STUDY: Masculine ideal of self-reliance puts men at risk

>STUDY: Masculine ideal of self-reliance puts men at risk

>For the first time large-scale empirical research has linked notions of what it is to be a man with suicidal thoughts, which the researchers argue puts a spotlight on the societal attitudes that may be putting men at greater risk of taking their own lives.

>The study of almost 14,000 Australian men found that those who strongly identified with being self-reliant, a trait traditionally associated with maleness, were significantly more likely to report thoughts of suicide or self harm.


Maybe it's time we stop trying to "toughen up" our sons by not hugging them when they cry.

Maybe it's time we start telling men that it's OK if their wife/gf is the breadwinner of the family.

Maybe it's time we get rid of the thinking that men should be "tough" and "macho".

Maybe it's time to get rid of toxic male masculinity.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Puts men at risk
At risk of being awesome!

Now fuck off.

What the fuck is going on in this webm, a regular night of degenerates at a 7-11?

>it's a study tries to link depression and suicidal thoughts to being manly episode
seems this episode is on too much

I'm glad.

Let the pussies get wiped out through the trial by fire.

Maybe is time to stop associating being tough and self reliant whit masculinity, woman can do that too you sexist bitch

i'd rather risk my son committing harakiri (honorable) than risk my son being a fucking pyssy.

She had too much to drink and she's relying on her friends to get through it, unlike men who would try to "walk it off" or some shit because their dad's taught them to be "tough" and to "be a man".

>At risk of being awesome!

jesus fuck CRINGE

Fuck off slut

No they can't you delusional nigger. You yourself don't even know what self reliance means.

you're honestly the worst poster on Sup Forums. it's always the same type of thread
>xd something something men with a webm of some scantily clad woman doing something
fuck off to

I take it you've never been around drunk people.

Nah. We just need women to stop acting like men and actually help out so we can all fucking relax.

I've gotten way too fucked up several times and I never did this shit.

Women are attention whores who always need to make a scene.

All studies are illegitmate because they ask numales.

>be a manly man whose high self-reliance leads him to work hard to provide for his family
>woman cucks him with BBC and takes the kids and house too
>contemplates suicide
No, it's the fault of "toxic" masculinity.

Thoughts of suicide happen realizing your a failure. Simple don't fail.

>Depressed people are lonely and have no one to rely on but themselves

Hmm really makes me think...

>getting that drunk
>not walking it off
>not chunking then getting in a fight to sober up
leave my country

>dad's taught them to be "tough" and to "be a man".

Honest to god, this whole "men don't talk about feelings" and "man up" is usually fed to us by our mothers and early educators, which are usually female, more so than our fathers (if we even had them).

It's true we all need help from time to time and we need people to depend on. Those people, however, should never, ever be women. You cannot depend on women whatsoever. Have friends, trust your friends, depend on your friends, be there for your friends. Never, ever trust a woman to be there for you. At best they're simply incompetent but most likely disloyal also.


wow, literally nothing

>people who hold themselves to good standards feel guilt upon not meeting those standards

Whoa, it's like men have moral integrity or something.

News at Five:

Life is difficult for men

You aren't a nip. There's nothing honourable about killing yourself when you can't handle living anymore. But with any luck you wont breed.

>is usually fed to us by our mothers and early educators

I think it's fed to us by women in general.
No girl wants to fuck a whiny man.

Yeah, I actually require lots of little girls to constantly hug, cuddle, and flirty flirt with me by saying how cool I am. They have to be preteens or younger so that the natural affection is there. Affection is actually really important and without it bad things happen. You don't want bad things to happen, do you?

>mothers and early educators, which are usually female
And people act shocked when boys achieve lower grades in school.

Then, after getting over their shock, they prescribe more feminism in schools.

Why would anyone want to be self reliant self starters when we could be half wasted dumpster sluts? Sounds like a great plan

correct. and if walking it off doesnt work, try driving

I moved out of home when I was 17, moved 3000km away from my hometown. I haven't relied on my family for nearly 10 years and the only reason I get depressed is because I can see the state of the world through the cloud of ignorance.

The """""men""""" in the study were probably from Sydney or lelbourne and therefore are not Australian.


Actually those fully grown women protecting drunk hoes is a type of mate gaurding. I could think of more stimulating outcomes.

>implying Sup Forums would tell their daughter with nice tits to be a man

It's a false causation attribution. The study's findings are correct, but the problem isn't that men want to be self-reliant. The problem is that the society cucks and feminazis have created punishes men for wanting to be self-reliant.

of course the SJW infested social studies departments of our universities will use this to declare that men have to deny their biological reality even harder.

