Yeah I fucking hate sjws and voted for trump, but please get this guy out of the picture.
>Literally shills products on his youtube channel >Thinks fluoride in water is a commie scheme because he probably watched doctor strangelove too many times >thinks sandy hook is a conspiracy >thinks the movie shooting was a conspiracy This guy is fucking retarded and only destroys our credibility.
Jew shill AJ has spent all week avoiding Trump teaming up with rat Paul Ryan.
Connor Jones
good fuck that guy. Except that gay porn of trump and aj sucking eachother off is on the internet forever.
Thomas Perry
he has gone totally off the deep end. esp with the 11 dimensional hypergalactic demon shit
Joseph Murphy
hello! welcome my fellow shills! your ruse is getting easier and easier to spot ;) but dont worry, you're as pointless as your orders from boss man!
Kayden Lewis
im not a shill. i agree with about 96% of what AJ says. i just dont like the way he constantly interrupts his guests and repeats himself way too much. makes it very hard to listen to his show. almost anyone else at infowars is better at giving interviews. think he took too much brainforce.
Jordan Sullivan
I always liked conspiracy theories but I never really liked this guy. He always seemed like a shill
Justin Cruz
Dude if you knew how deep the rabbit hole goes you'd shit your fucking pants, but I'll let you in on a clue, everything is backwards, and I mean that literally.
Carson Thomas
Tap water in itself is a commie scheme. Water should come in non-recyclable small plastic bottles purchased at the convenience store.