"The doxxing of Shia is not something we should take likely or be impressed by"
Dude gives huge keks
Charles Taylor
Joshua Lopez
Lucas Diaz
possibly one of the best trolls of all time
Ryder Nguyen
Kayden Hill
>that fucking labored breathing
Ayden King
that latest video is on fire right now on their Boston Antifa fb page. really starting to rile up the normies
Dominic Turner
Serious question is he kinda retarded or something? Learnig disability or shit like this?
Caleb Fisher
if he keeps playing alt-right music vids in his videos he's gonna redpill loads
Ian Morris
>Hides his face
>all his other videos shows it clearly
Why even bother? Just for the edge effect?
Anthony Davis
Listening to his voice in he sounds very autistic.
Not autistic as Sup Forums's masters.
Actually the bad side of autism