Trump has walked away from Healthcare! Paul Ryan is done!
>a-art of the deal guys!
What happens to repeal now?
Paul Ryan gets the rope and is ousted as Speaker. Trump replaces him with a MAGA loyalist and then works on healthcare his way. This was all to take out Paul Ryan.
It's pathetic how republicans are talking since years about a better health plan and have nothing ready.
All talk. Little work.
Not Trumps fault.
Good, Paul Ryan is an idiot. There are far more important things to be worried about right now like building the wall and kicking out all the illegal immigrants.
Obamacare was Romneycare.
It's pretty fucking obvious both sides are the same.
Doesn't that mean he's going to make Ryancare a law and that it's the other way around?
This is /OURBILL/. This is the only chance to repeal obamacare. Anyone who opposes this bill is either a CTR hack or a Koch bros dick sucker.
Actually, it is Trump's fault for kowtowing to Ryan's healthcare plan and now not allowing people to negotiate it.
Ryancare is done.
You're voting and advocating for Ryancare, cultist.
I had to explain to so many people that Obamacare was just Romneycare for democrats, and so many people honestly want to believe differently
Please KEK
No it's fucking not. Did you read the headline? He said DONE NEGOTIATING which means he's going to make this HIS deal and kowtow to Ryan's desires. The negotiators were the ONLY chance to repeal and replace Obamacare, but no, you're only going to pass something WORSE.
The bill is shit, either go full free market or full single payer. Anything in between will be a train wreck.
God I fucking hate you Ryan. Let's see what Trump rolls out.
He's not "done" with Paul Ryan for the shitty bill
He's "done" with congress for not liking his shitty bill. Trump has been shilling it hard for a week, it's gonna devastate him when he can't get his bill passed.
This isn't Ryan's bill, it's Trump's. If Ryan had a bill, he would have proposed it some time in the last 7 years, instead of coincidentally creating it the same time Trump showed up.
Hell, both Trump and Ryan say Trump basically wrote the whole thing.
nevertrump koch brother faggot detected.
How could Miller, who is an appointed adviser to trump, become SotH, who is a congressman elected by a majority of the House?
A full repeal is nearly impossible without votes from Dem. In order to have a full repeal of everything in Obamacare you need 60 votes, otherwise Dems will fillibuster it to death.
We could of course get rid of the filibuster which I am in favor of but a lot of conservatives are opposed to this.
>"we have to TAKE CARE OF "HEALTHCARE" before we can start on the bit I like - TAX CUTS"
Paul Ryan walked right into it... RAND PAUL - Speaker of the House when?
>Implying you can get either with only 52 votes in the senate
nothing, nothing will be repealed
trump throws a tantrum and blames the republican party
Translation: I've failed miserably and I need someone to blame it on
This. He's on Paul Ryan's side. And it's more than likely to be passed without Congressional approval.
I'm a Constitutionalist Libertarian. Trump just sold out himself to the working people today. You are a cultist.
Well understand our government is designed to make repealing laws nearly impossible unless you hold a super majority.
Again the filibuster in the Senate aka reconcilation makes it exceptionally difficult. We need 60 votes to repeal anything that doesn't deal with budget.
Trump just solidified Paul Ryan to be speaker as long as he can be today. Instead, cultists like you think it's the opposite.
The House elects the Speaker, but there is no requirement that the Speaker be a member of the House.
GOP bout to feel the long hard dick of the POTUS position and a fervent constituency
This guy gets it.
The filibuster rules through reconcilation makes it impossible without 60 votes.
then just pass all the parts of the repeal bill that you can. they passed that bill 100 times in the house and senate the last 8 years then obama vetoed it every time.
dont try replacing it with all this trash
How is Trump supposed to get rid of Ryan?
That's not how the government works.
Ryan is the speaker of the republicans, you can't make a deal against him.
You're talking right out of your bleeding raped ass. Kill yourself.
