Race humor thread

Race humor thread



Why can't white people cook?

I dunno, we like a good curry.
I know more people who go for madras then korma.

The yanks like all the spicy mexican food and stuff too.

Hi user, why don't you join us?

>there is no African cuisine
>only black American soul food
>and all of that is of European heritage


There's always room for more, just don't steal the silverware... it's made of real silver.

Thanksgiving is the weirdest shit. I have serious trouble understanding the holiday.
pls burgers explain in Sup Forums terms because I can't english

it's an excuse to eat a lot of food and watch football

that's literally all there is to it

a lot of americans hate it because they hate their families though

america beat england, we celebrate

finland has nothing, no celebrate

good, nigger? :)

Its basically a harvest festival.

>Oh look who's awake and finally out of their cave!

Feels bad man.... getting PTSD thinking about it

Whoops... looks like you did join us... right there in the blue shirt with the beard!

Allahu Akbar, shitskin!

What don't you get? The history or what we do on the holiday itself? It's just a feast, yo


yes cleetus, thanksgiving celebrates the independence and victory against the brits.

Holy shit, how old is this fucking picture?

Stupid fucking niggers think dumping an entire can of Seasoned Salt is """"food""""

old enough

This is what they used to spam every Thanksgiving on Sup Forums back in 2012... it triggered the neckbeards...

>beat england
Wait what?
You dont really know what thanksgiving is about do you?

But why are you giving thanks? for what fucking reason?


fuck moot!

No wonder niggers die so much.
Look at all those carbs.

if i stare into these peoples faces long enough they start to look like they are completely fake

Favorite holiday because all I do is eat food and bullshit.

For good fortune. Why does it matter? All cultures have thinly veiled holidays that are just an excuse to drink and eat too much.

they thank the lord for the new, fertile land and celebrate good harvest.
thats about it. settlers started it.

specially stiffler!

paid actor


For my family all my aunts cook different parts of the meal and join it together.

My cousins and I run around playing whatever sport we like or share video games.

When Christmas comes we return our vidja back and we played it for at least a month.

Mexican-Murrican here... and we all get drunk... just some.

It's meant as a day of self reflection where American families are supposed to come together and just be grateful for the fact that we have strong family and community ties because that is basically what allowed our ancestors to settle this savage land.

Jews hate families though so they are trying to gut the holiday and turn it into a celebration of consumerist decadence.

It also unofficially marks the beginning of the Christmas season (more jewish subversion designed to venerate decadence and consumerism )

Fall harvest festival.

Almost every country that farms has one.
It also celebrates how nice we were to the indians to let them dine with white people ONCE.

>plastic plate and knife

2005 probably!

Those were little girls panties he bought, btw. Yeah old Sup Forums had its moments of fun.




>be 16th century
>Pilgrims sail the ocean and reach new world
>teach dumbshit Indians sustainable farming techniques
>for the first time in their miserable lives they have a surplus of food
>they "give thanks" by having a massive feast with you, hence the name thanksgiving

Granted the Europeans were thankful to the Indians as well for introducing a variety of edible plants and animals that Europe didn't have, but in American schools you're taught that thanksgiving was all about the pilgrims thanking the Indians, like the Indians already had advanced farming techniques and that they were nice enough to share all of their bountiful food with us because they were just soooooo nice.


that's sad.

>Why does it matter?

ofc it matters faggot. It's your fucking culture. I'll never understand you southern bitches. You have no respect for traditions or your own fucking culture. You need another dose of the redpill my friend.

why do niggers make fun of whites for the most arbitrary things?

Pyramids were only 2000 years ago?

Well shit....you learn something new everyday.

Pilgrims were gonna starve. Indians felt bad for them, fed their future conquerors. Indians and pilgrims had big feast together and "gave thanks" to God (Fuck the Indians right?)
Now we commerate that by stuffing our faces with turkey ( there was no turkey at the first thanksgiving)

And if you think the Indians not feeding the pilgrims would have saved them.

IT would not have.

It's when we celebrate a feast the first Americans had with the Natives while we were still pretending to be peaceful and then straight up murdered the Natives and drove the survivors to alcoholism.


I'm beginning to think that every person in Japan has autism

>pilgrim come to american
>nasty shitskins already renting
>pilgrim act their white instinct
>shitskins share corn & happy smoke
>pillage averted!
>prilgrim rejoice of new companionship
>merry drink fuck smoke
>shitskin natives develop aches & flu
>6,00,0000 died
>we have a lot of thank for

For the harvest. And family. And football.

