holy shit the amount off salt this guy is crying

Drumpf tried, for once, to be Presidential and caring....


The army of Shariablue ticks strikes again...

Lol I think that guy in the replies section is more roasted. You can smell his asshurt through the computer monitor

I see Trump brought up problem A.

How dare him bring up problem A when problem B exists?

Twitter knights are honestly some of the most pathetic people

Also one thing I don't get about Twitter: Why do all of these top repliers get the verification check mark when I haven't heard of literally any of them? If you click their pages they usually only have like 10k followers or something like that. I know of people's Twitter accounts who are more famous than that and haven't received verification.

I should talk like THIS from now ON to make my POINT seem more legitimate THAN yours!

kek first of all what kind of faggot comments that many times to the president who isn't going to read it, and what kind of faggot likes his tweets

it is a bot not a human

>national leader represents members of his nation

so a typical liberal?


Nice profile pic.

This Christoph Rehage fag is replying on everything Trump is writing. Fucking faggot

This guy does this to every Trump tweet.

What annoys me most is that he, like most retarded liberals, does not seem to comprehend how twitter works and probably gets aggravated that he can only type 140 characters. He truly believes that this was a flaw in the development and not a constriction to prevent people from spewing shit like he does.

So who is "Christopher Rehage"? Apart from the most asshurt "man" on the planet.

salt bae 2

How to Get Verified on Twitter, Step-by-Step

Fill out your profile completely with profile picture, cover photo, name, website, and bio.
Add a verified phone number and confirm your email address.
Add your birthday.
Set your tweets as “public”
Visit the verification form on Twitter.

lmao so they do all that just to seem more legit and important than they really are? Sad!

>Unironically Jewgled him
>Made a (((viral video))) a decade ago
>Even failed in what he planned to do when he realised reality differs from "if I believe it I can do it"

Story checks out I guess. I was more concerned with how he was verified, I never realised it was as straightforward as says.
I remember when to be verified you had to be an actual somebody. Then again I remember when you had to be talented to win an Oscar and you didn't just cry about how racist the awards were for not giving you an award because of your skin colour until they finally just gave you an award based entirely on your skin colour. Seems a common trait nowadays.

i bet he is an assistant manager at starbucks

>One died trying to protect the others
No, some cuck cop got shanked to death by a guy he had plenty of time to react to.

lol these shills do a great job red-piling for us. even the most blue-pilled people recognize that these guys are ridiculous.

Quick rundown how is Trump doing after this

some say he may never recover from this stumping

This guy replies to every single tweet Trump makes. If this extreme butthurt or legit autism?


Twitter must be destroyed.

They are pushing the leftist agenda through censorship just like Reddit.

Kek bless.


Reminder that Twitter is so butthurt that they delay showing conservative tweets to conservatives so that liberals can get first post and upboats.

k..keep me posted

>actually being this butthurt over Trump feelings for an American life lost