Reminder that the shills are getting smarter. Stay frosty pol
This. It was a system for a state.
Memes aside fellas, is Trump the worst president in modern history? How could one person fail so hard at leading?
"a-art of the deal y'all"
I'll enjoy my free healthcare tyvm.
This is what an idiot looks like.
So the worst part of Obamacare would remain and that the individual mandate which forces everyone to buy healthcare.
This was the portion of Obamacare that the supreme Court ruled on. We can get rid of it unless we get 60 votes.
Also the pre existing coverage we can get rid of without 60 votes because it doesn't pertain to budget.
He can't, because Paul Ryan is above the law and perhaps more powerful than Trump ever was to begin with. Unlike Trump, Ryan's slate is clean on the outside, albeit a questionable Congressional record.
Except I'm correct because Trump let Paul Ryan have his way just now? YOU are the one talking out of your ass. Get back to reality, cultist.
He made promises that our legislative system can't allow him to achieve without 60 votes or absolishing the filibuster.
you know they are replacing the mandate with another mandate thats even worse right, the 40% tax on premiums for a year if you ever let your insurance drop. lmao
dumb kike paul ryan thought he could give us that piece of shit bill he wrote.
Figures the shitllib doesn't get it....
PUTINCARE polling at 17%
hahahaha, not happening boys
This is what a cultist looks like.
If you READ the article it implies that Trump is done negotiating and that THIS DEAL IS HIS DEAL, meaning, he's on Ryan's team, and he and Ryan just won today. It is Rand and the true patriots that lost.
You're being gaslit though. You wouldn't know any better.
He can render Ryan's position meaningless by not signing anything he passes.
>full free market
Isn't that what we had before Obamacare? It sucked too. Or do you mean getting rid of Medicare and Medicaid?
US HC system sucks in general. The govt spends more (as a % of GDP) than Canada or any Western European country and we get jack shit for it.
>Well understand our government is designed to make repealing laws nearly impossible unless you hold a super majority.
>Again the filibuster in the Senate aka reconcilation makes it exceptionally difficult. We need 60 votes to repeal anything that doesn't deal with budget.
> dems fillibuster gorsuch
> GOP are about to kill the fillibuster
Kek (you are here)
> Dems shitting themselves
And knowing Trump, he simply will not because he's aware that if he sells out on Ryan, the GOP will push for impeachment.
You are very ignorant about how Congress works.
>Except I'm correct because Trump let Paul Ryan have his way just now?
How? Paul Ryan has been giving his express support for this bill and has been the one doing many of the revisions to it and Trump has walked saying it was not a deal worth pursuing.
If digits Steve king is the next speaker of the house
He had no idea what he was getting himself into. No way he's gonna pass that trillion dollar infrastructure plan either if he can't even get this through the House.
Shill detected
Trump repealed the mandate already.
We are going back to waht we had before, affordable care for people who work.
Obama worked on and got a healthcare deal passed over 2 years, Trump gives up after 2 weeks, what a low energy cuck lmao.
It's been like two weeks and he's already giving up on repealing Obamacare? Low stamina. Sad!
Day of Rope NOW
That's not the story. He basically told negotiators to stop negotiating it and ending its legislative process. He's interrupting Congress as he is. Now the Supreme Court can declare this end to negotiations Unconstitutional. Checks and balances: Learn what it is, friendo.
>US HC system sucks in general. The govt spends more (as a % of GDP) than Canada or any Western European country and we get jack shit for it.
Here is a nice piece on it.
It's been like two weeks and he's already giving up on repealing Obamacare? Low stamina. Sad!
Well it's not a new mandate it's an increase in one that already exist.
They can't add or remove a mandate without 60 votes.
Consider the following ideas will not pass with 60 votes or absolishing the filibuster:
>National conceal carry
>Tax reform aka absolishing taxes
>Immigration reform
>Immigration ban
>New Deportation Laws
>Anti-sanctuary city laws
>absolishing useless departments
Literally anything that doesn't involve the budget requires 60 votes.... It's real shitty.
