Don't you know (((who))) controls the (((media)))?
Grayson Robinson
Andrew Phillips
I do. This flag-projection-in-support-of-the-victims-of memery is becoming a joke on itself too now. Too bad the normies keep falling for it.
Rinse and repeat.
Grayson Kelly
Ryder Myers
Especially women do this, it's funny but it also makes me angry.
Ayden Ortiz
Ethan Gutierrez
Kan iemand die trap er niet in meme met de jew cartoon meme combineren?
Brody Jones
I know, but what can you do? Most of them are in denial so hard it must hurt.
Zachary Bailey
Why do FvD girls look intelligent in comparison to GroenLinks girls, but less pretty?
Ian Gutierrez
saus ???
Bentley Bell
We can't convert most of them. The only way for them to swallow a Red Pill on islam is them being harassed by shitskins or having a relative die in a terrorist attack.