Redpill me on abortion. is it morally good? Should it be legal?

redpill me on abortion. is it morally good? Should it be legal?

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Abortion is only alright if you were raped. Any other reason is selfish and could have been easily prevented. If you're going to have sex then you should be ready to live with the consequences.

Not only it should be legal, for some cases it should be mandatory. To hell with more niglets spawning from single nigger mothers that can barely afford to feed their own dumb asses with welfare paid by me.

Should be legal for everyone except whites.

It's useful population control for the nogs, see.

I personally think it should be mandatory, as birth creates more suffering

Its bad when its a human. No idea how to specify when it becomes a human. Her body her choice and masturbation is genocide stances are retarded.

Edgy. Why don't you kill yourself if life is so bad, you faggot?

I don't have anything against abortion morally but the devaluation of life and the callousness with which a lot of women approach the issue worries me. I'm hesitant to say it should be legal in all circumstances. I definitely think it should be legal in cases of rape or birth defects. As it relates to population control, were it viable I would prefer offering people money to become sterilized as a means of controlling population. Think some nigger is going to pass up a chance to eliminate the chance of having unwanted children and getting a $10,000 check in one go? Much better than abortion because it eliminates the opportunity to cause pregnancy in the first place. It's also definitely more humane because you aren't killing an unborn child and it's a voluntary deal for all involved

Since when is having good intentions edgy?

All these proxy shills lol