Liverpool is officially divided


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This, I didn't know it was grabbed.

>goes to website
>"waiting for event to go live"

Why do Trump supporters want to divide us anyway?

Good work.


i don't think they captured it
but the installation is finished in Liverpool

They got the flag? When? Who?

apparently police shut it down
so where next for hwndu
France? Germany?


Shia did an art installation at FACT before
going to lookup where he did previous "art"

"it's too large to get down ..."

They shut it down because of treaspassing concerns, we fucking did it boys.

Open letter to The Guy Who Got The Flag (and is possibly named Wheat):

Hide your hat for a few weeks. It's got enough damage on it to be recognizable. They'll be on the lookout for anybody wearing your outfit overall, but you should be able to get away with wearing those items separately, rather than the full ensemble. The hat, however, needs to get locked away for a while. They'll recognize it immediately.

Police using such high level tactics that they get Shia to take the flag down himself

The gauntlet has been thrown down: 9 hours faster than the Burgers. Which nation will get the chance to try their luck and test their skill in the next exciting round of Where on Earth is Shia LaBeouf: Global CtF?

we had the advantage of knowing the location from the start.
Burgers had to find theirs, ours was behind security.

I want him to come to Poland and do episode with our local stars like KOD and Doctor Petru

>9 hours faster than Burgers

>Shia literally gave out where the flag was
>was in a big urban center and easily seen
>most people in Britain could reach Liverpool by a few hours' train ride
>just trespassed up there, no flag removal

>literally put in in the middle of a random field in the middle of nowhere
>how many people are even near Tennessee, much less who would be involved in this
>had to find it's location using airplane paths, animal sounds and car horns
>actually got the flag and replaced it with a MAGA hat and shirt.

>9 hours faster
What an accomplishment, bong .....

>*had to find its location
God dammit, I can't stand it when other people do that, much less when I fuck up and do it ...

Oh that would be glorious
altought its never going to happen

but what about the security and constant police presence in the area
not to mention how high it was

our opposition is no fun, only Petru, but it is laughter at the retard

but who cares anyway
lets not let this divide us

Greenville had police stations all over the place. It had taken them like 3-5 minutes to get there after first report on /ourgirl/.
But really it's completely different challenges, there's no point comparing time.

>le epic up carrotface reaction image

brits don't pay attention to this god damn retard, he is trying to divide us

It was its own challenge, there's no disagreement with that. But it's also a much different situation than the flag way out in Bum-fuck-egypt, Tennessee.

We didn't know where the flag was, but it wasn't guarded (at least not at night). You knew where the flag was, but it was mostly inaccessible. Had we known the location in Tennessee, we probably would have gotten to it a lot sooner, although it was probably best to still wait until night in case there was someone there watching.

Agreed, I was mostly just telling the other bong-user that this is apples vs oranges.

>though I'm still sad no one stuck a flaming stick onto a drone. It would have been an incredible waste of a $200 drone ...

>Taking Sup Forums seriously

Listen to this guy:

Just pointing out the flaw in his comparison. No need to start getting emotional on us.

just pointing out you're a faggot

Now you're the one trying to divide us. Can we get back on point instead of having you try and derail us with your bullshit?

It's rather apt that the previous round was one of finding items in large open spaces, as an American is wont to do while the British challenge was one of social engineering AKA diplomacy. I was being silly with the whole game show bit but it's fun to treat is as a running contest.

Need proof, let me see the flag and the empty flagpole. One of you britbongs go snap a photo of the flagpole.