>Ask doctor for painless death, get one
Should be legal or no?
>Ask doctor for painless death, get one
Should be legal or no?
On the one hand it seems perfectly fine with no downsides, on the other hand why would weak faggots deserve merciful death if they can't even do it themselves?
why do you want weak faggots to continue existing and consuming resources? suicide drugs are cheap
I plan to go for it if God doesn't kill me beforehand. Having it be more pleasant would be nice. I don't wanna be shitting in my diapers at 90.
Sure but this is yet another form of gibsmedat. Its a pretty tough choice on principle.
Yes. As long as it' not over petty shit like a teen getting cucked by his gf and whatnot. At least that way nobody has to clean up a mess after some guy put a shotgun through his mouth.
Absolutely. But more importantly than that, suicide must be an honourable and in certain cases expected action as it was in pre-(((Abrahamic))) societies.
The problem is you'll undoubtedly end up with people pressuring their elderly relatives into suicide so they can inherit (or at least not pay bills). You'll also have doctors trying to talk their patients into and to donate organs.
You are not the one who should decide what is "petty shit" and what is not. If an adult wants suicide he should be provided with it.
Why do you care about persons who you don't know? Since they are adults, they can and should choose for themselves.
Yes, this is a problem. But how would you "pressure" someone into suicide?
Should be legal, but shouldn't be given on demand.
People go through a lot of mood swings where they feel like shit and want to die 1 day and a week later feel fine and dandy.
If they want to be euthanized there should be a 1-3 month wait where they have the option to change their mind.
And yeah It shouldn't be a short wait, because this is literally a life or death decision.