One small step for Parliament, one giant leap for Sharia Law and the Islamisation of Canada
One small step for Parliament, one giant leap for Sharia Law and the Islamisation of Canada
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Here we go!
Well fan-fucking-tastic.
So much for free speech
>pic related
but srsly were is the antisemitism bill you fucking nazis
Just seeing his face makes me so fucking mad...
Revolt leaf! Only you can stop this!
That I shall do. I'm not going to put up with this shit for much longer
Report Pride parades and everything else you don't like as blasphemous.
>the opposition tried to get the liberals to change the motion to include ALL religion
>Liberals said no
The left seriously brought blasphemy laws back.
So progressive.
Its already illegal to deny the holocaust.
It's already too late, for you to even SAY otherwise is now a criminal act
Leafs are made for humiliation. Me? I bully them whenever the opportunity arises.
Anyone know where >A FUCKING LEAF can get a gun?
Nah it isn't law, just a virtue signalling motion.
For now.
That said we have really sketchy hate speech law.
Help a brother out
Maybe once they all get allahu ackbar'd they'll stop shitposting a bit.
Take pics of shira squad for me.
maybe if you stopped being a mindless racist the other sides extremes wouldnt come out to balance
It's gonna take WAY more than that for our fucktard leader to get it through his skull that the Muslims are involved in some way
>"Muslims are uhh very uhh peaceful uhh people uhhhhhhhhhhh"
Free-speech =/= right to hate speech of religion
At Canadian Tire, Bass Pro, online. It's not that hard.
+so arent those murricans joining a religious civil war just to get some fuckin oil
religion is usually dumb but people who are vehemently racist based on religion are worse and censorships just as bad
Not really.
Its not a law. Its non-binding virtue signaling.
Worth opposing sure, but we're not fully-fucked yet.
Did they actually call it BLASPHEMY ?
Ive seen that faggot police car here before is it a photoshop or real?
>CPC MP Garnett Genuis argues against M-103
That's my MP!
*knock knock*
Who is it?
Nice try FBI. Almost had me this time.
Anyone else just have no reaction to this? I don't tink I ave any hope left anymore and it feels good desu
Free speech means exactly what it says, no exceptions otherwise its not free speech. Its "what ever I allow you to talk about speech" right?
Oh fuck off. I should have the right to criticize whomever I want
like you've ever had free-speech in IceNiggerLand, the homie of 25k fines for offensive jokes.
You Canadians need to start civil war. Overthrow your government already since they are nothing but shit.
The left continues to prove that they're more fascist than the people they call fascists.
How's Wyoming?
Thinking of moving there
Alright, I'm sick of it. I'm sick of these fuckers waltzing in and destroying everything we've built. Fighting over their fucking sand just isn't enough for them. Well, I guess I'll just "convert to Islam" and start making educational videos for inquisitive minds.
How did this disaster get elected in the first place?
Mines Kellie Leitch
I don't think the cucks will vote for her again
I love weed but I wasn't stupid enough to vote for him.
No clue, but I hope people aren't stupid enough to do it again
Mine said no
Trump's first term: Build a big, beautiful wall across our southern border.
Trump's second term: Build a big, beautiful wall across our northern border.
>it's your fault they're nuts
O Canada!
Our home and Muslim land!
True Islam love in all thy sons command.
With bleeding anus we see thee rise,
The True North weak and REEEEE!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land immigrant-filled and REEEE!
O Canada, we bend over for thee.
O Canada, we bend over for thee.
>full text of motion
Text of the MotionThat, in the opinion of the House, the government should: (a) recognize the need to quell the increasing public climate of hate and fear; (b) condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination and take note of House of Commons’ petition e-411 and the issues raised by it; and (c) request that the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage undertake a study on how the government could (i) develop a whole-of-government approach to reducing or eliminating systemic racism and religious discrimination including Islamophobia, in Canada, while ensuring a community-centered focus with a holistic response through evidence-based policy-making, (ii) collect data to contextualize hate crime reports and to conduct needs assessments for impacted communities, and that the Committee should present its findings and recommendations to the House no later than 240 calendar days from the adoption of this motion, provided that in its report, the Committee should make recommendations that the government may use to better reflect the enshrined rights and freedoms in the Constitution Acts, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
>i dunno, seems pretty innocent. stupid, but innocent.
Not really. It was a non-binding motion to condemn islamophobia and institutional racism. In other words, a bill that does nothing which was passed to fight things that don't exist.
Saving that one
Try this:
>Prophet Mohammed married Aisha when she was 6 years old and fucked her when she was 9
>Mohammed was a perfect example for every Muslim
>Thus the religion of Islam condones pedophilia
Our politicians have got blasphemy sentences for that (Halla-aho).
I know this is bait but I'm going to be a madman and bite anyway.