WE?! Who the Fuck you talking about leaf?

What else are they gonna make fun of us for?


what even happened to triforcing

I remember one day like 5 years ago it just suddenly stopped

No, read the fucking picture. It was only a thousand years ago you retard.

Haha slavery works then, eh?

Excuse to eat food, get drunk, and watch football. Also an excuse for natives to bitch about being genocided, but no one cares because there are hardly any left (pussies should have fought harder).

tfw thanksgiving was just you your ma and grandma since granpa died over the summer

nigger memes are so stupid, literally just saying regular stuff but in ebonics. honestly reminds me of minstrel shows.

how do you blind fold an asian? put dental floss over his eyes

what's the difference between a nigger and a park bench? a park bench can support a family of 4

how do you stop a nigger from jumping on the bed? put velcro on the ceiling

did you hear about that two car wreck on the highway in phoenix? 50 beaners died

what do you call a nigger with wings? holy shit


saving that for R9K


White people put excessive amounts of ranch on everything, hasn't this nigger ever been to a Subway?

We give thanks to God for being born American. You don't comprehend it, because you don't know what it's like to be one of us.





b-but I lived in the burgerland for 2 years when I was a kid which is exactly why I can't in to english.

>tfw burned a kokko in burgerland
ayy lmao



anyone whose into spicy stuff know this meme's retarded

the carolina reaper, hottest chili in the world was created by a white guy (combined a ghost pepper and red habanero)

white guys continuously win spiciest eating competitions.

I've tried what niggers, beaners, and loos consider "spicy" and it's mild at best.

Living in America and being American are two very different things.

Nigger. I was in school LONG before the PC unity retcon bullshit. Natives had agriculture before the pilgrims showed up, the pilgrims were gonna starve that winter because they were almost out of food. Funny how you can't get anything out of the ground in fall if you hadnt planted anything, the pilgrims were only there in late spring early summer, too late to plant anything anyway.
Who would of guessed that religious fanatics would not have properly prepared for the future.
They would have mostly starved had the natives not opened the food bank for them.
It had nothing to do with planting or harvesting, and everything to do with the pilgrims getting lucky as Fuck.

Whitey don't got sheeeeeeeeeeiiiit on African food culture.

yeah. I got to move back to glorious khanate while my family stayed in the states. At this very moment they're the ultimate sjw while I'm here shitposting.
>these people didn't vote for trump
propably because their gardener and cleaning lady were undocumented and were doing a fuckload of work for way under the us minimum wage.

Funny how niggers just so happened to be the greatest people in the world but just so happen to be considered the lowest of the low by everyone today

>would of

Kill yourself you stupid nigger

because theres literally nothing else they can do

>That filename


We are thankful the Pilgrims did not die.

For all the good things in our lives. Thanksgiving is basically an annual celebration of American optimism. Sure, life can be hard, but there are always things you should be grateful for. It's "count your blessings" day. Maintaining a focus on the positive is what keeps you optimistic. Maintaining our optimism is so important to us as a culture that we made a holiday for it.

Y-y-you too

What is this?

>whites travel and colonize the world in search of spices
>whites don't like spice

how did this meme ever even start? they love trashing whitey for our colonialism, you'd think it'd occur to them why we did it.

Cancerfags came from reddit in like 2011 and they obviously couldn't triforce

>So user, why don't you have a girlfriend yet?

You know, probably went out the window with the invasion of plebbit and newfags. Oldfags stopped caring I guess or were just so done with this place they stopped using it.


>a two thousand years ago

Irregardless of your grahmknotting, im aware people like you are a diamond dozen

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.



Pilgrims were having a hard time surviving during the winter so the native americans brought a bunch of food and had a feast for the pilgrims and helped them.

Then the pilgrims killed all of them.

>family dinner, thanksgiving
>people drinking soda
>actual cans are on the table
>wine bottles on the table
>the bottles have screw caps
>mixture of white, red and what looks like riesling being served at the same time
>an adult is wearing a t-shirt

So true
I mean I just look at a person who eats spicy things and I lose it. fear of every other cultures food, is what we Caucasian spice deniers constantly talk about
I hate niggers and spics because ranch dressing burns my sphincter

But it is good that the poc has a job feeding whites
At least darkie knows his place

>ayo Tyrone we are the most despised race on this planet, we're even beating jews for the title of most hated
>shieet DeMarcus, yous rite, lets force this shitty meme where whites dont like food, this will definitely put dem whities in our place and we won't be delusional at all