or did those cities disappear from firebombing?
If Hiroshima was actually nuked wouldn't the radiation make it impossible to repopulate?
or did those cities disappear from firebombing?
If Hiroshima was actually nuked wouldn't the radiation make it impossible to repopulate?
They are fake.
More jewish tricks...
its the perfect heist. "hey goy, this small country without a central bank is building NUCLEAR WEAPONS. TIME TO INVADE"
prove all the pictures and videos then
nuke radiation only lasts for so long. power plant cores that melt down are another story. radiation is way over hyped to control people..
they admit to editing nuclear footage heavily.
it could just be dynamite and scale models for the trees flying everywhere. footage of the bright light across the lanscape has been proven to be a sunset sped up and reversed
>If Hiroshima was actually nuked wouldn't the radiation make it impossible to repopulate?
Yes you retard, for a couple weeks. Learn what radioactive half-life is.
oh, you mean north korea?
Iraq has WMDs!!
Got any juicy sources?
then what's up with the norks right now? if nukes aren't real then why is everyone throwing a fit over them? lemme guess, it's all a jewish plan to invade and install a rosthchild bank there. same with iran, right?
I want to lick taytays armpits
could be a lot of things. The military industrial complex likes us to be right on the edge of our seats for war
>not knowing the difference between a nuclear weapon and an atomic bomb, which is what was used in Japan.
God, you people are fucking stupid.
No. The idea that "nukes = end of all life" was always just leftist propaganda.
it sure is an interesting question
How *CAN* you actually prove that something so technically complex works? How can it be verified?
I mean, it sure seems like nuclear REACTORS have been verified, but it's a lot harder to objectively prove that an explosion came from a nuclear source.
Wow uranium can hear water up.
> it's all a jewish plan to invade and install a rosthchild bank there. same with iran, right?
Pretty much
A nuclear weapon is not all that complex. Someone with good grades in STEM at high school level could understand the principles. The technical sides, however, are much more difficult.
It's not as simple as just causing a cascade, the difficulty arises from actually creating the materials required to create a nuke. They have to be manufactured, which happens to be a fairly complex and pretty expensive process.
Nukes aren't dangerous, nuclear reactors are dangerous.
North Korea and Iran WILL bend the knee to God Emperor Trump.
Why don't we build bigger planes that carry nuclear reactors instead of nuclear bombs?
Plus you don't lose time making the actual bomb and way more uranium.
>are nukes real
>nuclear power plants actually have giant coal plants beneath them
>nuclear subs are not real they just take all the money people pay for them and burn it
Shut up
Maybe if you forked over some gold we could trade... oh.. wait.. Canadian.. nevermind.
Reminder that design specifics for even our historical devices are still classified.
Reminder that (((Leo Szilard))) was ultimately responsible for the Manhattan Project and his avowed end goal was one world government.
Reminder that Leo Szilard claimed that he and the many Jewish-Hungarian geniuses of that era were actually Martians.
Now aside from this, my grandfather was stationed in Bikini Atoll and he claimed he saw the tests, so I personally have reason to believe they exist, even though grandfathers do lie to their grandchildren. For instance that user whose granddad had a German bloodgroup tattoo but claimed it was an Auschwitz tattoo. Many such cases.
>many Jewish-Hungarian geniuses of that era were actually Martians
Reminder that George Soros is one of these Martians.
nuclear energy getting jewd
Atomic bombings are fake history just like the lolocaust.
Hiroshima was a toy nuke.
Watch the Trinity documentary narrated by William Shatner and you will understand.
Lookout Mountain was infested with Satanists and started the hippie movement through front LA bands of the sixties
>are nukes real?
>or did those cities disappear from firebombing?
>If Hiroshima was actually nuked wouldn't the radiation make it impossible to repopulate?
no, the nukes dropped in Japan were some of our weaker ones,
for tiers of radiation, what can kill you typically lasts a few hours or a few weeks.
The radiation that can increase your risk of cancer over a few decades is probably still there, but most people claim that hiroshima/nagasaki are close to normal at this point.
feel free to tear apart my post and fearmonger
how is taylor so perfect it hurts my heart to know i'll never be able to do cuddlefuck her
How Can Nukes Be Real If Political Wiretapping Isn't Real?
meh he probably over dramatized it
If something is REALLY radioactive, it tends to have a really short half life. If it is safer, it tends to have a long ass half life. What part of the nuke are you worried about OP?
>when you dont understand something so it must be a conspiracy