Hi, I am Muslim British man. I am just coming to say this. You cannot blame an entire group for the actions of a few...

Hi, I am Muslim British man. I am just coming to say this. You cannot blame an entire group for the actions of a few. What you are doing is creating hatred and in times like this we do not need that. Come my friends, together we shall all pray for London

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Kill yourself.

Islam is hatred. You will be defeated.

bismillah inshallah we will convert the kuffar of dar al harb to islam, by sword or otherwise

Kind of like all white people are blamed for slavery/colonization? Funny how that works

Iiterally not one person gives a single shit about terrorism you dense nog

What we dont like is getting our countries flooded by foreign hordes of brown people

You have to go back.

You still don't belong in the west

Your end is near. Genocide is coming.

>You cannot blame an entire group for the actions of a few.

But I do.

I'm honestly at the point that I'd curb stomp a muslim infant to death I hate you all so fucking much.

Praying is futile. There is no god.

Fuck off


Islam is a death cult and the only moderate Muslims are the one who are Westernised. Your book is full of hate and your prophet was pure evil, who even claimed to be possessed. Wouldn't be surprised if the Qur'an was written by Satan himself, you deceptive Kitman and Taqiyya following barbarian.

Anyone else: Watch Acts17Apologetics on YouTube and visit thereligionofpeace dot com.

eat shitlam more.

Also read the Hadith
Islam is a load of lies.

get out of my motherland

>You cannot blame an entire group for the actions of a few.

The fuck I can't, shitskin.


I want people to hate, so that they will finaly rise up against you people
I stoke the flames of that hate for that goal

>we're not all mentally insane terrorists

>but stop saying we are, or you may encourage some of us to become insane terrorists

got to love the logic of the "moderate muslim"


I hope you get boiled to death in bacon grease and shit :)

> You cannot blame an entire group for the actions of a few.

Yes, yes I can.



>pol weenies in a nutshell

Islam needs to reform and truly accept secularism. Without it, the west and islam cannot coexist and one will destroy the other sooner or later.

However, I agree that the loss of life should never be celebrated nor used as an excuse to cause further loss of life.


your a fucking jew


>you cannot blame an entire group for the actions of a few

I can't? It's not like respondents lying out of fear of be surveilled would keep these numbers even lower than they actually are, right?

Fuck that. If you love sandfags so much, go to their land and show them your acceptance.

>we shall all pray for London
Muslims don't pray to God.

>You cannot blame an entire group for the actions of a few.

What if the entire group does nothing to prevent those actions?

All monotheist religions are crap; nothing but a thought control process by states and governments.

Fuck off sand nigger

It's not just terrorism is it though, chum? Your family voluntarily migrated here, now you must do your duty and responsibility by integrating properly, which means dropping all the religious and cultural hangover from your old lands.

yeah all of you 'british' folks have been saying the same thing on twitter. It's almost as if you are a bunch of shills or something, hmm

If you want to live in our country you need to respect our culture and our way of life. If you don't like it. Go home.


Mr.Mayor, do you think it's because of all the first cousin marriage within your community?

yes, pray for London, then rinse and repeat


This shit will happen again, and this time, more people will be killed. How many more innocent people have to die before they do something about it?

Pray towards Mecca

You're right OP, we should embrace you cousin fucking religious whack jobs. You bomb wearing monkey swine. YOU UTTER CUNTS.
We will embrace you with hellfire. gtfo, this place is not for parasites like you.

>You cannot blame an entire group for the actions of a few.
>What you are doing is creating hatred.

So where in this double standard do we fit in? Seeing as you assume "we" are creating hatred when its really the actions of a few.
Typical do as I say not as I do bullshit globalist rhetoric.

If Muslims as a whole don't condemn and openly fight terrorism, salafism and jihadism, then they can't be trusted.

If you can't remove the cancer (salafism) from the organ (Islam), remove the organ.

what does allah mean in english?
its all the same bullshit so dont pretend white cult is better than brown cult


Don't forget the Facebook profile pics, hashtags and flag projections on buildings.

I'm convinced it will take coordinated attacks across Europe where atleast 100s die, maybe 1000s before normies want to remove kebab. That's not to say that there still won't be plenty of libshit holdovers.

>>You cannot blame an entire group for the actions of a few.

>blames everyone on Sup Forums

Fuck off Scotland, we know it's you.

Allah is a demon, all religions that require circumcision follow Berith (one of the princes of hell), Berit Milah means circumcision. Muslims endorse this practice, therefore they sacrifice part of their flesh to a demon. They are demonic, evil liars and they will burn in hell.

>muslim british man
Bit redundant don't you think?

pol hates Islam because they have the balls to actually fight for what they believe in, which is the opposite of being anonymous losers hiding behind computer screens in their mothers houses at the age of 28.

Fuck off Muhammad, your religion is crap

Muslim majority countries are full of terror and hate already. What I never see are Muslims condemning these attacks, or doing anything to stop them. Its always victimhood narratives after people are slaughtered.