What is hate speech and who gets to define it? What's to stop the government from defining criticism of the government as hate speech? As soon as you compromise free speech in any way you set the precedent that some speech and ideas can be considered illegal, making easier to eventually have laws on the books for punishing dissidents. The only exceptions to this are libel and slander, because the statements have to be provably false and with malicious intent.
>defending shitskins
checks out
>Liberal blasphemy motion
How delusional do you need to be for this to make sense?
Not only that, if this came with a background of pro-Christianity and not pro-Islam we all know it would never pass.
What the fuck is the mental malfunction that makes lefties suck muslim cock?
Hey USA, maybe the Mexico wall can wait? How about building one with Canada first?
It's so when they shove (((hate speech))) laws up everybodys asses they can act like they really thought it through
mine's not on that list.
Also, I swear conservative won my riding. WTF?
You happenings-fags are insufferable.
Hate speech isn't free speech.
Freedom of expression isn't freedom to be racist.
Did they properly define what islamphobia is?
Canada's a big country. You could drive 500 miles and not see a golly wog. They cluster in urban areas where the gibmes are easy. Back in the day, if they didn't like you, and caught you on the water, they'd put a few slugs below the waterline of your canoe, and watch you drown. True story.
>what is hate speech
When you say Muslims are terrorists, when in fact it isn't true, is hate speech. Pretty obvious, no precedent bs to understand this.
The right is using "free speech" as a means to spread their hate and racist views.
Sooooo. What happens when the muslims start genociding gays and imposing the burka on "empowered" females.
I'll be honest guys, not once have I feared the left for I have recognized as the Uroboros that it has always been. It grows large enough and it will consume itself, ad infinitum.
>voted against
Feels good to be a rural or suburban retard.
I'll give him a call tomorrow and thank him for his work to help sustain the ailing remnants of freedom of speech and thought.
pretty easy actually desu, granted you dont have a criminal record
Finally. We begin the descent into death
Mine said no, pretty neat.
Well mine's a Liberal shitskin refugee from Afghanistan, so no need to even look
Which one kek
The movement starts soon.
The hell? Isn't this against international law as defined by the UN?
>Prohibitions of displays of lack of respect for a religion or other belief system, including blasphemy laws, are incompatible with the Covenant, except in the specific circumstances envisaged in article 20, paragraph 2, of the Covenant. Such prohibitions must also comply with the strict requirements of article 19, paragraph 3, as well as such articles as 2, 5, 17, 18 and 26. Thus, for instance, it would be impermissible for any such laws to discriminate in favor of or against one or certain religions or belief systems, or their adherents over another, or religious believers over non-believers. Nor would it be permissible for such prohibitions to be used to prevent or punish criticism of religious leaders or commentary on religious doctrine and tenets of faith.
Oh she voted yes alright. I don't doubt it for a minute
Gotta protect Canada's heritage. Liberal Nu-Canada now considers Islam it's most important and exclusive religion. BTW did the dude weeds who voted in these idiots end up getting their legalized cannabis yet?
Ya thanks Dean Del Mastro for assuring her a victory this past election
Please inform this Burger - Is this law officially in effect now or is there a way Canadian govt or people can counter it?
Hate speech =/= criticism
Who mentioned race ??? it relates to ideology not race. Only a racist would confuse the two, are you a racist ? you sure sound like one.
Its not a law, it's a motion. It has all the legal force of a wet fart in a paper bag.
When you say that everybody you disagree with on Sup Forums is a nigger or a faggot, when in fact that isn't true, that's hate speech. Let's stop calling each other niggers and faggots on Sup Forums, and let's just making doing so a ban-worthy offense. Smart thinking, bong.
it's not a bill, it's just virtue signalling. No one can do shit right now because nothing actually legally happened
As long as I don't directly threaten the personal safety and private property of a person with what I say, the government should have no right to charge me for my speech.
Women want to fuck him
That's it
i love it Canada is a good sacrifice to save western civilization, through showing people exactly what appeasing islam produces. This shit is so tasty. god this actually is like stimulating some sort of sexual feeling for me knowing that this is going to be too good to be true.
I also know that there are canadians that won't take islamization lightly and that too makes me erect.
Its literally nothing more than divisive autistic screeching and virtue signalling.
You can already shit canned, fined or jailed for hate speech.
just move to alberta
I bear witness that there is no god and Mohammed was a fraud.
Is it Islamophobia if I say I would inseminate her rectum?
I am literally holding a fucking knife right now.
If I am going to come to Canada I will do it to piss off Canadian libtards and tell these commies they deserve death.
I'd say "fuck the police", but I think this kind of police WANTS to be fucked.
We should do the same in Kekistan and vote an "anti-memetism" amandemant.
>my religion beliefs we are the true god's people and we should kill all the other people
The bigger lesson is that when you let jews convince your women and cucks that your culture is about having no culture an being "tolerant" shit happens
This is obviously a case of islamists usurping power and then making it illegal to highlight the fact they are usurping power
Will you keep repeating that while you are being stabbed to death in the gulag showers?