>oh sweetie, you didnt actually think women looked good without makeup on right? HAHAHAHA
Oh sweetie, you didnt actually think women looked good without makeup on right? HAHAHAHA
Julian Jones
Landon Sanchez
>haha lol women don't look like in my Porn so I won't date them it's not like they wouldn't even look at me lmao #MGTOW
Nolan Garcia
looks fine to me. make-up makes you look like a clown
Logan Richardson
90% of women look stupid with makeup on
Parker Garcia
I'd still shit on her, it's my fetish.
Julian Richardson
She looks fine. Little tired/sleepy, but that's all
Xavier Edwards
t. ugly virgin
Nolan Nelson
triggered? ;)
John Davis
>Think I don't know that? Are you under the impression you're my first?
Christopher Jones
My gf looks amazing without make up.
In fact she never wears make up.