What does Sup Forums think about all the beautiful Germanic and Nordic women travelling to southern Europe to get bred by Mediterranean men?
Is it "degenerate"?
What does Sup Forums think about all the beautiful Germanic and Nordic women travelling to southern Europe to get bred by Mediterranean men?
Is it "degenerate"?
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the men went with the medi women. those are male features.
Reguardless, not suprised the euro cock likes racemixing
Mediterraneans are white
We are the best type of white
Indians are Mediterranean too.
Ya hear it white women
You can really see the sandnigger genes on the Spaniard.
they are barely concidered it.
Still racemixing, get off the computer abdul
this is a funny post
France is latin. All women crave big french baguette
Blonde women were made for Big Med Cock, tbqhwyfamalam. Nordcucks can't compete.
Swedish girls usually go there to hook up with Swedish guys in degeneracy of "Grabbarna Grus".