
Just exactly what do they do wrong? What is it exactly that "Jews" do wrong? I don't get it.

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They exist




What is going on?? A few years ago pol wasn't even racist. Yet lately especially with trump winning, things have become super racist here. When did that become OK?

What happened to our political discourse and logic?? Is there some sort of effort to subvert us four channers from each other by racists?


If (((we))) purge ourselves of the chasids god will favor us again as a people. They're a Hi Vis inbred cult that makes us look Muslim-tier.

>I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe "the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews," down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood.
>By Joel Stein


Just researching the first and second world war will make you an anti-semite



>>What is going on?? A few years ago pol wasn't even racist. Yet lately especially with trump winning, things have become super racist here. When did that become OK?
Parts of 4chen have been racist since forever.
I remember on Sup Forums there were anons with redpilled threads before 2006, full on 14/88 gas the jews.


>A few years ago pol wasn't even racist

is this a new meme?




I am RACIST because I am a good person.




Read culture if critique, newfag.

>What is going on?? A few years ago pol wasn't even racist. Yet lately especially with trump winning, things have become super racist here. When did that become OK?
Nice try newfag kike shill

There was a reason both /n/ and /new/ got deleted before becoming Sup Forums


Diversity is good only for the goyim

What is your opinion on based Jews?


>I don't get it.
I bet you don't.





Fucking CHUCK SHUMER YOU FAGGOT KIKE he released the revolting blob pig face cunt known as Amy. He came in his wife's ass and low and behold, Amy comes crawling out

Depends what you mean by based, but as a general rule: Around Jews, never snooze.

>2% of the population
>almost half of supreme court
Just a coincidence, goyim.

wait a minute I was always told that there are too many whites in colleges but this is saying there are too many jews in colleges. and those tricky bastards implement systematic racism in the form of affirmative action to cover their tracks and blame the white christian while simultaneously punishing them for their cronyism.



They almost got the Jew Merrick Garland on the court.

If you thought the degenerate gay marriage ruling was bad... just imagine what an actually Jewish majority could have done!!!





wall street journal doesnt write like that this is a spinoff of the original article with 0 evidence to support the claim.


it's a jewish tactic to change history to fit their narrative

Just because we liked ron paul, didn't mean we had no idea about the jewry that went wrong in the world

That would have been game over.

>inb4 Trump replaces Ginsberg with another Jew


>us four channers

Holy fuck nigger get a grip!

>wall street journal doesnt write like that this is a spinoff of the original article
No shit kike. After less than a minute, here's the source article on WSJ.


And just as the article I posted states, Israel helps them medically. I figure the guy lying on the stretcher was fucking obvious.


what the fuck


come on man what the fuck are we supposed to do with that information. if they were caught giving them weapons or training this would be different. I mean its something but its not enough.


>A few years ago pol wasn't even racist
fuck off you newfag revisionist cocksucker


this one's heavy

A jew can not be a good citizen of a nation other than Israel, neither can a gypsy, neither can members of secret societies.

They are traitors by self affiliation.

nothing, we have had to deal with muslim propaganda by westernized slimes since 9/11.

>. I mean its something but its not enough.
They're never going to leave evidence out in the open, it'll only ever be crumbs. But the fact they would treat those that are hell bent on their destruction is quite fucky.



In reality:
European Goyim demand a minimal amount of rape from their immigrants every week, and Jews just couldn't give them that.

It's really a matter of give and take and as you see, immigrants in \Europe now-a-days are well accepted because they rape the local population enough.






Friendly reminder that Eric Ludendorff, German commander(goy), smuggled Vlad Lenin(goy) into Russia in a boarded up boxcar and started the USSR by overthrowing the Russian government in WW1- Germans ruined the world. Hold them accountable, not us.

Rothschilds lost 50% of their money in ww1

anyone remember the guy in swat team gear caught hiding in the forest next to the school at sandy hook? I always though that really seemed suspicios since there had been reports of a man in swat team style gear talking to the Joker Shooter as well and then disappearing. too many coincidences. I think someone is diagnosing schizophrenia in people online and in the real world and leading them down a bad road. Just look at their faces afterwards its like they have no clue what the fuck is going on. This expression is the expression of someone that just woke up and someone telling them they killed a bunch of kids.

They were behind 911

Man, imagine if we started memeing this sort of shit to the Marines and veterans?

Can you imagine the damage it would cause if Veterans started causing a ruckus over NeoCons and israel

Jews? I say Almas
