Which is superior

Single sex schools or co-ed schools?

Coed until high school.

Single sex. Men and women learn differently

Coed for boys
Single for girls

single race

Are you retarded

He's australian

I went to an all boys school.

I was very glad of it. We had a "sister" all girls school we'd have dances/balls with. So you still had contact with girls. But school hours was boys only.

Want me sons/daughters to go to those schools when I have them.

Saving money to send my son to an all male boarding school in New Hampshire.

Daughter can go to public school and fuck BBC for all I care.


Single sex is still very common among elite private schools here, obviously leading to a correlation with having the highest achievers. Coed schools of the same exclusivity seem to do just as well as far as I know, I think single sex schools organize events for male and female students to interact anyway so they don't all turn into crippled autists.
Feminization of academia is mostly a problem for K-6, not high schools.

Every guy I've known who went to an all boys school turned out to be a kissless virgin who has no idea how to talk to females.


There are tradeoffs
Single sex with kids entering puberty can induce homolust if there's no girls to look at
On the other hand coed schools nowadays often don't care if the girls dress and act like whores because the boys are horny as fuck and like that

Well I'm engaged and have been in three other sexual relationships.

A couple of my mates who went to that school are kissless virgins though.

did you guys ever play homoerotic games like soggy biscuit?

>Single sex with kids entering puberty can induce homolust if there's no girls to look at
God I hate this meme. It's a school, not a fucking nigger-filled prison.

Coed. It's been shown that single sex schools have higher homosexual populations.
This is a stupid liberal lie.

Nah, it wasn't a boarding school.

If you put a bunch of kids of the same sex together who pop boners every 5 minutes because of hormones they're gonna want to fuck whatever they see.

Stop trying to justify your lust for horse cock, stable boy.

I'm arguing against it you delusional fag

>This is a stupid liberal lie.

Really? Then why have with seen with changing educational practices, boys suddenly start to lag behind. That in schools with a higher focus on group assigments, teaching methods and the like girls will do better, while in more traditional schools, usually with a focus on strict learniing and individual assignments, boys do better?

I went to an all boys school, which at the time I thought was a drag. But then having been to university, and seen how much drama girls create, I'm actually glad for it.

Yes, it's pretty sad that being locked in those stables your whole life caused you to develop an unquenchable thirst for horse semen.