This is Yusra Khogali, leader of Black Lives Matter Toronto. So far she has said J Trudeau is a white supremacist terrorist, white people are a genetic defect that can easily be wiped out, and tweeted a prayer to Allah to give her the strength not to kill white men. Last year she was gifted with leading the Toronto Pride Parade, only to block the parade until a list of demands were met, biggest of which was banning police floats. She is a vile, hateful hypocrite, the epitome of everything wrong with this country but people continue to fawn over her and praise her word garbage. I call upon the strength and wisdom of Sup Forums to troll/btfo/tear down this piece of shit woman and help save cuckanada. Thoughts?
Sup Forums can do it
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She needs triple orifice big black prongs.
We need to support her.
Toronto is a lost cause anyways. Why even bother trying to save it. Just let it serve as a containment city for degeneracy and non-whites
T. Torontonian
Ah yes Justin Trudeau head of the Canadian neo-nazi branch heil Trudeau you faggots
I disagree.
You should just spread her message to everyone. Give her as much exposure as possible and let the toxicity of her own words poison her future.
Not your personal army.
>fuck with her
>"nazi weaboo pedophiles attack innocent blm teenager because of racism"
>leave her to talk, or boost her visibility beyond the reach of the media
>normies go "what the fuck is this what blm is? 14/88 hitler did nothing wrong"
Don't bother desu
Haw haw haw! Jolly good show what? What is she going to do? Everybody knows Canadians are not allowed to own firearms.
wtf kind name is that
It's a typical Canadian name.
She needs to get BLEACHED
Khogali is a Sudanese name.
Canada has one of the highest firearm ownership rates in the world...
Not your unpaid militia, and anyway canada deserves to burn along with everyone in it. I could count on my fingers the amount of good canadians on this board, and they're all in favor of your shithole burning in nuclear hellfire.
Maybe next century, leafnigger.
The best way to take her down would simply be to amplify her message.
Expose her most hateful sayings to the liberal whites who support her. Keep doing it over and over again. They will definitely abandon support
>and tweeted a prayer to Allah to give her the strength not to kill white men
Why do non-Muslim niggers merge so closely with the Muslims? Do they not realize how cringey and forced it all looks?
>They will definitely abandon support
For this specific person yes but not the movement headed by that person which is just as nonsensical
You need to DECOLONIZE YOUR MIND, user!
Nigger bitch just needs by moderately big white cock down her throat. People hate what they secretly love
She is Muslim. She's Sudanese.
She's a stupid fucking cunt
Yeah but do you have salty weapons?
I wish this would work, but the more hateful things she says the more exposure she gets. I have 0 confidence in this country to wake up
Then why doesn't she put a cloth on her head and shut her fucking mouth?
LMAO. This is what the left supports, KEK.
Let me fuck her. I'll set that bitch right.
What she needs is either an ass-kicking from her dad (oh wait) or a massive electric shock. No mercy for cunts like her.
Quick Rundown/speculation
I have never heard of her before but i will try:
Obviously mixed race
Glazed eyes, lack of expression in most photos of her, possible narcissist.
Using pain and suffering of others for own benefit. Exploitative, opportunistic, rebel, liar, vocal racist.
She has to be half white with all those colonial traits, which she hates and makes her act out to showcase her "blackness".