Not to mention he gets dragged away like dead weight

Not to mention he gets dragged away like dead weight.

The car was stolen

Other urls found in this thread:

All this nonsense for a stolen car that was insured anyway.

According to liveleak the dog ripped this guys face off entirely
when the camera cuts back in you see his dead body next to the officer the whole time lmao

>dog ripped this guys face off entirely

we got a dead shitskin out of it

Holy shit you fuckers are pussies, first the police are fucking pussies and next the news are fucking pussies. Is it like one big kindergarten in the US? Fucking hell man.


Fuck! That cop t boned the fuck out of him! The camera angel makes it look slow but from the sound of the impact and the front left chassis damage on the Corvette you can tell he was hit with some force!
His face probably made love to that steering wheel.

and while unconscious from that a friendly dog had a snack from his face

What kind of cop cars are this? If I saw that I'd think it's gang warfare or something and shoot at them

t. Redneck american

This was Phoenix, border to Mexico, they were all ICE officers....

No but really for some reason Phoenix has a ridiculous sized fleet of undercover unmarked vehicles.
Not sure why

This way we get the insurance money and a dead thief. Feels good.

stop apologizing for graphic shit. People need to grow thicker skins and understand the world they live in a little better. Asshole got what he deserved, threatening someones life to steal their car. Good riddance.

That's just how we roll in Arizona

Fox, your video player is bullshit. This is worse than Hooli

He commited a murder earlier in the day and carjacked the vette. He was a terrible driver, too.

Wow, it's almost like the driver could ahve rigged an explosives to himself or be faking dead or something. Educate yourself, asshole.

They are normally ice agents.

I was cringing over the dog possibly getting any pieces of broken glass in it's paws. I hope the police outfit these K9s with some sweet military -style dog booties.

Once again we are convinced that the American police are the most cowardly in the world

Poor dog. Now it has has to spend the rest of the day licking its own ass in order to get the taste of nigger out of its mouth

I am not blaming anybody or saying anyone was in the right

but watch this

Yeah we're such fucking pussies, what with respecting basic human rights fuck that shit we should kill anyone we even suspect could commit a crime in the near fucking future

Find anyone pirating music and put a bullet through their head amiright?

no hey seriously go fuckyourself you idiot.


Close up footage of the dog actually tearing his face off

Just read the liveleak, he was a murderer from a few days earlier
(doesn't make this right) but still

>dog ripped this guys face off entirely

That doesn't happen. Faces don't just fall off like that. The stuff on his face was a mix of blood and powder from the airbag, not exposed bone. You people are so dramatic.

the liveleak

I dont mean he literally pulled it off clean (obviously)
but the dog severed face from bone

I did. Don't be an idiot. Have you ever seen how hard it is to cut skin? A dog's teeth can not peel skin off. It can make puncture wounds, and given about 30 seconds of nonstop ripping, it might be able to open up a large wound. It is impossible to tear off a face. If you don't believe me, feel free to try and cut your arm with a steak knife to get a feel for how impossible it is to shred skin with 4 pointy teeth.

Hey listen here you blubbering bolsevik just because in your shithole of a country you beat people to death for most every crime doesn't mean the entire world needs to handle things in the fucktarded way that you do ok?

We don't tell you how to beat and torture your criminals to death even with no evidence, stop telling us how to deal with ours.

And it's good to be tough on crime but mistakes happen and you don't want the police to be merciless assholes if a mistake does happen to you

This guy probably had it coming but making generalizations on one incident is simply idiotic

Now go to hell and play your pinko chess game with the devil you commie fuck

Yeah it does.

Post some high res screen shots laddy.

No then you probably watched the youtube fox news version
the dog has a good hold of something extremely bloody right next to the guys face and it looks like a good 4 inches of flesh.
"hi res" lol good luck
watch the video for yourself
even the guy talking says "oooo thats the guys face"

Lmao, chill dude

Police dogs should be banned. Why is dogfighting with dogs vs humans allowed but not dogs vs dogs?

They should have just shot this guy to death. Having dogs eat someone alive is fucked

>Police dogs should be banned.


Many of them get shot, kicked, and beaten in the line of duty

Maybe if pudgy tubs of donut batter would shape up they wouldn't need a dog to chase down a criminal


Drugs sniffing is fine but a dog is just a worse weapon a gun. If you're that concerned about non lethal weapons then carry a mag of rubber bullets.

Pisses me off, we're barely better than the chinks

It look more like the guy's bloody t-shirt. I doubt skin/flesh can scretch that far out.

