I've been debating with some guy for a while. He thinks the US is a terrorist state...

I've been debating with some guy for a while. He thinks the US is a terrorist state, but I've used the fact that the US is the defender of the free world and that its motives are usually justified when it's involved in armed conflicts.

He's just said that the US can't be the defender of the free world when it sells weapons to its enemies. How is this justified? What can I say back?

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Most burgers are cool, but the US government and elite is basically greater Israel. The only safe comeback is "REEEEE"

Are you from X-Men?

hello old jersey

Remind him that no country on earth has killed as many terrorists as the US.

Look at the casualties in the war in Afghanstan and Iraq, for every dead America there was 1,000 dead goat fuckers.

>when it sells weapons to its enemies.

The US doesn't do this. Since ww2, us policy has been to deal with hitler like dictators before they rise to power no matter the cost. Sometimes this means sanction. Sometimes this means puppet leaders.

American in france here,

>its enemies
Clearly he doesnt understand american ways
>find country
>start civil conflict
>let existing (mainly soviet) stocks of weapons be used/destroyed/rendered worthless
>let existing infrastructure be destroyed
>prop up the pro american side
>sell them guns, grain and girders (weapons from america, food from america and infrastructure from america)
>american companies benefit
>less brown people exist
There are no enemies or allies, only temporary business partners

Not rare

>the US doesn't arm terrorists
>all those TOWs and half of gadaffis arsenal made it to syria on its own

That's an argument for isolationism. Pol is an isolationist board unless the question is about persecuting jews wherever they may be. Go ask on some dumbfuck guns 'n ammo board. /k/ might help you with such a cucked question.

Mate is that a Jersey flag too?????

Only reason saudis got to skip the first half of america.exe was because they had the coin to purchase shit outright due to oil.

No poorfag countries allowed.

The US sells weapons to its enemies with the intention of it serving its interests in the long run. It's sacrificing your queen to get a checkmate, same principle.

Well, them people torched by napalm in Vietnam might disagree with you. Or maybe the current inhabitants of Iraq...

USA does have a disturbing tendency to meddle in conflicts it has no business being in. But so did Britain, historically. So like father-like son

You are uninformed.

Iranians were well into the guns, grain and girders phase (return on investment) when they had their revolution, hence why america is so salty towards them

Maybe :^))))))

>He's just said that the US can't be the defender of the free world when it sells weapons to its enemies. How is this justified? What can I say back?

US government wants to control the world and the people just want to be left alone.

Everyone, every thing and every organization and goverment is motivated ONLY by its own self interest.

bruh who dis

wahey lads

Geopolitics is amoral, nigger

well, escept cucked european states maybe

>The US doesn't do this.
HahahHahahahahahah. Ah, thanks user

C-could it be, has the sheik returned to teach us the wonders of Dar-Al-Islam?

Nothing. Your friend is right. I hate this abomination of a country and hope Trump burns it to the ground.

how many credits in the class?

i think mark is back in prison or something, i heard they got harsher with isis supporters after nizza

You're both right.

Hi Sips

USA is a jewish state, so it's easy to see that they not only "meddle in conflicts", but they also encourage them, directly or not.



Does anyone actually have an answer?

Does the US sell arms to its enemies, or just future enemies?

Is there justification for this?

Can you first define on what a "terrorist state" is?

Obama funded the "rebels" in Syria.
Obviously the rebels are allied with ISIS as they want to take down the secular dictator and install Islamic law.
USA left all their weapons in Iraq instead of destroying them. You can rule out stupidity on this one, it was intentional
USA funds terror just like Saudi Arabia does.

The motives are twofold. (You can read Hillary's emails and see for yourself)
One to destabilize the middle east to provide cover for Israel.
Two is to ensure gas prices stay low.
Imagine a world where gas shot up to $20 / gallon. What would happen to the US economy?

no individual really matters. everyone is expendable as long as we're a super power. people are sacrificed under the guise of patriotism when really (((nation building))) and other military actions are just to remain on top

>Does the US sell arms to its enemies, or just future enemies?
The americans sell to all, but thats mostly because the CIA is pretty much no longer under any control or management of americans themselves ever since the Kennedy assasination.

>Is there justification for this?

CIA is rogue, and american foreign policy has been so far a mix of neocon retardation and profiteering, mixed at times in with some "muh feels" policy.

But its the difference on either you want to blame this all on evil, or just stupidity.

A state that uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

morals and ethics don't matter, geopolitics is all about securing assets on foreign soil or, if not possible, preventing your enemy from gaining access to them. The US has a long history of supporting terrible despots and arming terrorist organizations, they did it every time they thought it'd serve their interests. Morally, the only difference to the USSR was/is that we're usually on the winning side.

It's all about perspective, you can argue either side well.

>unlawful violence
Well then, any action by any state in a foreign country will count under that. So by that definition all european nations that were dragged along by nato for american escapades in the middle east are terrorist states.

so most gulf countries? It wasn't just the north africans and syrians that beat down their "arabic spring" protests some years ago, the UAE and bahrain for example had their share of bloodshed against protestors. But nobody talks about that in western news.


We want to be the defenders of the free world but our politicians manipulate that desire.
It's a sad state of affairs. Hopefully it can be rectified but even the politicians that are the lesser evil seem embedded in it.

>I've been debating with some guy for a while.

Why? Debate is just a form of mental masturbation. There is what is true and there is what is false. Debate does not change that.

Bull shit, Hillary approve like 20 weapons deals that were blocked before after the parties made donations to her foundation.

we arent in control of the military industrial complex anymore. stop it before it gets you

We sell guns to Israel all the time, and they'd be happy to kill us all

The us govt doesn't. Private entities like Clinton Inc. do.

