Seriously what the hell is going on in the Middle East...I mean Canada?
Okay you bunch of cheeky cunts what is this "Islamophobic bill" in Leaf central about?
Other urls found in this thread:
we need to wall off canadistan too
Expect to never ever see a good Canadian post ever again
Fuck Islam and fuck Muslims.
Its a motion not a law.
The more things change the more they stay the same.
Now your my kind of leaf!
Hope you vote these wankers out
I used to be conservative, but frankly, i'm fine with this.
Why? Because its about damn time we learned some tolerance and respect for other peoples and religion.
By saying NO to Islamophobia we are silencing the hate speech that causes so much suffering and conflicts.
We are proud that Canada is the first country in North America to take a proactive stance against hate and to support the beautiful and peaceful islamic people.
I have many islamic friends, in fact about 9/10ths of my friends are from the countries that Adolf Trump has banned.
We in Canada are very highly diverse and progressive people, always forward thinking towards the future, and so it is with great pride that i also support Islam for a peaceful integration of our two cultures and religions.
God Bless and Allahu Akbar
Praise Kek, Kek will make Canada great in 2019!!!!
Nice bait mate.
I hope he washed his hands after that... Or actually no I don't wish that. I hope he licked his hands after that.
Get fucked achkkk...throat hacking...mmed
Nice bait
>first we ban intolerant speech
>just keep adding shit to the intolerant list
>eventually having a detrimental view of the government is hate speech
>Only government approved officials can take office
>can't revolt or change system or else you'll be shoved into prison at gunpoint and you don't have guns to resist
Really good idea, hmm really makes me think
Oh hoh, stop being so hyperbolic.
As if things would ever come to that.
All we are doing is saying a firm and official "NO" to islamophobia and hate speech.
This is something that needs to be stopped. It infringes upon the freedoms of others by causing physical and psychological pain and suffering.
It also prevents the complete integration of the peaceful islam culture and can cause them to radicalized.
So really your hate speech is creating terrorists, while the new policies are preventing them.
Who is on the wrong side really?
It's not hyperbolic, user
You're putting a lot of faith into your belief that politicians are not corrupt and won't actively try to gain more control underhandedly. You gotta take this to the logical conclusion, just as I have.
If your country starts to pass legislation that undermines your ability to have an opposing view or to express your dislike with a certain ideology, then who is to say it won't be taken to the lengths I have described?
I mean, shit like this has happened before.
Who determines what is "islamiphobia"? Would the muslim cartoons for instance be considered illegal?
There is no way this bill is constitutional and I hope that if it does pass royal assent that it's then struck down by the supreme court. Meanwhile it's up to the senate and the queen of Canada to stop this.
Reading your shit causes me physical and psychological pain.
Can I ban you?
That's a rare flag, user
>forward thinking
>to the future
Maxime "MadMax" Bernier will take the rake to the rotted libtard leafs. It will be glorious.
When did leafs take Australians' role of biggest shitposters?
Well done.
Motion, not a bill. At least not yet.
It says that islamaphobia "and other things" are not allowed. Because "other" is not defined (the libs actually actively turned down a motion to modify this statement so it's about all group-related hatred), it really means this is shariah law. It's "just" a motion for now, but we all know it'll be law any minute since this passed.
Please don't be too hard on it. It might be a pitiful existence in and of itself, but it's merely acting like that as a cry for help, since it is now illegal to have any non-liberal opinion online in cucknadia.
It's M-103
The M stands for "Motion"
It's them saying
>Hey, we should look into making a law about X
Truduea is trying to change parliament work week for much less accountability. He is proposing a 4 day work week for all parliament and only one question period per week from himself.
He also plans to spiral Canada into debt to force government influence to take over freedoms. They campaigned 10 billion in debt. After their first year they were already at 25 billion and now they're projected to hit 28 billion for this year.
The bill is part of the master plan of power. Tyranny one step at a time, remember this.
And people actually support this faggot?
Not really, no.
The only people who like him are university students and some of the 39% of voters that voted him in in the first place.
>its about damn time we learned some tolerance and respect for other peoples and religion.
Clearly, you have no idea where you live.
Canada is basically Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, you fucking numbskull.
I'm sure if jerking each other off in the streets was legal, it would be commonplace here.
This country is the biggest back-patting circlejerk in the world.
Why are you feeding the goddamned troll.
As a politically-retarded leaf myself, what comes next? I have no idea how our own system works, but I'm trying to change that.
You're understand.
Please Sup Forums
Give Quebeckers their own flag when they post
I dont like to be associated with the leafs
I'm an anglophone and I second this motion
>Give Quebeckers their own flag when they post
>I dont like to be associated with the leafs
We're not too hot on being associated with you francofucks, either.
Never mind, I found it:
This seems to set a particularly dangerous precedent, at least the way its worded now. The West didn't become successful by not questioning ideas.
It's bad but it's not end of the world.
Now the scary ones are the B. That's a Bill proposition to write something into law. THOSE are the ones we have to be very careful about.