Going to be hard to face a jury of his peers.

You know, this could all be avoided if Police had access to a remote killswitch on cars or better yet an electromagnetic pulse cannon to kill a car's engine when a criminal is trying to go on a car rampage

It might help with Muslims using cars as weapons as well

Can't wait till the fucking tech gets developed

Is he kill?
If he not, than you can pay his face reconstruction from your taxes.

Also, why not use a taser?

There is something creepy about a government which already spies on us completely giving out killswitchs to our cars.


Fortunately they don't build cars.

This is fantastic!
This. We all need these sort of cops. Promotion all around.
Based police doggie.
Death to criminals

easy enough to just use a nsa backdoor because every car nowadays is drive by wire.

Also, it wouldnt be hard for them to impose a law that would require anyone selling a car in the US to equip them with a killswitch.

why is there not a single marked police car

but it keeps you safe! Aren't we all about giving up liberties to keep us safe!?

The entire fucking history since September 11 2001 has been about FUCKING NOTHING OTHER THAN GIVING UP LIBERTIES TO KEEP YOU SAFE

It's' the next logical step!!!

Yes, he shot himself once, and was shot twice by police during the chase. Also the dog chewed up his face a little and there was no reaction from him so yes.

gettin me exited for a Sup Forums police thread
this is old news you stupid fucking faggot

>gettin me exited for a Sup Forums police thread
>this is old news you stupid fucking faggot

any of them I watch live end just stupid.
i'll watch the tape and have a look.

what a waste of a c5 ;w;

That comment said he's a murderer.

No sympathy.
Except for the car owner.


mafia can hack it and criminal groups. Watch as all prominent right wing people magically have their cars shut off on the freeway causing collisions with the barrier.

bad idea nigger

Jesus fucking Christ
This actually made me sick to my stomach

Do your parents know they gave birth to a retard?

I'm going to rape your father's ear for that

If you watch a cop does shoot him from the back to put him out of any misery

Mine do

who is she

>That comment said he's a murderer.
>No sympathy.

He's an idiot, too.
stupid nigger deserved to die.
If the dog got a free meal of monkey meat, that's fine too.

Theres a basic problem with putting killswitch/backdoor in everything:


That was a pretty retarded attempt at a comeback

Todd Munson was my classmate growing up. He was crazy.


>americans clap when a car chase ends in a crash


yeah we should just let everybody steal whatever, eh?

wew lad

around dogs never relax

stop it you kike

claiming my political waifu

Why is she so perfect?

Dog apologists are mentally retarded. A beast has no good purpose in a police task force other than use as a sniffer dog. Enforcement should be done by humans. That dog clearly ripped up that guy who just had his car rammed by cops. He may have lived to face a fair trial if that pig's beast didn't go loose on the guy.

>there are cops that want civilians to receive severe punishment if they "attack" (defend against) a police dog
Fuck that. If a k9 attacks me I would absolutely kill the little shit to save my life and limbs.

Jokes on you, I haven't seen him in 6 years.
Rape away, assuming he's still alive.


>cops standing around scared shitless of getting near car, while guy would most probably be stunned from the crash
>cops letting a dog just bite at guy
>for some reason they break rear window

Come on...

I never understood these overblown chases

clearly there is no traffic in an open area why do they need 15 cruisers

waste of tax payer money

Ho yeah? I'll fuck your dick then.

>Fuck that. If a k9 attacks me I would absolutely kill the little shit to save my life and limbs.


However, i do love police dogs, they are always seem so happy ripping people apart

My dad used to train police dogs in his 20s and his whole take away from the experience was that they shouldn't use them. The biggest problem has to do with the actual K9 cops. They neglect keeping the dogs trained and use them for the wrong kinds of situations. You see the results in this video.

look at this edgy fucker


>someone supporting the use of sniffer dogs calling anyone else retarded

thats fucking metal


Damn straight
On average, hidden drug samples were indicated by dogs after 64s searching time, with 87.7% indications being correct and 5.3% being false.
>87.7% chance of success

Nah man sniffer dogs are magicians.

Shut the fuck up, pussies.

u need to go bak plebbit fagit

Have you seen the alternative to this? Literally played out live in bongland.

I think that was one of the first image I saw when I very first started browsing, wew lad that feels like forever ago.


Pretty sure you're wrong since dogs are rewarded for false positives all the time.

is it bad i laughed

She looks like she's a pro at suckin' dick

wow, and you can hear them cheer when it happens

Do you even know where you are, normie? go back to >>>/reddit/

Who else watched that live?