The reality is that most men are not capable of being "self-reliant" in the way we mean. Those men WANT to be self-reliant, meaning detached from fulfillment of things that men cannot control. It is the betas that have suicidal thoughts because they are at the bottom of the food chain and can't get what they want yet cannot control.

Men Sent Their Own Way!

It is 100% learned by being around women. I had a very loving dad, and mother, and pretty much acted like a beta cuckold until about 16. My first girlfriend shit me out because I didnt fuck her, destroyed me emotionally. I had no idea what was wrong with me or why someone would hate me for being nice. My next girlfriend was older than me by a few years, but the damage done caused me to close off a bit from lack of understanding. I completely dominated her, fucked her a few times and got rid of her.

Anyone who actually deals with women, comes to this conclusion naturally. I never made any active decisions to start treating women like shit, I just happened to realise when I was angry and shit all over them they pretty much do whatever you want and stick around. When you care about them and want nothing but the best for them they turn on you and shit all over you.

I am sure not all women fall into this category, but so many of them do it produces alot of guys like me. I am now 33 and want to settle down, but I am having a hard time trusting women or even seeing them as breeding material. Women can fuck alot easier than I can, and I have fucked alot of women. The thought of some damaged cavernous whore makes me want to kill myself everything i think of the future.

Read the Way of Men.

Men who aren't self-reliant, despite being fully able-bodied are literally despised universally.

Women who aren't self-reliant will have no shortage of suitors offering to carry her groceries for her.

Maybe it's time for you to make me a sandwich. if you want to read the actual study


Ya, na

Fucking this. My dad was actually there to talk me through my emotions and shit. Most women in my life were the ones telling me to get over it, be a man, don't be a pussy, etc. I owe my dad a lot, certainly more than any of those cunts

Just another tactic aimed at turning men into compliant women.

You are an idiot, thats not booze. That is her smacking out from taking too many E's.

The fact that your generation cringes so much is what's cringey. Have a spine and stand out you pussy.

>Maybe it's time we start telling men that it's OK if their wife/gf is the breadwinner of the family.

Women are more likely to divorce you if they make more money than their spouse/possess a higher educational degrees

My dad mainly talked about the pleasures of older women and the different types of women there are.

My mother didn't marry him of course, because she said no.

6th grade comeback level comebacks always make me laugh

>Maybe is time to stop associating being tough and self reliant whit masculinity, wom
Women acting tough and self reliant are only emulating men. It does not come naturally.

Same here, if there was anyone on this planet I could tell anything to, or break down like a complete bitch in front of and have no worries it would be my dad. He would talk me through it, and wouldn't tell a soul. My mom would be patronizing then tell the whole fucking world about my problem just making it worse.

>getting loaded on drugs
>not puking then walking it off

>Self-reliant men forced to live in a nanny-state alongside parasites are suicidal

Color me all kinds of fucking shocked.

Fucking this

I've never:
>borrowed money
>asked for a ride
>needed help fixing anything
>needed a shoulder to cry on
People call me when they need shit handled.
That is the way it will always be, because I'm not a woman or a scared faggot.

>I think it's fed to us by women in general.

This. They claim they want us to talk about our emotions, but have nothing but scorn when we actually take them up on it. This betrayal then causes us to be even more wary of sharing our thoughts and feelings, as women scorn us for not being more open.


Last time I got drunk me and my pals got a jug of wine and took turns seeing how long we could continuously chug before we had to breathe, puked up a little pure wine (could have gone back in the jug and you never would have been able to tell the difference), slept on a burlap sack outside in 25 degree weather for about 3 hours, woke up and I was good to go. Had a beer, smoked a cigarette and spent the rest of my night enjoying myself.

I dont understand how women ALWAYS manage to go beyond their means on drugs. They always insist they can drink with the boys and end up crying.

>Women who aren't self-reliant will have no shortage of suitors offering to carry her groceries for her

Wouldn't imposing male standards on women eliminate this as society begins to scorn weakness in women, like they do with men?

Most people think theyre self-reliant but arent actually self reliant

>society is stronger than biology
libshit please go

Well no dude, no one is actually fully self-reliant, but some people at least try to be.

What if I'm a lumberjack living alone in the mountains of Alaska hunting to survive?

wtf I'm a woman now

Things aren't black and white you dumb cunt. Do you genuinely think biology is the only thing that drives us? If so, then I guess evolution went into overdrive this past century.

