What's your opinion of Dr. Martin Luther KANG Jr, Sup Forums?
What's your opinion of Dr. Martin Luther KANG Jr, Sup Forums?
He was a Republican
I suppose he was ok for a nigger
he cheated on his wife
cant really blame him, his wife was a nigger
overrated nig
He looks like Eddie Murphy.
Probably would be a republican today.
Boondocks episode about him is still true.
The "Dr." part came from a plagiarized PhD.
The Nigger part is genuine.
I pretty much agree with the Boondocks view of him.
A good guy...Who would have found the current state of inner city blacks unacceptable.
There's a reason that the most effective black leaders were murdered...They believed in hard work..And success through hard work and struggle.
It infuriates me when clowns like Al Sharpton claim to speak for me.
He was basically as bad as BLM, but white libtards have made him into a hero and dindunuffin. He was lesser of two evils at the time though. Not allowed to show how fucking extreme he was at the time though. That would be racist.
he loved white woman and smokin dope desu
A nigger, but a good nigger.
people give him the most credit for the whole black equality movement, but i think his peaceful approach was not nearly as effective as Malcolm X's threats.
nether the less a great man, that it probably spinning in his grave right now
>as bad as BLM
>peaceful protest
He was just after gibs like the rest of them.
He was literally a political tool who couldn't see what was happening to him. I'm to lazy to drop redpills about segregation right now, but; blah blah blah it protected them blah blah blah blacks and whites were separated but still lived together blah blah blah great white flight blah blah blah Detroit
Martin Luther King Day should not be a holiday. Not memeing. Dead serious.
Change it to Civil Rights Day for all I give a fuck. There should be no single individual that has a National Holiday. No single individual is bigger than the nation, therefore no individual should have a National Holiday named after them.
Fuckin' George Washington does not have a National Holiday named after him, there's no way in hell Martin Luther King should have a National Holiday.
It's horse shit and I want to meme it into reality. Revoke the National Holiday status of Martin Luther King Day.
Fuck that shit.
Pisses me off.
He's okay.
nope, definitely. undoubtedly.
and Malcolm X would probably an hero after redpill overdose
Black man vs Nigger
>peaceful protests
You realize King was heavily involved in teh violent protests and encouraged and supported them across America at the time? That he basically said deal with me or they get worse? He was literally behind the forced use of children in the protests in birmingham so they could have imagery and shock people with children "arrested" or hurt from "white people"/"violent police". You know you are fucked up when even Malcom X is fucking calling you out on yoru shit and hes the "bad/violent one" in their duo in history for this movement. X literally said a real man doesnt put children in the line of fire. The dindunuffin King? He siad it was the best decision they ever made.
Now fuck off with your censored history education.
Malcolm X is also on record as saying it's totally fine that white people want their own neighborhoods and communities because he wants Black neighborhoods and communities. He said, basically, "Yeah, that's totally normal, and I'd be crazy to suggest otherwise."
Here is the red pill on Michael King Jr
Fucking neophytes. You must continually seek esoteric truths to ascend above the smog of disinformation
Communist sympathizing nigger.
He was a literal egomanical Marxist.
If you haven't read one of his autobiographies i recommend you do so. He's been very lionized and historians treat him with kid gloves. But he was actively working to engender a socialist uprising in the U.S., civil rights was only the beginning.