the guardian, once again, the only news outlet talking sense.
The guardian, once again, the only news outlet talking sense
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almonds: activated
woah... this is so powerful... fuck drumpf and fuck white people...
better light up some buildings or something
>long anticipated
>nothing was done to prevent it
really stirred my pasta
Empty liberal virtue signalling word, that makes people feel they're doing something.
Fast forward five years: i think that'll piss off even the normies after its brought out for the 20th time.
Yesterday was the start of something. There's heaps more just like that pos, and they don't need much motivation to go ballistic.
Bored of this bullshit. They're intention is to kill and maim, which they did successfully.
Fuck this hollow "solidarity" bullshit.
They've spent th last year burying these stories and changing the narrative, they're part of the problem!
Anders did nothing wrong. It's these commies that allow this to still happen, you can't blame a sandnigger, it's in its nature through generations of inbreeding to become part of a death cult and attack civilised people, its these commie bastards that knew this but still brought them in and legalised it that are the problem.