>pol hates Islam because they have the balls to actually fight for what they believe in

You mean killing infidels?

There is truly nothing more disgusting than a middle-aged kebab woman in a headscarf. Utterly repulsive

>How many more innocent people have to die before they do something about it?

Is it still not clear to you? They wont do shit, it falls on us.

If you don't already carry, start. Don't bother with conventional daggers, get a push dagger or make your own. Push daggers are harder to turn on the user than conventional, if you do go with a conventional as push daggers are so hard to obtain at the very least hold it the right way, the opposite direction of cutlery.

Furthermore get active and network with like minded angry whites, make sure you know their employment to avoid undercover cops. Fight fire with fire, fight terror with terror. The Irish were far more efficient terrorists than these inbred backwards pedophiles, show them that we can out perform them at their own game.

Fire bomb mosques during Friday night prayer service preferably. Abduct and murder those foolish enough to roam alone. Crucifixions would provide a very strong message if you can film it and time lapse the footage it would make for an all time favorite on live leaks.

Large groups of muslim women? A can of lighter fluid discredly sprayed at them from behind and you've got a multi-kill. Take it.

The time to sit back and wait like cattle is over. Our leaders are all jewish sympathising gentile hating plants that are plotting your own violent destruction at the hands of these hordes.


Yeah, kill women, fags, etc just because you want is so brave

Fuck off

You're not British and your painful death will be delicious.


>You cannot blame an entire group for the actions of a few.

Can, have, am, will continue to do so.


British people as nice Native-Europeans took you to their country. Took all of the Muslims in UK to their country. Muslims, Asians, Africans... all came to UK by themsleves and Native-European people in UK took them in. And this is how you thank them? By killing them and driving over them?!

P.S. Power to the Native-European people who are constantly oppressed by immigrants in their native land.

You cunt I will fuck your daughter

Aww do you get offended by that? They want to kill me? :( Aw you poor little baby :( You need protection from the nasty Muzzie? :(

you know damn well you wouldn't you larping faggot

Eat pork or GTFO! Muslim scum

Not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims.

Yeah western women are so hot

It wouldn't be such a large leap from what I've already done prior.


>crazy enough to believe in pedophilia, sky fairies, and pupper abuse
>sane enough to want peace and understanding for all people
These things do not compute Mohammed.

Stop coming to the West and telling us to stop judging you.

Go bring down the hammer on the radical sects perpetuating violence and the name of your god. If you actually cared you would clean your own house.

Fuck off.

Why are you still a Muslim?
So long as you support the ideology responsible for terrorism and mass murder I cannot consider you a British citizen.
Islam is the polar opposite of what it means to be British, denounce Islam, now.

I don't blame all for terrorism. But the amount that want sharia Law and support FGM is inexcusable. Tens of thousands of girls are 'at risk' in the UK and over 100,000 likely live with having it carried out. Doesn't sound very 'moderate'. That's only moderate if you only call actually blowing people up extreme. Where I draw the line of 'moderate' is far short what Muslims seem to think it is.

>can't blame a group for one person
>blames america for bombings of their villages
yes very good

Muslim countries exist, wouldn't you rather live there amongst your own instead of on this rainy island amongst a bunch of miserable celts and anglos? You could even go to a nice, warm multicultural state in the land of the free.

I can help you with the paperwork if you like.

But we can continue to blame all white peoples for slavery and Nazis? Get fucked

Silly mudslime, of course I can blame you all. No matter how much you deny and lie, all of this was done in the name of your "god". I hope you know that the true God does not abide idolatry.

Tell your guys to stop killing our innocents then

story time

Stop killing our homos!


Oh hi there 5 eyes!

fpbp upon him.

KYS muslim scum.

I pray for you to fuck off back to your own country shitskin

your a joke to us

You've got to be kidding. 10/10 bait tho.

> Unironically blames the people of his adopted home for the problems his friends bring.


He's in his own country though, the United Caliphate Kingdom

Religion is a mental illness


>implying they wouldnt use a proxy


Do you denounce these terrorists? Do you denounce their actions, and their motivations for doing so?


But homosexuality is compatible! Feminism is compatible! Transgenderism is compatible! Keep parroting those neo-con talking points

nvm found it

>implying your not GCHQ behind a proxy

Silly sand nigger you can't be British and Muslim at the same time

Actually yes we can blame the actions on an entire group, FUCK being Politically correct. Just because you have more brains than your other muslum friends doesn't mean it's not going to happen again. Islam is not a religion, it's an ideal followed by goat fucking low IQ inbred goofs. If you correctly follow islam ISIS is the result. Facts. If you don't you are not follow islam you are fighting off islam with your ability to think for yourself. All followers of islam need their hands and feet cut off, and fed piss and shit until they die. We will not let you destroy the world. Nationalists are coming, you created them.

What's the fuggin source