Assisted Suicide

>Ask doctor for painless death, get one

Should be legal or no?

On the one hand it seems perfectly fine with no downsides, on the other hand why would weak faggots deserve merciful death if they can't even do it themselves?

why do you want weak faggots to continue existing and consuming resources? suicide drugs are cheap

I plan to go for it if God doesn't kill me beforehand. Having it be more pleasant would be nice. I don't wanna be shitting in my diapers at 90.

Sure but this is yet another form of gibsmedat. Its a pretty tough choice on principle.

Yes. As long as it' not over petty shit like a teen getting cucked by his gf and whatnot. At least that way nobody has to clean up a mess after some guy put a shotgun through his mouth.

Absolutely. But more importantly than that, suicide must be an honourable and in certain cases expected action as it was in pre-(((Abrahamic))) societies.

The problem is you'll undoubtedly end up with people pressuring their elderly relatives into suicide so they can inherit (or at least not pay bills). You'll also have doctors trying to talk their patients into and to donate organs.

You are not the one who should decide what is "petty shit" and what is not. If an adult wants suicide he should be provided with it.

Why do you care about persons who you don't know? Since they are adults, they can and should choose for themselves.

Yes, this is a problem. But how would you "pressure" someone into suicide?

Should be legal, but shouldn't be given on demand.
People go through a lot of mood swings where they feel like shit and want to die 1 day and a week later feel fine and dandy.
If they want to be euthanized there should be a 1-3 month wait where they have the option to change their mind.
And yeah It shouldn't be a short wait, because this is literally a life or death decision.

Just as long as they pay for it themselves.

>what is "petty shit" and what is not
You don't have to, just make sure people are given a few months to think it over.

Oh, that's a better idea.


>how would you "pressure" someone into suicide
By bringing up money every single time you visit, talking about your burdens, mentioning others who have "gracefully" passed away and how their families recovered

Hey, are you in my sociology class?

I decide on my own life and misery. if I want to stop living, it should be legal and painless.

Nope. Who will pay taxes then?

Nobody because there will be no taxes.

Typical eastern mentality, live for stealing.

sure since they'd just try it themselves but might fail and get JUSTed

in fact you should be able to consent to any random person murdering you so homicidal people can live out their fantasies on suicidal people and no unconsenting people get hurt

Suicidal people are probably not your tax base, they're either bankrupted or disabled by clinical depression. If anything, they're already a burden on their family or society, letting them go does everyone a favor.

that pic
chin is different jfc

And turn it in a reality show?

If we have a right to live then we should have a right to die. If you're absolutely sure you want to end it and it not just some spur of the moment decision, there shouldn't be any reason as you why you can't end your life.

As it stands right now, if you wanted to end your life, you're automatically seen as mentally ill. It's as if people can't grasp the concept of someone not wanting to live anymore regardless of the circumstances.

If assisted death is legal then so should capital punishment be.

No, if you don't do a flip it's not entertaining for me, there you are selfish

Less people means less money needed to be provided for them. Don't forget that friends and family support the economy by paying for overpriced funeral services.

Self-Death should be honorable.
Don't involve others.

This is how the events of the Giver start.

I don't think it should be the government's choice to force someone to live. If someone wants to die just let them, assisted suicide has no reason to be illegal, it is not murder. I do feel that the doctor should have the patient get themselves checked to see if they actually do want with what they want.

Being put on release? Because that's all that would happen from this.

Well first it would start out as a choice, to be sure, but gradually, as the government creeps into the more private facets of our lives (as they are trying to do right now) they will more than likely start making the decisions on who lives and who dies for us.

This isn't garuenteed, but this is highly possible as the world population reaches its ceiling.

No, obviously the really bad people are very unlikely to kill themselves and we should encourage decent people with suicide thoughts to be a good force in society, not to kill themselves


>words help meme
The only way you're going to keep someone from committing sudoku is if you're physically there to restrain them

Personally, I believe that assisted suicide should only happen when the person desiring death and their therapists/ registered handlers can provide absolute undeniable proof that the person in question is not and cannot contribute anything to society and is a burden.

Only then would I even put that consideration out on the table.

The death of a person does offer things to society: expensive funerals. Less people to manage so more jobs for people that do want to live.

you can get death easily.
That way you can have professional care and certainty of your death.
And of course you eliminate all troubles that sometimes suicde do

It's hard for me to this completely logically as I have gone through depression and desired death due to an existential crisis, but now I'm a full time student going to college.

During the time I was having suicidal thoughts, if I had those tools available, I probably would have looked into them seriously.

Now, 2 years later, I cant see this because from a logical standpoint, at the time, I was a burden to society.

I guess it's easier for others to see this logically I suppose.

Yes, it'd save a lot of effort cleaning up (or rehabilitating) after peoples' amateur/botched suicides. Obviously you'd need to screen the people with a system like they use for SRS

It has to have pretty stingent regulations. They can't just say "ok" to every fag having a hard time and wants to die right there and then.

If they have a terminal disease then yeah, its fine. If its a 22 year old /R9K/ dipshit that thinks his world is over because his parents shut off the internet, then no.


If suicide is legal, suicide will be normalized as a viable option for mine people to take.

I shall never encourage such behaviors in my kingdom. Those who attempt and fail shall be punished but more importantly helped to make their lives more fulfilling.

I will never allow such a selfish sacrifice become acceptable behavior. Shun and shame it. The suicidal have no place in immortality. Laws protecting the suicidal have no place in immortality. Thus these laws would have no place in thine kingdom. This wispering temptations of satan shall never become normalized. My kingdom is only for the strong, only for the Gods.

What I said is true, you do not need to be alive to contribute something positive for society. I have provided examples and neither you have refuted. I am in the process of coming to terms spiritually to eventually kill myself, and I have gone through moments that I would not have experienced had I not be alive the next day. These are the types of things you tell people to convince them to continue living. But you cannot remove someone's choice to kill themselves.

>post gay occult symbol as right symbol

That a goy!