If you don't eat oat porridge with some sugar and a small amount of butter every single morning, you're not white.
If you don't eat oat porridge with some sugar and a small amount of butter every single morning, you're not white
Reminder is you don't own a sexy dog and make love to it regularly your not white
You mean OATMEAL
Am I disqualified if I don't use a wooden spoon?
I eat it with blueberries and probiotic yoghurt
My shits are god tier
Give me the oats, brother.
I eat rice.
I've had a craving for this for some reason, odd seeing this thread.
>sausage,russian kasha, and orange juice master race
Are you one of the three bears?
>eating the jewish cancer sugar
ummmm lad sugar beets are literally white & based
Looks like poop.
no wonder you guys are all fat
Burgers get their sugar from nigger cane.
That looks like diarrhea with tortilla chips.
>pay 75% of income to tax
>can only afford porridge
Sounds about right.
huevos rancheros is my shit
pot calling the kettle black
>gröt utan mjölk
>Not salting your oats.
Disgusting, not even human you lot.
used to eat that all the time, use brown sugar, though, and lots of butter.
shit meme
>is my shit
Why would you use such a nigger tier retarded phrase?
At least they have a good excuse, then. Mexican food looks like shit and is fatty as fuck but it's usually pretty tasty.
Why is America both fat and non-white? I mean Mexico is non-white too but they started out that way. You voluntary became minority white. Idiot.
>eating (((carbohydrates))) for breakfast
im not a fat ass so no.
Foretrækker ærligt gröd lavet med vand favæ
ofc I salt it lad
its a good thing no one gives a shit about what a canacuckold has to say. lloll kek kys
>most pathetic post and attempt at self-propping via talking shit about a superior country I've seen today
My oatmeal is complex. It must have a few raisins or even better - craisens in it, also butter, also chunky peanut butter, white and brown sugars, milk, and a dash of salt.
Eat 2 eggs 2 strips bacon
*wipes slobber off penis*
*asks if you want a turn*
*opens reddit app on iphone*
looks like someone took a hot steamy shit and vomited on the same plate.
you aren't one to talk, you president is a cuck liberal and you are importing many immigrants. you country is also becoming non white.
>telling other people what to eat
>pot calling the kettle black
Look up obesity stats by race you stupid spic. Its all the fatass shitskins that unflate the numbers here.
Mexicans eat this with their fecal covered fingers
>eating breakfast
>not doing IT and IF
fucking fatass plebs
kek white people food memes trigger white people all the time on this board
>literal white diarrhea
>mandatory cultural meal
Bitch please. There's a reason porridge isn't on French or Italian diets, two of the best cuisines in the world
>A fucking leaf
>eating breakfast
IF master race reporting
Inflate, god damnit
The breakfast of kings
If you don't start your day with 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups and 20 pull ups you're not white
Wait until you see Ethiopian food.
i dont usually eat breakfast
And what do you eat for breakfast, paki-kun?
No true white man sugars his porridge.
>with enough spice you can't tell its rotten meat
Grains are slave food desu. You should be eating raw liver washed down with raw milk.
I just ate a bowl of oats though. :\ I have a great recipe refined over years. It includes cinnamon, vanilla, freshly grated nutmeg, dates, maple syrup and walnuts. All ingredients are essential and contribute to the final flavor alchemy of this dish which can be eaten hot or cold with some milk poured on top and fresh fruit.
t. boring fucks you never invite for dinner or BBQ because they piss you off with their culinary preferences and pickiness
On par with vegans in faggotry.
When did 'spicy food = culture' become a meme?
Shoo, go shart somewhere else.
Is that a bovine testicle there in the middle?
> drool
So desperate, they eat their own shit!
Here's a better pic of Ethiopian food.
I am Mexican and as much as I love Mexican food, and think we are the top niggas in both lunch and dinner and most of the world does too, we are plebs in breakfast. They are just so shitty, beans, eggs with salsa, chilaquiles, and cold arroz con leche. My mom says it is different down south, and that up north we eat like that because we are ranch people. What is eaten for breakfast down south? I never ate Mexican breakfasts at home because I dont eat eggs and I just cant do chilaquiles or beans in the morning
this is what a real breakfast looks like
If you don't not start your day being not un-Italian you're not white.
What are the black, round things on the bottom left?
Where's their fuckin plates?
>t. humorless Finn
Tell me one good thing about going over to some else's house for dinner or a bbq
>cereal and milk
Bongistani education
I can handle my milk.
blood pudding
black pudding
>Black pudding is a type of blood sausage commonly eaten in Great Britain, Ireland and in other parts of Europe. It is generally made from pork fat or beef suet, pork blood and a relatively high proportion of oatmeal, in some recipes mixed with oat groats and sometimes even barley groats.
> Making retarded remarks about how the food looks is humor
Happy to be humorless
I'll have an easier time convincing an atheist to have faith than an antisocial faggot like yourself to realize the benefits of socializing. Kys.
Well, I'm also from the north and that's pretty much what we eat, although eating fish tacos or tacos de cabeza for breakfast is really common where I live.
Southern Mexico has much more variety when it comes to breakfast stuff, but I'm not really sure. I agree breakfast isn't our biggest thing.
I don't care what you say, I'm 99.9% European and Ethiopian food is absolutely delicious on that weird spongy bread.
I put peanut butter in mine. Good taste, and some protein
Wtf I'm a nigger now.
>finnish cuisine
Free food
>Pic somewhat related
Gotta eat big to get big, C'MON
Oh well unlike the faggots in this thread who wouldn't try things because of how they look, I'd love me some english breakfast sometime
Black people covering everything they eat in cheap "spice" mixtures.
Some whites are genuinely cunts about hot food though. Some have a tolerance so low that food they consider too hot to eat I wouldn't even have thought of describing as 'spicy'. It's often sausages that just taste completely normal.
Who /liversausage/ here?
So you couldn't give me a good reason, not even one that you yourself think is good, and got angry and called me names instead? Sad!
>ewwwwwwwwwwww that looks disgusting omg I don't eat this I don't eat that I don't eat the other
8 year olds are less annoying
>not eating it with lingonberry jam and milk
It's time to take the corn pill lad.
>Oh well unlike the faggots in this thread who wouldn't try things because of how they look
kek, this
I guess if you are willing to eat surströmming, you'll eat almost anything.
Menudo and tacos de barbacoa is great for breakfast, I forgot about those.But that is a weekend thing, but yeah that is why i grew up eating American breakfasts. Oatmeals, fruits,pancakes,waffles, bacon, toast and cereal are so much better than eggs and beans for breakfast. White people got us there.
Mom's going to get them after they say grace
> buhuhuh I got called something, AD HOMINEM AD HOMINEM AD HOMINEM MOMMY
> you couldn't give me a good reason
Learn English and read my comment again.