3rd Party Website

http:// hewillnotdivideus.xyz/
Someone made a virtual version of the flag. Any user that can claim it for our Lord Kek?

Other urls found in this thread:


Supposedly we already had someone on the inside, but massive amounts of Sup Forumsacks are DDoSing the shit out of the site so its making things difficult


time to go digital

We got the Liverpool one right?

Sorta? 2 guys got up there and almost got the flag down, but there were a shit ton of zip ties securing it and the bongs didn't have anything to remove it with. They had to flee the scene because the cops showed up.

HOWEVER, after getting away, the cops told the museum to take it down, so those 2 glorious bastards effectively took the flag down


Didn't they cut it down with scissors?

no sharp objects over here mate, we have to bin them all.

You can't even have scissors?

I feel so sorry for you