Why doesn't anyone listen to us?

Why doesn't anyone listen to us?
It's so obvious that Islam is not a religion of peace and yet they STILL believe in giving them rights. What do?

Point and laugh at them when they die from terror attacks

Then the ones that are alive will continue being dumb and the cycle repeats.

They are the enemy, that's why. They don't have your best interests in mind. They want to destroy you.

Most of these people actually believe they're doing the right thing. They don't see any hypocrisy in their sentiments.

Maybe if your ideas were toned down a bit and articulated by someone who wasn't a complete moron people would be more receptive to them. But when you say dumb shit like "Us" and "them" and you suggest that muslims shouldn't have rights, most reasonable people are going to correctly assume that you are an idiot.

>believe they're doing the right thing
Right, but they think the right thing is the destruction of the west and all foundational beliefs we established in the enlightenment. They are in a cult. They don't even realize that is what their motivation is. They're livestock.

>"Us" and "them"
Yes, that's how you use plurals.

Buy what if I live in one of these countries?

redpill the max of people you can

Two types of muslims, Shia and Sunni.

One hates White people.
The other is reasonable.

Both hate each other. End of story

both are brown

and I want them out of the white countries

Please feel free to define "us" and "them" in this context so I can explain how dumb you and your way of thinking are.

Us - People who see Islam for what it really is
Them - Muslims

None of them are reasonable

Shiites are just fewer in number and more pre-occupied with martyrdom, so they tend to eliminate themselves before they can hurt too many kuffar

What is "Islam for what it really is", exactly?

Why do you think there are refugees fleeing theocratic states?

Tbh mate, speaking out of experience, not every "muslim" is a muslim. Like not ever "Christian" is a Christian
Thank goodness for both. Because Christians would all be Commie rats and all muslims would be walking bombs.

Simply put, identifying with a religion does not make you a real follower.

no, its how you create and reinforce division.

also, reminding someone that you consider them an outsider will only server to push them further from your ideas.

>calls Iranians brown
>is Brazilian

Anyone who is still a brainwashed Li cuck and now runs around supporting trans-rights and waring hijabs for feminism and actually thinks pence wants to shock gays is so far gone they cannot be saved or convinced

Nobody ever does anything thinking it's the wrong thing, they always have a justification even if that justification is nuts

And they'll continue dying.

You have to kill them with facts and kindness.

Explain that Islam is a theocratic ideology on par with Nazism. It believes non believers are ubermensch meant to be forcibly proselytized, raped, or killed.

Their end goal is theocratic global state governed by Sharia law.

They've already conquered 2 civilizations that way: Zoroastrian Persians of the Sassanid empire and Constantinople (modern day turkey).

They are religious zealots more dangerous, factually more dangerous, than satanists and the poison is the ideology and all who follow it blindly.

We, as a planet, have to come together and treat Islam the same way Germany treats Nazism in their country in 21st century.

Only then will or societies be as peaceful as a pre-Islamic western civilization.

Then point out that it's a recurring theme across the board in every country. Point out fort hood, San Bernadino, 9/11, Charlie Hebdo, France theater massacre, Nice France massacre, Belgium bombing, German Christmas Eve Mac truck slaughter, and U.K. Terror attack were all religiously motivated by Islam.

These are irrefutable facts they will be forced to swallow.

Anything but peaceful.

Also it's sexist and homophobic which is the opposite of what leftists believe.

It's BECAUSE they're outsiders that Europe keeps letting them in their countries in large numbers to promote multi-culturalism.
Not denying the importance of vocabulary but that's the reality of the situation. They don't want to integrate properly, that's what they are.

Does brazil have muslim problems? I think the problem are the people themselves there :^)

they aren't giving them rights, they're giving them priviledges.


Just because I'm brown I can't call others people brown?

Fuck you western cuck

Mein Neger!

Yeah, man, the president is thinking about bring muslins here

And guess what, he want to put them in the south of Brazil, the whitest part of Brazil. Who could be behind this?

No prob. If they still can't handle the truth, explain Hitler's allied with Islamic countries for that very reason.

I know the anti Nazi sentiment is strong in Germany so that analogy might get the point across to simpler minds.

If they still don't believe you, explain Kittman and Al-Taqiyya.

You'd be right if every Muslim was the same.

But they're not.

Has any tabloid/MSM journalist piece ever tackled Taqiyya or do they ignore it for reasons?

You'd be right if every Nazi was the same, but they weren't. My point exactly. Good Nazis existed just like "Good muslims" exist. Either culturally misguided by birth or simply too feeble minded to realize the truth.

They ignore Kittman and Al-Taqiyya because they know it would murder the "peaceful Muslim" image and explain why they want EVERYONE of all walks of life to be Muslim. They are even worse about it than a Loxist Jew.

Their whole ideology is accountable for their actions though, and they do not set a good record for it's followers at all.
And why don't the "peaceful muslims" ever do anything about the extremists? Yeah, these people are so peaceful they just sit down and not take action on ANYTHING, including the well-being of society. If someone stabbed another to death and a guy just stood there and let it happen, doesn't that make him equally guilty?

I was referring to the they about people on the other side of the political aisle.
people up and down this bored are saying things like libtards, cucks, etc. Its truly stupid to use combative language when trying to promote your ideas to those who dont already agree with them.

for what its worth, the only people who i have heard use the phrase 'religion of peace' are conservatives and ISIS itself. Can you guess who said the following?

>Islam was never a religion of peace. Islam is the religion of fighting ... It is the war of all muslims

Its even more disturbing if one has educated themselves on the goals and methods of ISIS and other terrorist groups. ISIS said themselves, in their self published magazine, that they seek to turn the west against islam, that they can only achieve victory if the west rejects islam completely, thus creating their prophetic great war where all muslims war against everyone else.

So when i see posters here saying things like "nuke them all" and "muslims shouldnt have rights" etc, i have to wonder - are these people shills for ISIS? Do they have some other reason to promote the goals and methods of ISIS?

You're one of those

>don't fight them and you win

Handicapped individuals aren't you?

You think Muslims hold even a modicum of power necessary to wipe out civilization? The only way they can reach their end game goal is if people like you complacently ignore the fact that all muslims who are devout are of the same cloth as ISIs

Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, leader of ISIS, has a PhD in Islamic studies.

He knows more about it than any of us will ever care to, and he reached his conclusion as a devout Muslim. Chew on those thoughts for a while.

You got me there with that theory. With all of that in mind, it's pretty much proves the point that Radical Islam is a clear and present danger to the West, and eventually we'll all have to go into combat.

Since Trump's win I've actually started growing to most liberal principles, however the fact that they still side with these people to this day baffles me beyond belief. There's nothing to gain from this. Islam is a malignant tumor, but so are these people for letting it continue to grow.