Estibro knows what's up, there are a few other outlying factors but this explanation is the basic gestalt.
Couldn't have said it better, cheers m8.

Sorry but you suck, USA sucks, and Europe sucks too.
Hitler was the best Person alive in the last years. Germany is the leading world power, and Hitler knew that

Ah yes, Russia never kills civilians. You fuckers drop unguided WW2 bombs on Syrian neighborhoods, in the US military a greater effort is made to avoid civilian casualties. US and Russia both kill civilians in their foreign wars but the US in modern times tries to avoid civilian death more than Russia.

Hes right though. They go around causing wars in areas that don't concern them.

Can I move to Jersey ?

Because it wouldn't be a fair fight otherwise.

You mean like trying to make Londonderry a piece of the Irish Republic?

>Killing someone from far away

Puuuuuuussy shit! [imitates the slogan of Cookie Crisp]

If you kill a man you have to look him in the eyes while you do it!

That action was as cowardly as shooting a man in the back in the Wild West days! You just don't do it! It's unmanly!

>The US doesn't do this.

of course it does. You don't even need to look up wiki leaks mails or whatever to do so. Until january this year there was official US support for certain "moderate" rebel groups in syria.

Are you debating Mark or something? That guy is stupid.

>Muh civilian deaths :( :( :(
In order to make an omelette you have to crack a few eggs, and there is quite a bit of collaboration between militants and """""""civilians""""""""

Do people seriously believe this propaganda

>saudi arabia and israel are our trues allies

Tell him if he were right that every country we disliked would be dead. We have the ability there.

I've lived here 4 years and never seen mark irl

Have you ever seen Snooki in person?

didn't we just label him as a martyr and kill him off because we needed someone to target.

It was the Saudis

But its true goyim. American exceptionalism means it is in all but name a tyrannical empire.

Having said that it does do good and its people do do good. But the truth of the matter is people are tired of this "exceptionalism" and are looking for ways to reign it in.

It's Jersey, the island, not New Jersey pal

i have a crazy friend who says killing terrists is wrong. is he crazy?

No, because countries are getting involved under UN charter under self defence, so it's not unlawful.

>are usually justified when it's involved in armed conflicts

>>In a US bid to open full diplomatic relations with Iraq, the country was removed from the US list of State Sponsors of Terrorism. Ostensibly, this was because of improvement in the regime's record, although former United States Assistant Secretary of Defense Noel Koch later stated, "No one had any doubts about [the Iraqis'] continued involvement in terrorism ... The real reason was to help them succeed in the war against Iran."

If that is justified in your eyes, you're a sadist. We armed the very people we shoot today. I can't believe how bad Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton fucked up.

>US is defender of freedom
>but they sell guns to the enemy.


Home of Matt le tessier!

what the fuck is Jersey?

he's right bro the us is trash and is run by jews to strongarm the rest of the world into cultural marxism just like germany does europe

YO this thread worse then jersey shore episode

We've also been responsible for more civilian deaths than said terrorists.

Our conflicts in the Middle East are the result of the overthrow of Iran's government in 1953.

Since then, every conflict with had over there has been against rebel groups we armed, empowered, and lost control of.

Find me an example where this isn't the case and I'll stfu.

US is a terrorist state. You're shilling if you can't see that.


>bad guy teaching other bad guys how to decapitate people
>send a sniper, not a drone

What the fuck is the logic here?

>No, because countries are getting involved under UN charter under self defence, so it's not unlawful.
Estonia was never attacked, never targeted, and had no bad blood between themselves and the arabs. Nevertheless we sent our [incosequential] troops along with americans to aid in their "restoring democracy".

By all accounds, our actions were not in any way a defensive, retalitory, or even a propaganda action. We just fought them because it aided our standing with the Americans.

And that i believe goes for most of european states. What the UN declares lawful or not is ireleavant, since they are little else than an international coctail party, rather than any political force of note.

It's where they filmed Jersey Shore.

That was obama inc. Now we call them what they are. Al Qaeda. And we bomb their shit back into their asses

your newfag is showing

>The US doesn't do this

Snipers can distinguish between targets better, and make the hit, if successful, a lot more damaging to morale and enemy cohesion.

Anti-drone tactics is just to crawl in a hole and wait for it to fly away. Anti-sniper tactics are terrifying game of cat and mouse you have to play with another, well armed, and well positioned enemy.


>US attacked on 9/11 by Saudi, Egyptian, UAE, and Lebanese terrorists.
>Invades Afghanistan???

USA is the worldwide mafia and our debts will be dismissed due to our protection.


Confirmed for American "security contractor"

That doesn't answer my question boy

Essentially a normann age fiefdom with an anglo-french culture surviving to the current day with bits of feudalism still on because it was so small and remote no one really cared about it.

Most likely it will be the last refuge of anglo culture once the muslim takeover of the mainland is complete, sort of like a british taiwan.

The US is in a super giant state like the Soviet Union before, and is only kept alive by the military's power projection and the monopoly on the Petrodollar. Regions are destabilized so the US influence in those regions are uncontested. Minor powers in the region (Israel and Saudi Arabia for example) amplify American Power Projection, so the countries can stay under the American Sphere of Influence.

lol shut your fuckin mouth shill.

there are plenty of russian and chinese military made and sold products in terrorists hands all over the world

>1337 cuck

>What is Iran-Contra
>What are the Mujihadeen
Theres 2 in the ME already

Osama was a good target for the freaking mess we created for proxy war with Russia. Scariest thing is that we are still friendly with Saudi and still want a proxy war with Russia, then our worst fears come true, the story we are told about the towers doesn't add up

hey look bud take it easy

you're fucking 12 ?