Why are darker colored men more dominate...

Why are darker colored men more dominate,charismatic and ambitious leaders than lighter colored men(not talking about race)?

For example Hitler wasn't what he described as aryan. He had darker skin, black hair and darker eyes.

Its that Scandinavian Empathy .

>darker skin

Paler then like at least 90% of Scandinavians. Also Aryan doesn't mean blond hair and blue eyes

I'm just saying, you don't see blond good looking men become great leaders. Most great leaders are with darker hair, eyes and a ugly complexion.

Hitler had hypnotic blue eyes...

More testosterone thats why.
Across each racial groups testosterone darkens hair n skin n eyes by 10%.
Hence why women are called the fairer sex

We wuz Hitlers and shieeet

Leaf edication

Nanderthal DNA. Paler skin and hair, higher IQ, worse social skills.

Which is why you whites couldn't cooperate well without christianity and why you need something like it bad.

Because successful men tend to spend more time outside and thus acquire a tan.

he had blue eyes

Hitler didn't have darker skin, he had blue eyes and his hair color was brown. He wasn't personally bullied by Jews, he didn't have a micropenis.

Don't fall for holohoax memes

We wuz hitler n shit?

>For example Hitler wasn't what he described as aryan.
this is bullshit, don't fall for the blonde hair blue eyes meme

he even described Mussolini as aryan

Neanderthal dna promotes nonviolent socialization and cooperation in order to achieve goals though...

Hitler clearly had a more olive/tan complexion

Can asians be considered honorary aryans?

>worse social skills
>than shitskins
This has to be bait

I'm a christian but before it was revealed to us, we all lived as pagans. There was good tribal cohesion, much better than the national ones at this moment. Christianity united nations, but it also created a political avenue which in time corrupted it. We need to fix it now.

What? There are studies that show lighter skinned men are more likely to get promotions in companies, earn better wages, and are hired more often. Also 90% of Asians try to be as pale as possible. They love pale skin.
This is a bullshit thread.

He was Aryan dumbass, he just wasn't Nordic.

Thats just because most people have dark hair dumbshit. Huh most great leaders have hair better start thread on Sup Forums asking why. And to the good looking part well most good lucking men spending there time being with good looking men. While average to ok looking men usually are the revolutionaries leaders and generals.

No Aryan is not a club

If white men want win, they mast be a white devils like this. No remorse and heartless.

Commie shills always argue from their strawman ideas us kek

I think there's a difference between being likable and being a good leader. Leading means having personal strength and vision, not just politely taking orders from whoever's above you.

Only Japs m8

>For example Hitler wasn't what he described as aryan. He had darker skin, black hair and darker eyes.
hey look kids, it's an idiot!

Hitler had blue eyes, OP.

That's because even amongst Euros the majority is dark haired and hazel eyed.

You're extrapolating some trend that doesn't exist.

Blondes actually perform above their percentage.

>He had darker skin, black hair and darker eyes.
American education.


You realise that it doesn't darken in that way right? Brown is a totally different kind of pigmentation. If a blonde has high test they just get slightly darker blonde hair, it doesnt go brown

Aryan = Iran. KYS

If you're not over 45% Yamna you're not Aryan.

Terrible thread. Kill yourself please.