Leftist teacher is trying to indoctrinate my entire class with feminist/SJW propaganda

leftist teacher is trying to indoctrinate my entire class with feminist/SJW propaganda
>not allowing muslims to carry big computers ,phones etc on flights is racist!
>our integration-minister not allowing thousands of refugees on a daily basis is evil and racist
what do i do?

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Stood Up and say i'm tired of this bullshit and leave the class.

Enlight her drop redpills in class without exagerating.

>inb4 school ban

Ask them to define Race, because Muslim is not a race. Saying Muslim is a "race" is racist against all non middle eastern Muslims

its like saying you cant be Muslim unless you are the middle east

Talk back to her, and record it, upload it to youtube. Don't let Denmark fall, don't become like us.

Gave a plan of action.
Don't confront him with facts.
Confront them with meaning. Use facts at your advantage.
Storytelling really is best tool for politicians.

This. record it, upload it, We will make it go viral simply for the SJW tears.
Only when faced by hundreds or thousands of opposing views do these idiots realise they are in outnumbered and in the wrong.

Gas lighting.

Go along with the teacher emphatically. In fact out do the teacher in your support for refugees and Islamic immigration. Go full commie and tell them that miscegenation should be encouraged and that Arabic should be mandatory in school to encourage further integration. Tell him Islamic culture should be integrate within Denmark community and thus Danish women should be encouraged to wear the veil in order to experience a different culture. Tell him that Danish culture is backwards and wrong and that the importation of foreigners is the solution. Just go full commie. Take their ideology to its absurd end, but remain convincing doing so.

>not allowing muslims to carry big computers ,phones etc on flights is racist!

teacher is right.

Just do a presentation on why you love diversity and muslims while pointing out every single flaw about islam while you still say you support it. Talk about how muslims kill gays and women and kill anyone who doesnt believe in allah and say all of that with a big grin on your face while you say that you support it and anyone who doesnt support it is a racist.

We gotta start playing their games now. They made up this horrid and shitty narative that doesnt work in todays society.. So we just have to use their narrative against them now.