What article? The one in the pic written by the hill? Are we listening to fake news "implications" now?
This was Ryans deal who was given enough rope to hang himself with. Unless your implying Ryan wanted his sit to explode in his face.
Are you aware of how powerful Paul Ryan is right now? He's more powerful than Trump himself since he's been turned into a faceted puppet of Ryan's puppet master.
>labels his political views
You're not one of us and we can all tell, shill
Without the mandate it is dead.
Well we are only killing the filibuster for nominations...Not legislation...So 60 is require to pass or repeal laws
It's a load of shit desu. I say repeal the filibuster.
Obama worked on and got a healthcare deal passed over 2 years, Trump gives up after 2 weeks, what a low energy cuck lmao.
>That's not the story. He basically told negotiators to stop negotiating it and ending its legislative process
Do you have a source for this?
Absolutely, but we can repeal the mandate without 60 votes or removing the filibuster.
Do you get paid per post or per reply?
How retarded is it that a filibuster makes a bill require 60 votes to pass, but it only takes 51 votes to repeal the filibuster?
reminder, the Speaker doesn't have to be an elected representative
Bannon speaker when?
Obama also has a super majority in the Senate with 60 votes where as Trump doesn't.
Without 60 votes not much Trump can do unless they remove the filibuster.
If Kek wills it Trump unveils his health care plan which is literally perfect and signs it into law via executive order and then has Paul Ryan arrested for treason
It's positively Democratic
Trump should've had a fucking plan after all the shit talking he did. Otherwise he should've shut up.
You guys keep crying like little reality-detached faggot babies anytime anyone says anything remotely negative about Trump, forgetting that it's no longer the campaign. He's in office; he made promises and now it's expected that he keeps them.
But no, let's make the shitlibs mad because that's actually how the country gets better. How well does that work for Milo? Or JonTron? Or anyone who dares speak up?
Ya'll are the left's bitch, just admit it. Just take the cucking and let your president fall to 20% approval ratings and the adults will clean up your mess in 2-4 years.
>If you READ the article it implies that Trump is done negotiating and that THIS DEAL IS HIS DEAL
So wait you're basing this off of third party interpretations of the event? I don't think that is a very sound basis since Trump often misleads the press and the press also usually isn't very fair or accurate in their portrayals of what he says. That leads me to not thinking that your interpretation of events is valid since you seem to be taking it at face value.
he's giving up on paul ryan, not healthcare. He'll probably hnd it over to rand paul
Exceptionally retarded. Even worse are the Republicans who won't remove the filibuster because "muh tradition" and they're afraid of being in the minority again.
>Without the mandate it is dead.
But they can't repeal the mandate without 60 votes. All Trump did was block a change that would have enforced the mandate harder, but that wasn't in effect at any point anyway.
13.2D hyperbackgammon
And Trump controls both chambers, no excuse.
>Ryancare is done.
I figured that this was part of the plan from the start. Let ACA premiums go up again, and then see how much they want it.
Are you really this fucking retarded?? Holy shit, how he fuck is Medicaid and Medicare "full free market". Please kill yourself or get educated. Holy shit I can't believe anyone would think we had a "free market" before Obamacare.
Yes he does but he does have 60 senators. You need 60 to pass any law that doesn't directly related to budget.
What Trump should do is blame the archaic filibuster law as a reason why it won't pass and pressure congress into removing it.
The president does not make laws. that is the job of the legislative branch.
Typical leftist, doesn't know the least about how reality works
>Brock's shillforce is so counterproductive that Democratic leaders attempt to have him assassinated.
>Shills still don't take the hint
One, you're not actually helping your narrative here, at all.
Two, you're a loose-end. Watch your back.
>Over $400 a month for barely regional coverage, and exorbitant deductibles
Pull the silver spoon out of your ass, Kyle of Suburban San Diego. The vast majority of working Americans can't afford that.