>Doesn´t smoke cigarettes
Were you bullied in school, retarded or perhaps both?

>I-It kills you!
Yes, and? Was life a competition about who lives the longest?

>Y-You get addicted on them!
No you don't, expect if you are underage and incapable of smoking in moderation.

>I-Its expensive!!!
Who forced you to buy a pack a day, you fucking peat-gavel?

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Ya cigs are awesome. It's actually not that expensive when you consider people pay 10 dollars for a fast food meal every day. Paying 3-6 dollars for a pack once every two weeks is not that bad. Depends how often you smoke but even if you paid for two packs a week, it's still cheap.

Smoking is cool again. I've tried vaping but it doesn't do it for me. Vaping is also super expensive, the vape is 100 bucks plus accessories plus the juice.

And cigs are universal. You can get them in any country so it's kind of a safe thing that way.

Expect =/= except

I smoke 69 dics a day

All the cool kids are vaping now, or so I have heard. Smoking cigarettes is what old fogies do.

You can always spot a loser when you see them outside in the cold on a march day smoking their little fallos-shaped cancer sticks. You'll know that this person is weak, unhealthy and succumbs easily to peer pressure. A total loser.

all the smokers if I remember were skinny posers who did it in public to look cool, or koreans

Either nice proxy or im happy that this shit pasta has made its way to peoples hearts

I remember watching lots of decent high school athletes fall farther behind because they were idiots that thought smoking was 'cool' because their parents were white trash.

They look like shit now, and look way older than me.

Anyone who smokes is a fucking retard, period.