REMINDERS the following things are DEGENERATE! What are you doing to purify your life against (the (((evils))) of):
REMINDERS the following things are DEGENERATE! What are you doing to purify your life against (the (((evils))) of):
Other urls found in this thread:
I smoke weed and play videogames while claiming the moral highground against degenerates.
You forgot about the tv shows and movies.
> Weed and video games are degenerate.
>i'm alpha cause I don't watch porn anymore
O i'm laffin m8. Keep thinking you're not a shit tier beta male because you have a tiny level of discipline.
reddit newfags need to go
>hating Filipino finger paintings on a website made for discussing Filipino finger paintings
how about we just call all things degenerate, faggot.
Nice troll cunt. Time to crack out the draught for a job well done.
God is a fantasy for a mind afraid of an eternity of nothingness
Im not gonna believe in any gods and theres nothing you.can do about it.
indulge, in debauchery and sexual promiscuity. fulfill your desires; be a glutton until you cannot eat and jerk your dick until you file blanks.
no one is stopping you and no one is watching you. there is no such thing as 'degeneracy', because morals do not exist. we are but animals.
Your list is partly wrong, because those are things that aren't absolutely degenerate, is the misuse of them.
And also, remember that every thing in this world usually get foot because it also mean some sort of business.
If people get out of their peter pan syndrome, you'll get a lot of that shit in your list to be a non issue.
This place went downhill after the election.
it's all about the amount, and the type, weed and porn, pure degeneracy. academia, video games, and anime, acceptable if you do it sparingly.
You forgot about alcohol, parties and eating pork
Videogames are not that bad, I'd nearly consider some being close to art.
shit like silent hill 2 is what ever the videogame equivalent of "kino" or "patrician" is,
The problem is modern day videogame culture, it teaches kids to consume garbage, just look at the state of GameStop, they don't even sell games anymore, its all just nerd loot and gamer gear like adventure time bags Zelda snap backs and fucking pop vinyls
>God is a fantasy for a mind afraid of an eternity of nothingness
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
Yeah, no shit. Now that we are in the public eye due to the election /pol is getting flooded with normies
Only things on there that are degenerate are weed and feminism.
Excessive porn use and weird deviantart tier fetishes like inflation are also degenerate but most porn isn't this so I'll give it a pass.
Explain yourself user.
I don't even post usually but I feel the need to tell you that you are a fucking retard and I hope youre baiting.
1000% this.
How is pursuing knowledge degenerate?
How arw video games worse than movies and tv
Lmao atheists are so gay
nothing wrong with being an atheist, as long as you practice good ethics and accept responsibility for your own future
Now user, which one of these things is not like the other.
If you picked CANNABIS, congratulations, your ability to spot patterns has paid off.
Cannabis is one of the most shilled issues on pol.
Kaneh Bosem is in the holy annointing oil, ((they)) have always sought to separate us from communion with the holy spirit.
Atheism as freedom from dogmas is not degenerate. Especially if it frees from (((Abrahamic religions))) that are the greatest hoax in human history thus far.
Advancing your knowledge is not degenerate. That's alike to including "getting /fit/" as degenerate.
Porn in moderation is helpful as """nofap""" is a great mind-control trick.
Anime and videogames are the greatest modern medium - a place once held by the cinema (which degraded into Hollywood and thus degenerate). But as all entertainment it should be in moderation.
The rest are absolutely degenerate.
Anime is for degenerate faggots m8
have you ever smoked pot in your life? It really doesn't belong with any of the others.
I get it, a lot of potheads are liberal academic feminists, or gamers jacking off to anime but that's not everybody. Why are people such piss ants when it comes to pot? Can you just not accept the fact that someone is enjoying themselves?
>anime, one of the few mediums not corrupted by the Jew is degenerate
"Video Games and anime are degenerate"
Says this on a site called "Sup Forums", in which people gather to appreciate anime, video games and to talk red pill stuff.
Proud cuckold fetishist and redditer here, I agree anime is for degenerate faggots. #FeelTheBern
I don't disagree with your overall point, weed is pretty low on the list of things I'm concerned about culturally, but I disagree with your approach. I don't give two shits as to what someone else "enjoys". People make terrible, destructive, short sighted decisions in the name of what they think they "enjoy". What people think they want isn't always what the want, and I don't trust the average person to know enough to recognize the difference.
Acceptance of authority
Compulsive pattern repetition
Attachment to the material; including the physical body
I really wish you would die.
I really wish you would get off my anime website, reddit.
>degeneracy list
Then why are you on Sup Forums?
Checked and keked. Getum leaf
I read that Uruguay federally legalized and everyone gets 10 grams a week from an actual pharmacy. A system like this here in america would solve those problems. Let everybody have a gram or so per day, perfect.
Why do faggots keep finding their way to Sup Forums? Hiro needs to ban Australians already.
Note: he said academia, NOT the pursuit of knowledge.
Why? Because the university has become indoctrination centers for radical lefist ideologies under the post modernist purview. STEM is fine still iirc, however, it will not last long or matter if the humanities remains as corrupted as it is.
Forgot to add Australia to that list.