You sure are fuckin stupid

>At risk of being awesome!

got a sauce?


>Wouldn't imposing male standards on women
I wish I could live in fantasy land


>evolution is necessary
>improvements in nutrition and memetics dont provide a sufficient solution
Holy fuck youre dumb. In order for what you suggested to be the case, there has to be some agent of change. Men will not do this, women will not do this. Men will not abandon their instincts to provide for women, and women will not actually compel standards upon themselves. And lets pretend that they could or would for a second, it would require constant and omnipresent influence, because these are deeply woven instincts. Literally irrational to believe in.

Once again. Libshit pls go.

Fantastic rack

Maybe its about time those "self reliant" "males" killed themselves already.

Not real hermits.

The great legendary heroes of history and mythology were made great by the risk they took. They risked everything they had for the promise of everything they didn't have, the ultimate wager. Despite often getting help from others, Heroes, ALONE, often make one critical choice, one critical decision that makes or breaks them. Do I go fight the dragon of chaos and take his treasure? Or do I go home to the safety of the everyday?
Men who subscribe to this life of heroism end up with three outcomes. They become the hero, they become the villain, or they end up dead. Success is the only motherfucking option, failure is not.

Men are men because they succeed, AND they fail. Most importantly, they get back up after being knocked down, or go down fighting. Being a passive beta bitch will generally keep you from harm, but it guaranteed keep you from greatness. This study doesn't present anything that wasn't already known by men who choose to undertake the path to success, let the beta boys have their safe spaces, history belongs to the heroes.


I take it you're a western provinces leaf?

Your solutions have absolutely nothing to do with self reliance. Do you even know what that means? 0/10 thread.

>Success is the only motherfucking option, failure is not.
mom i love you but this trailer's got to go

The word "anome" comes to mind. The disparity between what you are and what society tells you you should be. This leads to suicide. Women aren't affected because they're social chameleons. Men are because we're the standard bearers of ideals and tradition. We want to live the old way in a new world. A new world that isn't necessarily better. We've strayed too far so many of us either want to die or make it burn.

Hey kiddo the D&D club is over at /tg/ you seem to be mistaken

You want to know what makes me want to suicide?
Hearing the average westernized woman talk, women like you, no joke.
It makes me lose hope in the future of my people and I can't help myself but to avoid it. There's no point, you just do not understand things the way I understand them, what is normal to you is not to me because we have different psychologies yet I am forced into your retarded matriarchy. If I were to talk I would tell you that I hate you and that what makes you happy makes me sad.

Ah fuck it's spelled ANOMIE.


You're a bona fide cuck mate. That defeatist attitude that men are chained to their inner nature is nothing more than an excuse from someone scared about societal change.

Stay at home dads have been persistently rising, as have men taking maternity leave and women becoming breadwinners. Your line of thinking that it will never self maintain, was said about women at work. I.e. that they would never be able to handle working in the city and would converge back to the home-maker lifestyle.

`10/10 would rape

Regardless of how fedora this post was, its accurate.

>help us out


me on the left



That shit is pushed almost exclusively by horrible single women who want their sons to grow up to be the man that left them.

REAL fathers teach their kids the importance of fraternity, and camaraderie. They teach them to be connected, and build friendships that will last forever (bros before hoes has a root in this).

They teach that a man finds a CONSTRUCTIVE way to vent his emotions that isn't a burden on others, and doesn't cause a scene.



I'm from Ontario but I'm not Anglo. My parents came here for a chance to give their children a better life, they didn't take a single fucking dollar from the government, they have everything they got from the work of their own hands. I'll be damned if I need some self important "expert","government stooge", or clique to tell me if I'm worth anything, if what I am doing is acceptable or right, I damn well better know these things MYSELF.
It also helps my parents came from a commie country, they have a deep distrust of government and ideologues that's rubbed off on me.

maybe its time we stop putting age restrictions on relationships. if you aren't in my relationship than you shouldn't have a say in it, with the sole exception of parents of someone in that relationship.

It's supposed to be like that OP. Weeds out those too pussy to be a man. If men weren't self reliant society would literally fall apart because most of the jobs that keep it ticking require self relience.

she's on molly, her core temperature is so high she's delirious and unable to control motor function, and they're just rubbing her arm and giving her water.

Welcome to poor life decisions.

> trusting the ((science establishment)))

serves you right

>Australian intellectuals