What Are The Demographics of Germany?

Are there any reliable sources?

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100% cuck.

Like Sweden

>Are there any reliable sources?

there are.
most immigrants are slavs

This girl (Tabe Kemme) is a nasty little girlrt.

At 0:16 she throws the soccer ball in her opponents face.



Nowadays, every year at least half a million niggers are imported.

In some city districts of Berlin, Germans will soon become a minority.
Green party celebrates it.

Seni Türk şeytanı lanet olası iblisin kardeşi ve refakatçısı, Lucifer'in kâtibi. Sen ne biçim zebani beyisin, çıplak götünle bile bir kirpi öldüremezsin. Şeytanın sıçtığını ordun yer. Seni orospu çocuğu, asla Hıristiyan oğullarını tebaana alamazsın; ordundan korkumuz yoktur, ister karada ister denizde seninle cenk ederiz ananı da sikeriz.

Seni Babil'in bulaşıkçısı, Makedonya'nın tekerlekçisi, Kudüs'ün biracısı, İskenderiye'nin keçi sikicisi, Yukarı ve Aşağı Mısır'ın domuz çobanı, Ermenistan'ın dişi domuzu, Podolya'nın canisi, Orta Asya'nın ibnesi, Kamenets'in cellatı ve tüm dünyanın ve cehennemin soytarısı, Tanrımızın nezdinde soytarı, Yılan'ın torunu ve sikimizin ağrısı. Domuzun burnu, kısrağın götü, mezbaha iti, vaftiz edilmemiş kaş, kendi anasını siken.

Kazaklar böyle der, seni aşağılık herif. Hıristiyan domuzları bile güdemeyeceksin. Şimdi sadede gelelim, tarihi bilmiyoruz takvimimiz de yok; gökyüzünde mehtap var ve yıl da kitapta yazar; orda hangi günse o gündür burada da; öp götümüzü emi!

-- Koşovi Ataman İvan Sirko, Zaporojya Hostu ile birlikte.

> half a million niggers / sand niggers

Big cities mainly in former West Germany and Berlin are shit. Classes of less than 3 or 4 native german children.

>Classes of less than 3 or 4 native german children.


There are no-go areas, controlled by Lebanese people in Western Germany.


Because he's a Achmed or Jew.

This is what I don't get. Achmeds must be aware of the fact that Achmeds are shit. If I were a shitskin leeching in a white society, I'd tell other shitskins to fuck off.

Well, as Erdogan said, roaches want to colonize Germany.

If there are more Muslims than non-believers,
they can take over control over our democracy.

You should be more worried about the skilled immigrant like myself that Jews you out of a good job and fineeses a higher salary

How many skilled immigrants are comming to Germany?
3, 4?
How many who want to be fed by the German people, while at the same time wanting to introduce sharia and kill the infidels?
400,000 per year?

true, I honestly hate them as well but people hate me so i dont give a shit

Where do you come from?


They now leech off Germany to fund their useless shit country. How they think killing of their host is a good idea.

>taking control of Germany with the dumbest anatolian inbred goatfuckers
>implying this scum would take a cut-down from german- to roach-tier welfare state

They getting more problems with this than without...

Are you ethinic European?


At least another country conquered, they think.

But people (at least judging from whom they elect) and politicans here don't give the slightest shit about islam invasion and their outbreeding tactics.

What is your ethnicity?

I'm mixed race

Then why do you feel as though you have any business in Europe

Sweden is about 68% white.

Which races?

Why did you feel a need to leave? You should have stayed your asses here then maybe you'd have a leg to stand on.

nigga and nazi

sure, whatever. just fuck off.

When you realize all the shit happening in Europe is Karma the better off you'll be

100% cuck

What do you work here and how did you get the impression that people don't like you here?

I'm a Software Engineer and I think its in my head. Probably because I don't speak German yet and they get offended.


soon to be USA tier, then a few years later Brazil tier, then another few years later South Africa tier

Germany is a nursing home infested with roaches.

Good source.
thank you senpai.