What is not degenerate
>video games
What is degenerate
Muslim detected
Yeah well it might as well be....watched 5 minutes of High school of the dead or something like that, and EVERY scene with a female character had upskirt shorts.
That shit, is for virgin Japanese rent boys
Not all anime and video games are degenerate. Not yet at least.
bro hitler was high as fuck
>Degenerate mad that he can't 420 blaze it anymore and still call himself redpilled.
Damn, I bet the cognitive dissonance in your day to day life is so astounding. It's no wonder you guys are getting hit by mussies in trucks and shit, you deserve it.
>Atheism as freedom from dogmas
Dogmas are tied to ideologies, not "religion" only.
The shift to cult of individuality is nowhere different from the cult of god.
What the fug?
Authoritarian assholes trying to tell others how to live our lives are the true degenerates. Go fuck yourself
Sup Forums has always been an anime/vidya site. If you don't like it you can leave!
Do you know where you are right now?
Did someone say anime?
Fuck off Turkish cockroach, Muslim scum should be purged from this world
Everything not productive is degenerate, including your constant presence on Sup Forums, what have you done recently to purify your life of it(and ours of you) ?
I have my own moderation for these things since I'm productive (nondegenerate) up to my needs(pay), rest of my time is reserved for doing whatever the fuck I want because I deserve every minute of my time off.
You realize that aussi bro just opened up a thread for discussion. You all have posed no arguments to counter his assertion. I'd like to see you do better.
Depends if they are good video-games and played in extreme moderation, and also academia? What? How is academia degenerate?
There we go! Glad to see anons contributing.
>I'm from plebbit the slide post
>mfw ameritards cannot into irony
Not an argument
Alcohol is degenerate if weed is too. What is moderation?
I'm not some anti-weed puritan, as I said, I'm not against it, but my point is that most people use it for stupid reasons, and are slaves to their "enjoyment".
This is all the more reason to involve yourself in academia, if you have the aptitude and desire to do so. We need to re-take the institution before it becomes a blasted out husk, as with everything liberals touch. Look at what happened with psychology as a field. Used to be respected, if a little mad-sciencey at times. Now, 99% of psychology majors are edgelord memegirls who have an ironic serial killer fetish and read too much Judith Butler.
You're that weird Serbian liberal, right?
You lack self respect
Because I don't have to. It's an Australian, all they do is shitpost.
Based. I'm sick of moralists attempting to intrude with arbitrary absolutes as well.
Shouldn't "videogames" be "entertainment media" instead? That is everything like tv shows, movies, video games, etc.
is that all video games or just Sony?
Can I still play Breath of the Wild and Overwatch?
I will never stop watching anime
Currently jacking it to anime loli porn while smoking a joint rolled with a page of 'Capital'.
Go back to fucking your sheeps aussie
Sure, but sometimes pic related
The sheeps are Kiwi wifu's
Anime is garbage. Manga, Doujins, VNs and LNs are top tier faggots.
I can't wait for Trump to finally allow the US military to reduce your faggot 3rd world suit stain of a nation into a pile of ash along with you're faggot dictator & fuck Allah that pig fucking God & his cock sucking goat fucking pedophile prophet Muhammad who is currently roasting in hell & all the degenerate primates that serve him, look at that a picture of Muhammad doing what Muslim faggots do
anime is trash
anime = beta male or fat girl
>OP starting a discussion
Good one. Next thing you know, Sup Forums will be a democrat board.
Fuck off, degenerate. Not accepting scientific fact is degenerate, not the other way around.
I dont care :^)
And nothing you do will make me stop liking all above(except weed which I actually dislike)
I'm not white anyway so you shoudn't care too
It's easy to purge yourself of these things. People should learn this from their parents but I'm glad to help. The trick is to be honest. Or to atleast to the to be. And that means not doing things you have to dishonest about and hide. Try it. I also recommend you learn to understand the differences between objectivity and subjectivity, and learn to think objectively. Start to understand that are actions have real consequences. Thinking that your life is pointless because of memories fading or history being lost is a symptom of nihilism, and nihilism is objectively wrong.
Not caring doesn't make you any less of a degenerate, but you being Brazilian does mean that nothing of value is lost anyway
>took speed last night
>edged to porn for 8 hours
forgive me god for i have sinned
Nihilism is a perspective. Perspectives can't be right or wrong.
You forgot Sup Forums and infowars.
>Sickle and hammer
>Calls it liberalism
Are you retarded?
These digits approve of anime and video games.
Alcohol is degenerate, so are cigarettes and all over recreational drugs.
Fuck off degenerate
yeah but theres a cultural history behind booze and smokes, so it gets more of a pass. Weed is just fucking gay.
Whats so bad about nuclear throne?
Fuck off back to your weeb board if you want anime faggotry
Self-loathing autists. The lot of you.
Maybe you should try smoking a joint. Might help with the mommy issues.
I really don't think I could quit porn. I fantasize about Layla London and Peta Jensen's assholes too much.
Fuck off, shill.
>look this pic of /lgbt/
Anime is for BETAS virgins and future gays.
Sup Forums in a nutshell.
Anime is destroying Japan.
The anime along with Jews and cultural Marxism are destroying the West.