Islam has declared war on us

how do we make the normies accept the fact that Islam has declared war on us, whether we want to admit it or not?

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Kek has blessed this thread

>one off from trips again

You declared war on us when you crusaded the holy land.

How has Islam declared war on us when the main victim of ISIS are other muslims?

Nobody can argue against salafist wahhabism. Nobody can argue against SA being a large exporter of it. As a progressive I'd fully support anyone who opposes these shitters.

But when you go "muh mudslime invasion" and then murder sikhs / indians it's hard not to oppose you harder.

>muh crusades meme

Crusades were a reaction to Muslim invasion into Europe. Get a better argument, faggot.

Fuck the normies. Let's just bring the war right back on 'em. Why wait for normies?

This is a fucking lie.

Do you listen to what's coming out from the Imams? The muzzies in high positions keep saying they are at war with everyone that isn't muslim as part of the global Jihad. The west is the only place that is letting the enemy into their own country.

Because then (((they))) can use it to make other's feel bad about muh racism and then we'll never get the support of the people

No it's not ya retard. Open a book.


Get the fuck out of my country mudslime

not an argument

Mein nigga

>it's hard not to oppose you harder.



Fuck you bai I was born here

get your history right lad. the First crusade 1095 was a direct reaction to 300 years of Jihad against the Byzantine Empire.

If they aren't swayed by what is right in front of their faces, how will they ever be convinced?

What's your bloodline Sandnigger?



basic history lad, your on a computer why not google it

Mein Freund

Mother is from Cork, father is from Najaf

If they were a "reaction" to the Muslim invasions then why not send Crusaders to the places that were actually being invaded? Also, why did this "reaction" happen several centuries after the Muslims invaded Iberia or other places? It's almost like these two things had nothing to do with each other and the Church was cynically exploiting fanatically religious Christians for a land grab in the Middle East.

We destroyed Iraq and Libya for no reason. Why do Muslims hate us so much?

Your country is the bitch of the EU, not like you have any say in him being there you fucking paddy


It was continual invasion. The Crusades started when the Orthodox church asked the Catholic church for assistance

The East Romans crucified Muslims.

>converted to Islam


Seriously walk down the street and look at the average white british boy, wont do shit, the only real white boys in UK is Polish, British born are a joke, and im not even joking.

like literal autistic retards, hunch backed, skinny, fucking manlets, probably the same ones that sit on here telling everyone how they will 'remove kebab' and 'we will get them out of our country'

its not your fucking anymore, seriously its not.

I suppose we could start with taking away your wives... I mean goats.

Then we could kill all your little babies. Oh wait. I mean Lil Walking Time Bombs.

Then we'll castrate each and every one of you.

And then kill ya.

They started in the invaded countries and drove them out.

its not your fucking country anymore*

We just learned to use taqiyya against you, give us a minute

>Implying this war is not going on since pisslam was created

sure mate, keep sitting on Sup Forums telling me what youre going to do to my goats, oh it hurts so bad.

While muslims kill you on the streets, enter your country daily, take your taxes, live a nice comfortable life whilst fucking your women.

keep doing it, you are making a real difference.

The crusades were a higher form of piracy, nothing more! - Nietzsche

Yes, this was used as a casus belli, but I doubt that Rome gave a shit about Constantinople and likewise I doubt that the Seljuks gave much of a shit that the Byzantines were Christian.

Says the fucking Brit, you fucks are always preaching about how you will remove kebab

>I wanna rewrite history so fucking bad right now.

>Trying to explain history to a conspiracy nutter

Actually the places they went were the places already taken over. The bystantine king asked the Catholics to get his land back. The pope saw this as an chance to take the holy land because Muslims were preventing Christians from making pilgrimages there. When Muslims allowed Christains to make their pilgrimages nothing happened. Once they took that away Christains had to make their pilgrimages somehow.

witnessed! Praise kek!

>Islam has declared war on us

yea like 800 years ago

They certainly didn't do this for Spain and Portugal, and ironically by sacking Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade they hastened its eventual fall to the Ottomans in 1453.

by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

Christianity destroyed for us the whole harvest of ancient civilization, and later it also destroyed for us the whole harvest of Mohammedan civilization. The wonderful culture of the Moors in Spain, which was fundamentally nearer to us and appealed more to our senses and tastes than that of Rome and Greece, was trampled down (—I do not say by what sort of feet—) Why? Because it had to thank noble and manly instincts for its origin—because it said yes to life, even to the rare and refined luxuriousness of Moorish life!... The crusaders later made war on something before which it would have been more fitting for them to have grovelled in the dust— Nietzsche

Checked m8

This man is doing it right.

All violence done against muslims is reaction to muslim aggression. That's history.


Jihad against Christianity never really stopped.

Thanks for the beautiful jpg. Saved!

It's always been that way and it will continue that way

And the crusaders mostly killed other middle-eastern Christians. Christcucks fucked over Europe and its the kike on a pike mentality that led to "acceptance" and muh God's chosen people.

You deserve the death that will come to you.

Fuck the crusaders. They killed anyone who wasn't Catholic, slaughtered Europeans and destroyed the actual Religion of Europe.

Wasn't defending the crusades. He tried using it as justification for muzzies attacking us now, which isn't an argument


Remember who the real enemy is!
(((they))) want you too figh their shitty wars.


Mad cuz no more christian slaves?

Fuck off, you inbred goatfucker.

People in the upps is the real enemy!!!

^ higher upps^

haha nice

I guess i cant expect peasants to have a brain.


Good. We should finish it. Allah as my witness. Thy Sword shall relinquish what is righteousness.

You need a good raping with a grenade Sven.

If theres a Holy War. Jews will be massacred.

>Islam has declared war on us
I guess so, apparently there's a second attack going on right now
I'm sure though, but i'm comfy

We meme the message across:

>Declared war on the West

We usually declare for shit that's worth fighting for.

can't mudslimes just be carpet (kek) bombed during their prayer time?

Or take them the fuck out during Ramadan when they are weak during the day?

Are Swedes NPCs or robots programmed by telekikes?
>Its just ISIS not mainstream Islam

>innocent sikhs and indians
Totally with you there m8. Truly atrocious.

A dog born in a stable doesn't make it a horse

Because we left the job incomplete.




Yes we did that Goyim.

I dont want some massacresion on anyone.
But the people who are responsible for these horrible things that happens needs too be removed from power and be put on trial.

that was my point