>killing an unborn human
>it's not her choose anymore since it's another human
how the fuck does that make any sense? on the topic of weather abortion is okay or not how I see so many people talking about
>another human bean
if a woman can just give her child up for adoption the moment it comes out of her vagina than why can't the cluster of cells aka the fetus just be removed and put in a jar until another woman comes and wants to keep growing that tumor inside of her (just an early adoption program)
sure the fetus might die in the process but hey it's just another person and he/she made the choice of starting to develop inside someone else
inb4 the woman made the choice to get pregnant
Killing an unborn human
Why not kill them after they are born? Do you have any memories from when you were 1? So just legalise putting them down until 4 years old.
>how the fuck does that make any sense?
It's wrong to take a human life. Is that a hard idea for you to grasp?
Then you're a psychopath.
if it's another human then take the fetus out, put him/her on the floor and let that person go live their life the way they want?
Why don't we just cut off the woman's head and leave her body on a respirator?
how many hours per day do you spend inside a vagina so you wouldn't die?
also no head no brain functions aka brain death which is in a legal sense death
>sure the fetus might die in the process but he/she made the choice of starting to develop inside someone else
I don't spend any hours a day in a hospital or in a vagina.
It doesn't mean that people in hospitals aren't alive.
>he think babies are dead
newborns cannot survive without help either and if you abandon yours, it will get punished accordingly
also, since it's considered double homicide when you kill a pregnant woman and the fetus dies, why should abortion be treated differently?