How do we stop the kikes and their multicultural agendas?

I've been red pilled into oblivion. Is there any hope for the white race? What are your thoughts Sup Forums??

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There is. That the right side wins the next world war.
Parabellum user

It's not possible Justin, you fucking KIKE.

-From the beacon hill

we cannot, you could try to do a military coup or something in your country, but thats about it. Soros could still bankrupt you from the comfort of his private jet.

There is hope, the tide is turning

Is there any hope? Depends. What are you planning to do about it?

I'll die for my country and race if need be. The real issue here is what to do about the Jewish international element.

I hate living in a migrant infested city, I never go outside unless I have a knife or a baton, been through threats, assaults and attempted robberies. Meanwhile, people in our capital wants open borders.

>Open your hearts
Fuck you gov.

>I'll die for my country and race if need be.


I would die for my country and flag, but I would not die for it's inhabitants.

Si vis pacem parabellum. Nordic brother.

"Their multicultural agenda" will lead to their own demise. The muzzies hate Jews and will attack them in western countries in a regular basis in the coming years. Once they hold position of power and acquire nukes, the first country that they will nuke is Israel.

Its a shame user. Europe needs another holy war to fight off the mongrel muslim hordes plaguing your lands.

Vote le pen baby.

It'll only cost the destruction of the white race and culture. There must be a way to defeat the muslim and jewish threat

We don't.










Discreet assassinations.
We need to start kidnapping and murdering prominent Jews, or their children.
Fight as viciously as your enemies.
Show no mercy.
If we have any serial murderers reading this thread, you could help us greatly by shifting your targets to Jews.
Seriously, prominent Jews need to start vanishing.
We need to stop playing the 'better man' and start conquering our enemies.


The red pill is that its not the kikes but all liberals. They are immune to racism.






Yeah, it doesn't help when so many people subscribe to a suicidal ideology. It's almost like they've been conditioned from birth or something.



Don't fall for the meme, they've been in charge the whole time.

Redpilling through access to information works, just look at wsg.

Make the world leaders disappear. If someone were to drop a nuke on these faggots that would be the first step.


That's called a black pill and you have to work with it somehow unless you believe in something irrationality



how would you do it without getting caught
ill just get locked up


After yesterday's events? You tell me, because I'm just not seeing it. I truly don't know what it is going to take for European and American men to assert themselves and put an end to this madness.

You'd think every man's mother/sister/wife/daughter being maimed, raped, or killed would do it. You'd think a nuke at worst! I don't even think that would be enough. No-one wants to be the first one to take the first step, and maybe rightfully so in an age of uncertainty.



>fast facts
can I, dare I say it, get a quick rundown

You need to focus on getting overwhelming support (not just 50-60%)
I feel that perhaps the millennial's are a lost cause for the most part, so emphasize the current state of the universities to dissuade the next generation from attending.
The cultural tension will only push people more into their own tribes...
I have no clue what I'm talking about.
There is always hope

It's funny actually, I'm an artist of Austrian descent

Nearly impossible to sympathize with Hitler on anything without being shunned by society.

Take little walks near their homes. Harmless hikes, while you enjoy their scenery.
Study effective serial killers throughout history, and their methods of stalking.
Study Criminal profilers, too. The way they hunt serial killers, can actually help serial killers hunter better, themselves.
It's all about the psychology of your prey. If you get in their head, then you've practically already beat them.






I think the ultimate option will be war. But its not enough to eradicate muslim swine. We need to remove the jews who controll everything from our countries .

How would we even begin to take a step?

Kill all white people.

Like I said, you have to target the Jews.
They need to be provoked, because when panicked, the pattern seems to be for them to wildly overreact, to the point of making society a little suspicious of what they're doing.
Do you remember when they thought the goyim were targeting their graveyards? They had an investigation that lasted weeks and involved the fucking FBI.
The normie goyim actually took notice of that weird non-gentile type of overreaction.
We need to encourage much more of those types of overreactions.

The whole region needs to be glassed or isolated indefinitely. Random attacks aren't going to accomplish shit, and I'd be the first one myself if I saw such on the news to call it a bullshit false flag to set us up -- which we should be suspect of to begin with. It's an all or nothing effort. That is, that if it's come to loose and fast hits then we might as well just declare a civil war and get it over with.


Fuck you, Bahamas nigger.

Clever strat but we need to take it to the next level. The kikes just usually draw swastikas on their own property to gain sympathy

Shut up retard



there is always hope. you as a man of science should know that.

I want to believe but at this point in time things aren't looking too great

How absolutely arrogant.

I need the pic of time magazine covers promoting white genocide. Help appreciated.

My lack of hope stems from the complacency and apathy of every white man when confronted with these issues. I wonder... was Hitler the last great bastion against jewish tyranny?


Same here

>we need to take it to the next level
My thoughts exactly
The Jews are pushing all of this immigration shit. You make them strongly overreact, and they'll end up tipping their hand to the goyim too soon, enabling us to actually galvanize our people.
Making the Jews tip their hand, is the only way to wake up Europe. As it stands, European normies still seem to view the Jew as one of them.
We need to show the normies, through the Jews own actions and behavior, that they aren't the same, and that they mean Europe harm.
Whatever we do, the Jews absolutely have to be the targets.


Jews can only succed if gullible morally righteous suckers like your race exist. You whites are such suckers that you agreed to enslaving my race by jews even though you didnt even need slavery anymore and now my race is destroying you because you are a white person, so you would rather kill yourself than not look for a chance to a hero.

I laugh so much at you suckers giving con artist posing as bums in Nassau its truely amazing how gullible you are.


Has it ever occurred to you that people can change their last name to Goldstein and not be Jewish?
Could these articles be made just for us to pick up on these (((coincidences))) just so we blame all the problems real globalists cause on Jewish people instead? thus turning us against our own allies

>Emily Goldstein
It just seems too obvious, almost like we were meant to see it

It's legit

Nice tey schlomo, you can't get the heat off your back that easily

Trump has a plan for the kikes. It involves setting them up in the White House so he can keep an eye on them. Also, he has some in his family.
Very clever.

Besides, that would mean there's [[[someone]]] behind (((them))). Care to explain why that would be the case?