We're about to defeat the wrong enemy again

We're about to defeat the wrong enemy again...

t. muhammed

Yup. Muslims are just pawns in our real enemy's game.

And I would press a button and genocide every Islamist today

Muslims have zero place in the west tho.

Islams have always been Christianity's allies. It was the Jews who started the Crusades and it was the Jews who forced the UK and France to try to occupy the Ottoman Empire.

The truth is that most non-African Muslims are Aryan, and therefore just as white as any European.

fuck off you islamic shills.

Muslims and Jews are working together behind the scenes.

Don't be fooled.

You fuck off, Mossad shill.

They are just two heads of the same snake

the world would be better off without either of them

Fuck circumcised people of any and all creeds

The Russians are strong and I respect them because they are strong where we have gotten weak. But they are an enemy, not a friend. We've become so weak we find ourselves attracted to the strength in our enemies. Enemies they remain.

We know muslims are dangerous for they do not bend the knee to our way of life while demanding to be part of it.

Fuck you, uncut and unclean. America forever

the fact that people want Islam gone doesnt mean they want you to survive Shlomo

Messed state of mind you have there...

What do kikes, muslims and americans have in common?

Saved. Meme for meme

I see that you've never heard of the EDL

What? Are you fucking retarded? We endured literally half a century of Islamic aggression before the First Crusade was launched.

The Jews are at fault for a lot of things. Our attempts at paralyzing the Islamic World are not among them.


>We're about to defeat the wrong enemy again...
You know how sometimes in video games how the level's boss has a bunch of minions that keep free-hitting you, and you want to finish the boss but you have to take care of the minions first? Well this is like that.


Radical wahhabist salafist Muslims = zionist allies who help the Jew create desirability, spread refugees, and empower Israel

Secular Arab nationalists = our allies. They don't want to spread Islam or refugees to the west, they want strong united Arab countries with strong borders and each nation to live within its borders. They are secular but nationalist and culturally godfearing, they respect Islam and Christianity, and want neither hardcore radical Islam or western atheist degeneracy.


Hey Plebbit, your autism is showing.

>implying we don't hate Muslims and Jews.

this picture speaks a thousand shekels
it screams we jews now

You really shouldnt say that

"We" as in the western world. Sorry taco but Americans are Westerners unlike your mongrel ass

jidf get out

(OP) #

Radical wahhabist salafist Muslims = zionist allies who help the Jew create instability, spread refugees, and empower Israel

Secular Arab nationalists = our allies. They don't want to spread Islam or refugees to the west, they want strong united Arab countries with strong borders and each nation to live within its borders. They are secular but nationalist and culturally godfearing, they respect Islam and Christianity, and want neither hardcore radical Islam or western atheist degeneracy.

Islam is a symptom, the Jew is the disease.

Close all borders and keep the fuckers in the middle east. let israel deal with their own pawns.
I woudnt say we jews but with the amount of shills here dont really know

Name 1 secular arab nation you fucking faggot

>they want strong united Arab countries
how is this good for the west? These countries are better off divided for our sake.
>they respect Islam
And the west also respects islam. Look at how great our tolerance of islam has benefited us.
>they don't want hardcore radical Islam
maybe not, but one day their grandchildren will pick up the quran, read between the lines and find the power of radicalism their ancestors once had.