I'm a normal guy, and recently I found out about Sup Forums... I thought it would be a horrible site from before ever going on it, but it seems cool now! Twitter and Instagram are cancers to society in my opinion, and sites like this and reddit give me a sense of community I have not felt before. I'm extremely new to Sup Forums, especially because I was mostly looking at Sup Forums and this is my first time ever on Sup Forums, does anyone have advice or any information that could help me understand this place? Like just say what the point of it is? Are there any big things happening and how do you know when it is? Thanks a lot, I know I must be an annoying "newfag" I guess. I don't even know how to greentext. I'm no liberal though btw
I'm a normal guy, and recently I found out about Sup Forums...
Leo Reyes
Cameron Ramirez
BTFO normie, go back to redshit
Brody Martin
Hitler did nothing wrong.
Now stop posting and lurk moar.
Grayson Gonzalez
Lurk more, ignore the eternal leaf and you will be fine
Jack King
Kys Newfriend
Thomas White
>stay away from /ck/ its the most racist evil disgusting board of all
Jose Ramirez
This is now a Hitler truth thread
Dominic Jackson
Grayson Green
Jonathan Thompson
lol gore isn't "scary", I'm not leaving. I won't post for awhile though. Don't know half of these terms you use anyway.