Just The Intelligence Brief"
>Trump’s wiretapping lie has world leaders laughing at America
>It’s Not Just Conservatives Upset About Trumpcare. Another GOP Faction Is Too.
>CBO: Republican repeal plan is literally worse than no plan at all
Then why is his contact as part of the transition team being used as evidence of collusion prior to the election? The transition team didn't exist prior to Trump winning the election. You're deliberately conflating facts and timelines in order to undermine a sitting President.
Have you not been on the internet today? Or the past 6 months? All connections are evidence, all of them. There is more than circumstantial evidence, but hey, all you need is one republican chairman of the investigating cmte to jeopardize credibility.
I appreciate that
Also, as point of fact, what Flynn said was that he did not discuss sanctions with the Russian Ambassador, not that he had no contact while on the Transition team.
And in his defense, saying "we can discuss that" is not a discussion, it's a statement.
>/pol tards
Who do you think you're fooling?
Over and over and over again.
It's all over for blumpf!
>the fact that there's an investigation is telling
Yes, we've been saying that about the Clintons for 25 years and multiple investigations. Only we had actual evidence and they were shithouse lawyers who argued over the definition of "is".
What the fuck is /pol?
Elite shitposting
Think about what you asked. Let me suggest the obvious, Flynn was under investigation prior to the election, and/or his transcription was necessary due to the context of conversation. You don't just hang up the phone as soon as an American hops on. You can record them, take notes, write names, pass those notes and names onto other agencies members of the intelligence community, you just can't transcribe them and use them...unless the context of the conversation deems it necessary (i.e. a civilian discussing things like sanctions with a foreign official). Know more.
Shills are retarded.
fake news
Well that's all good and dandy except for at this point, what he said does not matter, he's already said it. What matters is transcripts of his conversations with foreign officials.
I accept your reply as a form of sepuku. I am honored. You may KYS.
Why are you still here?
You cancerous piece of shit.
Being this retarded
I don't agree w the whole Clinton organized crime theory, but I do agree with the insight. Too many ppl (esp on /pol) conveniently argue the definition of "is".
>He posted it again
>may have
No particularly definitive
Anything that the CIA says is from Russia, is, in actuality, from the CIA
dawg I'm here 8 hours a day. Welcome.
they have been running variations of this headline for the last three months
That's an easy theory but doesn't mean it's not true.
>You don't know what you're talking about and I suggest you understand how these things work before just making up working theories. You have some stuff correct, but you pull it way out of context with assuming details
Bernie can still win!!!
when everyone else knows except you, but you actually do know, and are laughing at everyone else. /pol
You don't know what you're talking about and I suggest you understand how these things work before just making up working theories. You have some stuff correct, but you pull it way out of context
>I'm here 8 hours a day
>But I don't know what the board is called
>Too many ppl (esp on /pol) conveniently argue the definition of "is".
no they don't
nobody does that
shoo shoo
What's the website to apply at anyway? I need a little summer job.
2 weeks ago, Trump says he was wire tapped during the election
Media laughs.
Now, media says they FBI has gathered proof of Trump-Russia connection
old news you fucking shill. copy pasta bullshit
it's a recycled story from April 2016. the FBI already cleared Manafort remember??
before you kys repeat after me, if they had a bombshell in April 2016 they would have used it by now.
yeah that's why you still type it like it's a subreddit and say things like "ppl" to try to emulate Sup Forums mannerisms
You don't know what you're talking about and I suggest you understand how these things work before just making up working theories. You have some stuff correct, but you pull it way out of context
Hillary is going to win and there's nothing you can do about it sweety!
I think you've embarrassed yourself enough for one day. Come back later, shill.
If we know CIA can spoof intel and digital fingerprints, how can any intel here on out be considered legitimate?
Okay yeah cuz none of you cucks can argue without long-handing when your faced with non alternate truths...smartguy
Getta load of this tryhard